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Welcome to Bane's Web Page

May 7th 2003

Who is Bane? Well Bane is just a hardcore gammer who wants to someday make his own video games, not by himself of course but for a company. My favorite games are MMORPG's, Asheron's Call is my favorite and Anarchy Online was pretty good too when you could tollerate the bugs.

I also like XBox, which is the greatest gamming system in the world. For all you PS2 fags out there who disagree look at the facts before you shoot off your mouth. Of course most you PS2 fans don't understand prossessor speeds and video speeds so you probably still will agrue.

I'm going to try and add walkthroughs, hints, and strategies for my favorite games but be patient cause I don't have alot of time. I also plan to express my opions on matters here, politcal, social, or just plan stupid. Just keep in mind that they are only opions and I don't need e-mails if you disagree.


Offical XBox Site
Maggie's Asheron's Call site (BEST!)
Google Search


© Copyright 2003, Bane, All Rights Reserved.