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     Welcome to my realm, Kye's Realm! A home page completed with simplicity as its theme for easy, fast, and instant access. The main purpose of this 'link' is to ease distribution of new and related items such as images, videos, games and so on. All done by people you know, knew and maybe some you don't know at all. Of course, credits will be given to the author and some may even receive accolades or panegyrics. Still images can be found in Digi-Images. This link contains a cornucopia of digital works of art which also includes scanned masterpieces, updated weekly. If still images bore you, then Digi-Videos could be one of those certain elements which possesses the quality to bring out your zest. Besides that, interactivity is involved as always in the Entertainment link. Or if poetry is your kind of entertainment, try the Literature link, where personifications and metaphors live. Other links will be added soon. Until then, please help promulgate this home page. I'm utterly zonked thinking and typing everything...

     Hari Carnival was a blast!


4:15 PM 7/24/2003
Added message forum. I hope it works...
5:30 PM 7/15/2003
Bazli Pong Ver1.0 uploaded!
2:45 PM 7/14/2003
Two new pictures added to the image section. Check it out!

Copyright © 2003 Kye Silvermoon