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Experience In Animation

During this project I learned many things.Like how to make designs in Blob Sculptor. I also learned how to convert them to Pov Ray. From there I learned how to make the picts the way I wanted. I learned how to change the view to get a different perspective of the design. I learned how to make animations from the picts that I made fom Pov Ray. All I did to do this project was make my picts from Blob Sculptor. Form there I converted the picts into Pov Ray. From there I turned the picts into the way I wanted. After that I made the picts into a sliedshow in Gif Builder. After that I adjusted the speed therefor making it a animation. Afterthat I made a html page to further customise my project by making the page the way I want it. After that I made a big pict for my big pic. Then I got the falling html and used it so that I could make falling animations. After that I used the I Movie program the make a slideshow with some music. After I finished i copied the movie file from the documents folder and put it were the other movie icon was. I checked my spelling and hardwraped my work. I fixed any errors I had.
