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With the release of their latest demo entitled "The Sulit Sessions", DownStream is ready to take on New York City. With gigs filling up their schedule for 2004, they'll play a few gigs starting in the fall to get back in the groove and then tear it up in the new year. Many shows will be played in Boston in the coming year as well. DownStream looks forward to playing at the Middle East, After Hours, and more. They are still in the writing process but everyone should look forward to new material at the shows to come. They will be playing with such bands as Leaving Kinzley and Simple View. Check the site or call Bob for info on upcoming shows or if you want a copy of "the Sulit Sessions". DownStream looks forward to seeing everybody again, and welcomes new fans. Come ready to rock. If you would like to be on the Downstream mailing list just email us with your email adress, or leave it in the guestbook.

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