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Justin's Homepage




A day in the life of Lonestar

June 18, 2003

I just got a BIG part of my project here at work to run correctly. This is exciting in and of itself, but this is also something that my boss was working on sice before I got here. An I figured it out in less than a day of working on it. HA! Take it all! Yea, YOU LIKE THAT, DON'T YOU?!?! *insert crazy hip thrusting here*

I apologize for the vulgar nature of my celebration. I would say that I don't mean it, but I don't think anyone else can get as excited about programming as I do. That and I am a pervert.

June 17, 2003

Today during breakfast my dad told me that, if I want to, I could be one of Argonne's representitives for their International Student Exchange Program to Germany. Well, they also send students to France and Japan, but those labs only take Nuclear Engineering students. I'm excited for the chance to spend 2-3 months Germany and do the study abroad thing that I never did in college. But I have to be honest with myself. 2-3 months in Germany? With real Germans? WTF?

June 12, 2003

I know I haven't posted anything lately -- I'm sorry!! Work has not only been busy, but I've actually been accomplishing things, so the days have been packed and gone by quickly. Also, I've been trying to get a lot done because I have missed/am going to miss some time at work, and I don't want my boss thinking I'm completely slacking off. Don't worry though -- if you know me at all, you know that my work ethic cannot be sustained for long; that means soon I will have plenty of time for learning more html/javascript stuff and updating this page more often.

That leads me to my next point. What the hell was I thinking when I decided to get a PhD? I mean, yes I enjoy my work, and yes I would love to either be a professor or be that unemplyed guy with a PhD who can't get a job because he's overqualified. My problem with it is that I have to write a dissertation. This is a friggen book written to explain what's supposed to be two years of full time research. I have trouble envisioning working on one problem for more than five minutes, let alone two years. That, and when my advisor reads through the final draft of my dissertation, he'll realize the bulk of it is plagerized Dave Barry columns and blonde jokes.

June 4, 2003

As you can see, I've changed the way the page looks a little. However, I haven't really changed anything IN my page, so don't expect too much just yet. I'm hoping to add a pictures section, so feel free to send me pictures to post up in this biatch. Besides that, heading back to Aurora for the weekend, and I may be sailing with Pete and Kyle -- definitely fun stuff.

Wasting time this afternoon (per government policy, I assure you), I went to my usual web comic pages, and I was damn excited to see the Fruit Fucker 2000 on Penny Arcade. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out the original comic they posted. I was rolling when I first read it, but that's probably just because I think the word fuck is funny.

May 29, 2003

For those of you who don't know, I've started working here at Argonne. That would be out in Chicago, so any of you who want to take a road trip, come on out! This summer I'm working for the Math and Computer Science (MCS) division. Basically, I think my project is working the the next super-computer, which they want to run at a peta-flop. Which is 10^15. Translation for those of you who aren't computer people: really fucking fast. However, I'm not REALLY sure what I'm working on. Right now I'm just trying to get my feet wet with the programming and stuff. In addition to my project being pretty cool, I'm really excited to be able to program and run simulations on some pretty kick-ass linux clusters. There's just something sexy about knowing that the programs you're running are being run on 512 computers in parallel.

May 28, 2003

WOOHOO! I finally made a home page. Althought it is nothing to be too proud of just yet, I'm still happy i've finally gotten around to (kind of) learning html. Yesterday I just fought with angelfire's default layout so that the huge-ass frame they add on the left side of the page is hidden. Anyway, feel free to look around my extremely sparse webpage. The only real feature I've added is the Links section to point you to some of the places where I waste my time.

Moment of Zen

"German, it's basically like English. English, you know, spoken by a monster, underwater, into a walkie-talkie."

--Tycho of Penny-Arcade after his trip to Munich.

"Well, there's some concern Jon. If you're in Toronto, you're in your 80's and you've had a history of respiratory problems, then yeah, I'd make my peace with the Lord before I licked any door handles. But short of that in Toronto, not much to worry about. Or do for that matter!"

--Stephen Colbert talking to Jon Stewart about the SARS outbreak in Toronto.