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build me a star

Me and Sarah On the corner of 11th Street and Avenue B
Me and Sarah In front of the Life
Me, Sarah, Annie, and Elise At the Life Cafe
Joey Fatone "Joey!!! I want you to have my babies!!!" (November 7, 2002)
The Fat One Over the heads of the screaming girls... (November 7, 2002)
The Nederlander The home of RENT... (I live there, shhh)
Me, Elise, and Sarah (February 16, 2003)
Me and Jai and Sarah Jai's Last Show (February 16, 2003)
Me and Justin and Sarah (February 16, 2003)
Me and Karmine and Sarah (February 16, 2003)
Sarah, me, Sebastian, and Shannon He hugged me!!! (February 16, 2003)
We signed the Rent Wall!!! Right by the OBC... and Nicole Kidman!!! (February 16, 2003)
Shannon, Sarah, me, and Jillian In front of the Nederlander (February 16, 2003)
Shannon, Sarah, Elise, me, and Jillian Across the street from the Nederlander (Feb. 16)
Sarah, me, Elise, and Jillian Still on a Rent high (February 16, 2003)

Magnet Posse All us losers back at the beginning of the year
Sasha and Eric One of her many ex-boyfriends this year
Sasha and Joe Yet another one of her exes
Megan and Megan The votech Megans... but the blonde one left
Jeremy and Stacy Poor guy broke his arm
Josan and Nick (And Mr. Barlettano)
Me, Vinny, and Jennie Vinny is hot
Kyle The Tall Scary Black Man
Joseph Signorello III The Freshmen Class President
Matt Matt eating a lolly
Elise stealing Matt's lolly slurp.
Elise and Matt teehee
The Inside of Matt's Mouth You know you love it...
Elise, Matt, and Courtney Trying to get Court to look at the camera
Matt and Courtney and Elise Well at least she's smiling?
Matt and Courtney She finally let me take one...
Jennie and Elise I thought that was me at first, the hair confused me
Jona and Lem Piggy-backing down the hall
Matt We both reached for the camera...
Matt and Me Matt looks like a chicken
The Hairy One Boris doesn't want his picture taken
Boris gives in And that's not always a good thing
The Russian Romantico Still determined to break my camera...
Guy playing guitar
Elise and Jeremy Awww... cute pic
Elise, Pat, Matt... and a pumpkin Yeah okay, so I have weird friends
Boris looking semi-normal He wasn't expecting this one...
Pat's nose What it looks like from the bottom
Pat and Elise Awww, cuteness
Elise and Matt Matt screwing a pumpkin on Elise's ear
Elise Being the computer geek that she is
Becca and Elise Homework trade in the MMC...
Courtney and Steve Still don't want their picture taken...
John Roman Votech kids eat people
Elise and Sara Chillin' in the MMC
Steve and Matt It was the bunny!!! (Halloween 2002)
Courtney and Steve (Halloween 2002)
Sara, Courtney, and Jennie A farmer, a freak, and a devil (Halloween 2002)
Nick Anderson Isn't he cool?
Vinny Vinny looks hot as a punk (Halloween 2002)
Elise, Pat, and Matt Elise has blue lips (Halloween 2002)
Steve and Lindsey The Easter Bunny and Caution Tape Girl (Halloween 2002)
Matt on Halloween (Halloween 2002)
Stacy on PJ Day Isn't she adorable?
Elise and Miss Shah Our wonderful director
Matt and Elise And a banana...
Ashley and Josh In "The Pot Boiler"
Matt and Jill The amazing stagehands
The Magnet Drama Club Stole this one from yearbook... hehe
The Senior Class Stole this one from the yearbook too... but it's a good picture
The Magnet Yearbook Club Stole this one from there too...
Matt is gangsta Thuggin' by the MMC
Courtney Playing guitar in the hallway
Elise and Courtney
Jennie, Courtney, Becca, and Elise
Elise and Becca In the freshmen hallway
Kristen, Meagan, Elise, and Joe Just a couple more inches...
Kristen, Meagan, and Elise
Rachel, Pat, and Elise Pat is gangsta, yo
Jennie, Sara, and Elise
Jennie, Rachel, and Elise Sara turned into Rachel!!! eek
Nick and Steve Keker Rahway people rock
Joe Sig and Jennie Joe looks excited...
Mike Yang and Jennie Very cute pic
Ashley, Lindsey, and Jennie
Allie and Meagan Allie looks evil, as usual
Danny At Yearbook
Rachel, Elise, Courtney, and Jennie Becca took this picture
Megan and Dave Acting weird, as usual
Megan and Dave Trying to look normal
Megan, Dave and that other girl Whatshername, she's cool though
Dave and Elise My favorite faggot
Me and James At Jill's party (New Year's Eve 2003)
Matt, Katrina, Ashley, Elise, and Kyle Orgy on the bed
Orgy in Jill's basement (New Year's Eve 2003)
Pat with the Twins and the Cash At Jill's
Elise and Ashley Showing off their lovely tongues
Me, Elise, Ashley, and Katrina Jill's New Year's Eve Party
Me, Pat, and Elise Looking like incredible retards
NOSE RAPE!!! Megan and Dave being idiots, as usual
Megan Trying to give herself head
Megan and Dave My favorite Vo-Tech freaks
Stacy Stacy, aka "Asian"
Stacy, Mike, Kay, and Lem FOS is fun!!!
Me, Meagan, and KayKay Charlie's Angels!! (Don't know what Mr. Holton's doing here...)
Jona and Stacy Filipinos are cool
Josan and KayKay More Filipinos... lol
Allie Allie likes cookies
Allie really likes cookies Allie stuffing her face
Allie and Lem At lunch
Stacy and Keker Isn't Steve adorable?
Our cool exciting lunch table Even though some of those people don't usually sit here...
Teeheehee Courtney and Jennie giggling
Courtney, Elise, and Dave We sneaked him into Magnet... hahaha
Meagan and Dave "Model Girl"
Elise, Lindsey, and Dave STDs Forever!!!
Kevin They voted him "Biggest Flirt" for a reason...
Dave, Elise, Lindsey, and me The Three Disciples
Jennie On the stairs
Me, Jennie, Courtney, and Sara Mr. Mariano's room at lunch
Me and Courtney Trying to look intimidating...
Courtney raping Mr. Holton He asked for a copy of this picture...
Jennie and Courtney Still doesn't want her picture taken
Kevin and Jennie I can steal Jennie's pics too, hehe
Me and Meagan She IS blonde, no matter what she thinks
Me and Jill Pretending to be lesbians
James on Gofer Day He wanted me to post more pictures of him... teehee
Jay on Gofer Day Only at Magnet...
Vinny and Jennie Humping each other in math class
Elise and Matt Another cute pic
What's that red thing? Get your mind out of the gutter, it's a lacrosse stick, duh
Elise and Matt From the nose down
Elise, Jennie, and Joe
Vinny and Becca Becca's last day... but she came back
The Magnet posse All of us on Becca's last day
All the cool Magneteers The other half of the group
Boris short, hairy, and Russian...
Sara and Joe Sara looks likes she's being ass-raped
Brighton Beach Memoirs A video clip from the Magnet play
Joe and Elise They didn't know she was filming...
Elise Before the dance
Lauren Before the frosh dance
Joe Before the frosh dance
Lauren and Joe Before the frosh dance
Sasha, Steph, Elise, and Laura At the freshmen/votech dance
Brinda, Sasha, Stephanie, and Laura At the frosh dance
Elise and Lauren Cousins!!! (They have the same haircut now)
Brinda, Laura, Elise, Stephy, and Lauren After the frosh dance
This is why Angelfire sucks This is what happened when I tried to upload this
Elise With her sexy sexy haircut
What a dork She'll get mad at me for posting these
She looks like me here for some reason More like me than usual, that is

Mimi A drawing I did of Mimi from Rent
Light My Candle Another scene from Rent... I drew this one in Bio
Out Tonight Mimi again, I did this one in Algebra
Roger I drew this one to go with Mimi, and yes I know there is no couch in Rent
One Day I'll Fly Away One of the Moulin Rouge ones I drew at camp
This Story is About Love Another Moulin Rouge one from Ballibay

Alex and Elise G7 buddies
Alexandra Looking sleepy
Amanda, Erica, and Henrik Sexy Norwegian
Sara, Amanda, Henrik, and Erica At the Ice Cream Social
Sara, Amanda, Antonia, and Erica
Audra as Puck No, she doesn't usually do her make-up like this
Audra Doing her cow impression
Ballibay Ahh dammit I miss that place...
Hana and Elise Balli-twins
Elise, Audra, and Amanda Band Night
Bill, Derek Wood Swoon, and the Sexual Pie Kid Yes he did actually give himself head, he's a flexible little boy
CJ playing guitar The first one Elise developed herself
Corey from the nose down They thought this was artistic... actually I'm just a lousy photographer
Elise and Sonia Wearing her crazy blue eyeshadow
Elise and Audra Rocking out on Band Night
Elise and Canadian Ray What can I say, he's Canadian
Elise and Hana At the DJ Dance, dressed all cute and matching
Erica, Nicole, and Elise
Erin and Arleigh The funny thing is that Erin lives on Arleigh Rd... how ironic
G8 cabin picture Our lovely cabin picture... damn I miss you girls
Gavin gazing into Audra's eyes Just another perverted 12-year-old
Gavin, Elise, and Erica With stickers on their foreheads
Audra, Amanda, Erica, Sara, and Nicole Chillin' at the Camp Store
Greg and Antonia In the Dining Hall
Hana and Audra At the DJ Dance
Jason and Hana Photographing each other
Kelsey and Hana Harriet about to die Pullman Car Hiawatha
Hana Another pic Elise took for photography
Jason and Adam At the DJ Dance
Amanda, Audra, Gavin, Lauren, and Hana At the Ice Cream Social
Jason Another artistic one Elise took
Sarah and Kelsey They're the ones who introduced me to Rent, blame them
The kittens The cute fuzzy things that live by the office
Sonia playing with the kittens In other words, twisting them into weird shapes and giggling
JT and Kristi About to start making out again... Corey's just sitting there, and Peter's about to dump water on them
Kristi and JT At the Camp Store
Lauren and Elise
Lauren, Hana, and Elise In the Camp Store
Arleigh, Sammi, and Erica Last day of camp... getting ready to leave ::sniff sniff::
Me in PCH Dressed as a flamboyantly gay male railway worker
Me, Corey, Nick, and Sonia At the Ice Cream Social
Nick playing chess Or actually, watching the game
Nick and Lincoln Up by the Jannone's house
Gabby, Andrew, Elise, Lauren, Kelly, Teale, and Sammi On the hill

Julie and Elise French people rock
Me and Julie Summer-ness...
Ayca and Kadir Aren't they cute...
Emir, Ayca, Elise, Burcin, and Irem Chillin' on the bench
Irem, Elise, Burcin, and Ayca Behind the gazino
Elise, Ozlem, Ayca, and Betsi At Ceren's party, hanging out on the roof
Me, Julie, Busra, and Elise At a restaurant in Guzel Yali