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Joes Page

This page is dedicated to the man who we call T.

In case you don't know the T. himself, let me tell tell you  a thing or two about him.

Things that are true in T.'s world

T. is on the basketball team T. thinks he is good at baseball T.'s best friend is Julie R and Katelyn L
T. has many friends T. can hook up with many girls, but doesn't want to T. thinks standing behind a girl counts as talking to her
T. can beat anyone in a spelling Bee (see below) T.'s house is worth $400,000 (see below) T. is 5"7' good looking and muscular and 140
T.'s shagon wagon has a corvette engine in it T.'s pizza is delicious  T.'s uncle and grandma won the lottery
T. has tons of money T. is going to get the coolest hatch back ever T.'s Italian leather couches are worth $4,000
If a girl says hi back on IM, she's your best friend T. is the most popular kid in Central T. will whoop your ass

(The PIMP's lair)


We took the pleasure of asking the big man himself some questions.  T. is Italian slugger, I am Amy.

Here are some highlights


A m Y 9764: i wish i had a ferrari there my favorite
italianslugger77: hey there my favorite to
italianslugger77: there the best
italianslugger77: when i become rich i am definityly buying one

A m Y 9764: how are you going to get rich
italianslugger77: dont no 
italianslugger77: prolly do something bro
italianslugger77: maybe baseball
italianslugger77: cause thats what i am best at

A m Y 9764: but r u on the basketball team
A m Y 9764: i think i saw you with them once
italianslugger77: yea
A m Y 9764: r u on 1st string
italianslugger77: no
A m Y 9764: do u get in a lot
italianslugger77: at the end


A m Y 9764: who was your last gf
italianslugger77: dont no her she went back to califonia
italianslugger77: "u wouldn't" 


A m Y 9764: did u fuck ehr
A m Y 9764: her**
italianslugger77: nah
italianslugger77: got to 3rd though
italianslugger77: she would of let me but she moved
A m Y 9764: did u eat her out
italianslugger77: yea


A m Y 9764: do u hook up with a lot of girls
italianslugger77: not really like i can but i dont
A m Y 9764: do u like anybody right now
italianslugger77: some girls but i wouldnt go out with them cause they have a bitchy attitude
A m Y 9764: what are their names
italianslugger77: theres a lot
italianslugger77: heather cappano
italianslugger77: hadeer
A m Y 9764: whats her last name
italianslugger77: elcoly
italianslugger77: but shes still cool
italianslugger77: but when she gets mad
A m Y 9764: so what girls do u hang around with
italianslugger77: deseria demar
italianslugger77: ummm...
A m Y 9764: sorry i dont know her
italianslugger77: brittlyn Gautter
italianslugger77: I dont really hang out with this girl
italianslugger77: but really good friends
italianslugger77: julie rox
italianslugger77: i'll prolly take a shower now
italianslugger77: and get dressed
italianslugger77: and just make a couple of calls
A m Y 9764: do u like anybody right now
italianslugger77: some girls but i wouldnt go out with them cause they have a bitchy attitude
italianslugger77: just to let u no i am not ignoring u its just that i am on the phone with dell trying to turn off the fire wall



Did I mention that Joe is a world class speller?

italianslugger77: thats like the bessed way to do ur hair

italianslugger77: brittlyn Gautter

italianslugger77: especially when he gets his liceneds                                          

italianslugger77: elcoly

italianslugger77: u have like burnet hair




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