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Welcome to Jeff Hardyz website

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Hey welcome to jeff hardyz website this website will be mostly about him maybe a little bit about team xtreme idk yet my name iz lindsay and i'm new to this i've loved jeff hardy since i was 4 yrs. old. and you will read updates on him whenever i get the chance to fill ya in!well this past monday nit jeff shocked us all and beat a member of 3-minute warning in two minutes! maybe he's feelin lucky and comin on to a winnin streak!?! his dog,black dog [got love the name so original], just had puppies and was also kidnapped by what they think! So that meens Jeff,Beth[g.f] and the dady dog liger hav to raise the pups the dogs name are whitey[girl],brownie[girl],and lil man[boy] and that's all we hav on his pups.If you havn't noticed Jeff has great hip dents!!!!!well g2g fill u in lata peace out. ~~*LINDSAY*~~