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Frank & Melinda

Here it is! Read it for yourself!

DISCLAIMER: This is a NEWS event, I am reporting this as news, not as hearsay or gossip, but as actual and factual events.

Session Start: Mon Mar 24 19:22:56 2003
Session Ident: ^Tessa_Vickers^
[19:22] Session Ident: ^Tessa_Vickers^ (
[19:22] <^Tessa_Vickers^> Sorry thom and I were having a discussion
[19:23] <^Tessa_Vickers^> Switching to your server
[19:24] <^Tessa_Vickers^> are you still at the store?
[19:25] <^Alex_Masters^> Hi there.
[19:26] <^Alex_Masters^> A discussion as in a debate or just a good discussion?
[19:26] <^Alex_Masters^> I was putting clothes together for the washing machine.
[19:27] <^Tessa_Vickers^> he's going to be staying with crissy while you and are out of town
[19:27] * ^Alex_Masters^ lifts a brow.
[19:28] <^Tessa_Vickers^> yeah
[19:28] <^Alex_Masters^> He is?
[19:28] <^Tessa_Vickers^> movie marathons
[19:28] <^Tessa_Vickers^> they are gonna watch lots of movies and if he falls asleep there, I'm not supposed to worry
[19:28] <^Alex_Masters^> Ok. I have to ask, how are you feeling about that?
[19:29] <^Tessa_Vickers^> about ready to split his head open ::winks::
[19:29] <^Alex_Masters^> Thus why he wanted to know if we had a hotel already.
[19:29] <^Tessa_Vickers^> most likely
[19:29] <^Alex_Masters^> I had a feeling this might happen.
[19:29] <^Tessa_Vickers^> it was the "if you can't reach me when you try to call" speech
[19:30] <^Alex_Masters^> That is like, I just hope you're ok.
[19:30] <^Tessa_Vickers^> fine, he may be bloody when you meet him though ::winks::
[19:31] <^Alex_Masters^> LOL
[19:31] <^Tessa_Vickers^> brb, do going nuts, someone at door
[19:31] <^Alex_Masters^> Ok.
[19:31] <^Alex_Masters^> I'll be here.
[19:39] <^Tessa_Vickers^> someone trying to sell me something
[19:39] * ^Tessa_Vickers^ rolls her eyes
[19:39] <^Tessa_Vickers^> how was your day love?
[19:39] <^Alex_Masters^> Just what you needed.
[19:39] <^Alex_Masters^> Mine was pretty good.
[19:39] <^Tessa_Vickers^> that's good
[19:39] <^Tessa_Vickers^> so deb is all set now?
[19:39] <^Alex_Masters^> I'm doing a load of laundry tonight. Then will be packing.
[19:40] <^Alex_Masters^> No, Deb didn't get the email until tonight. Despite that she didn't go into work at 1 pm today.
[19:40] <^Alex_Masters^> She got it tonight, so I'll have to take her shopping in the morning.
[19:40] <^Alex_Masters^> I leave at 2 PM for the Twin Cities.
[19:40] <^Alex_Masters^> She wasn't too happy when she got it.
[19:40] * ^Tessa_Vickers^ grins
[19:40] <^Tessa_Vickers^> i'm sure she's not
[19:41] <^Alex_Masters^> I did tell her before I got the tickets.
[19:41] <^Tessa_Vickers^> she probably expected you to forget about the trip
[19:41] <^Alex_Masters^> I gave her dates when she told me she didn't want me to go.
[19:41] * ^Tessa_Vickers^ grins
[19:41] <^Tessa_Vickers^> you sound like you're grasping straws, she's not your mother or your wife love...
[19:41] <^Tessa_Vickers^> you don't have to defend yourself
[19:42] <^Alex_Masters^> Oh I know that I don't. I think I was fair about it.
[19:42] * ^Tessa_Vickers^ smiles
[19:42] <^Tessa_Vickers^> so she's pouting now?
[19:42] <^Alex_Masters^> She was. She told me when I see the vortex to fall in it.
[19:43] <^Alex_Masters^> But in all honesty, she isn't my wife or my mother.
[19:43] <^Tessa_Vickers^> she told you to fall in it?
[19:43] <^Tessa_Vickers^> ye gods
[19:44] <^Tessa_Vickers^> she is pissy
[19:44] <^Alex_Masters^> Yep. But it's more like a feeling you get at them.
[19:44] <^Alex_Masters^> It's not like a swirling something or other.
[19:44] <^Tessa_Vickers^> lolol
[19:44] <^Tessa_Vickers^> I'm sorry
[19:44] <^Alex_Masters^> It's alright.
[19:44] <^Tessa_Vickers^> but it's kinda funny on my end here
[19:44] <^Tessa_Vickers^> I love ya though
[19:44] <^Alex_Masters^> I know you do. It is funny.
[19:45] * ^Tessa_Vickers^ just shakes her head
[19:45] <^Tessa_Vickers^> so she's not being nice hmmm?
[19:45] <^Tessa_Vickers^> there goes your "before trip" sex
[19:45] <^Tessa_Vickers^> lol
[19:45] <^Alex_Masters^> LOL
[19:45] <^Alex_Masters^> You know what that means then don't you?
[19:45] <^Tessa_Vickers^> you're gonna be whinning really nice for me on wednesday
[19:46] <^Alex_Masters^> And how....and begging and pleading....
[19:46] <^Alex_Masters^> You're going to love it aren't you?
[19:46] <^Tessa_Vickers^> yep yep
[19:47] * ^Tessa_Vickers^ pouts
[19:47] <^Tessa_Vickers^> I broke a nail today
[19:47] <^Alex_Masters^> Not another one.
[19:47] <^Tessa_Vickers^> and then I went to an interview...only I had to reschedule it cause they were running behind
[19:47] <^Tessa_Vickers^> so I have to go again tomorrow
[19:47] <^Alex_Masters^> Oh dam. I hate when that happens.
[19:47] <^Tessa_Vickers^> and I have to remember to get the hotel key tomorrow
[19:47] <^Alex_Masters^> That's right.
[19:47] * ^Alex_Masters^ smiles.
[19:48] <^Tessa_Vickers^> so has she sent nyssa to ya to make you miserable for going yet?
[19:48] <^Alex_Masters^> No she is keeping it quiet from Nyssa.
[19:49] <^Alex_Masters^> I'm sure Nyssa will put her shots in tomorrow.
[19:49] <^Tessa_Vickers^> lol
[19:49] <^Tessa_Vickers^> most likely
[19:49] <^Tessa_Vickers^> packed yet?
[19:49] <^Alex_Masters^> No I haven't yet.
[19:49] <^Alex_Masters^> I just have things set aside that need to be packed.
[19:49] <^Alex_Masters^> I don't have all that much too pack.
[19:50] <^Alex_Masters^> About 7 shirts, 4 pair of shorts, two jeans, two casual pants, socks.
[19:51] <^Alex_Masters^> #Alexs_home
[19:51] <^Tessa_Vickers^> sorry, thom nabbed me
[19:51] <^Alex_Masters^> He nabbed you. In a good way?
[19:51] <^Tessa_Vickers^> nah, wanted to talk
[19:51] <^Tessa_Vickers^> I told him about the "fall in the vortex"
[19:51] <^Alex_Masters^> What did he say?
[19:51] <^Tessa_Vickers^> he says he wants to know what she's gonna do if I succeed in talking you into moving out here
[19:52] <^Tessa_Vickers^> he rolled his eyes and did his "deb needs to get a life" routine
[19:53] <^Alex_Masters^> She does need to get a life.
[19:53] * ^Alex_Masters^ grins.
[19:53] <^Alex_Masters^> So he wants you to convince me hmmm?
[19:54] <^LadyJacqueline^> he sounds like he's already convinced you are gonna be moving
[19:55] * ^Alex_Masters^ chuckles.
[19:56] <^Alex_Masters^> Well cool beans.
[19:58] <^Alex_Masters^> You know it's going to be nice having all that freedom from Nyssa.
[19:58] * ^LadyJacqueline^ laughs
[20:01] <^LadyJacqueline^> spent 1739nps, got: Yellow Grarrl Morphing Potion, a icy snowball, and 1689 Neopoints!!!
[20:02] <^LadyJacqueline^> roll how good he was able to sit ::grins::
[20:02] * ^Alex_Masters^ grins.
[20:02] <^LadyJacqueline^> cause jax would know the
[20:02] <^Alex_Masters^> 72
[20:02] <^Alex_Masters^> So not too good.
[20:02] * ^LadyJacqueline^ laughs
[20:03] * ^Alex_Masters^ grins.
[20:03] <^Alex_Masters^> Yep, that works perfect.
[20:09] <^Alex_Masters^> Oh by the way for that quest.
[20:09] <^Alex_Masters^> You suck, but I still love you.
[20:10] <^LadyJacqueline^> lol
[20:10] * ^LadyJacqueline^ blows kisses
[20:12] * ^Alex_Masters^ grins.
[20:12] <^Alex_Masters^> Hot towels to put on his ass hmmm?
[20:14] * ^LadyJacqueline^ blows kisses
[20:15] <^Alex_Masters^> Oh you are giving him lots of shit.
[20:18] <^Alex_Masters^> I caught that one. I was even proud of me with that.
[20:20] <^LadyJacqueline^> yes dear, that was a good catch
[20:22] <^Alex_Masters^> You almost snuck it by me.
[20:22] <^Alex_Masters^> I was typing and all of a sudden it was like. Hey...wait a minute.
[20:26] <^LadyJacqueline^> 5,480,158 NP [20:26] <^Alex_Masters^> You need 20 k to be at your five.five million mark.
[20:27] * ^LadyJacqueline^ grins
[20:27] <^LadyJacqueline^> I might sell off some of my collection, just to do it
[20:27] * ^LadyJacqueline^ grins
[20:27] <^LadyJacqueline^> we'll see
[20:27] <^LadyJacqueline^> i still have a day and a half
[20:27] <^Alex_Masters^> LOL
[20:27] <^Alex_Masters^> I see how you are about that.
[20:31] <^LadyJacqueline^> that's monica's problem
[20:31] <^Alex_Masters^> Oh no. Monica and Jax plotting.
[20:37] <^Alex_Masters^> I hope you can meet me inside the airport.
[20:39] <^LadyJacqueline^> Me too
[20:39] <^LadyJacqueline^> If not, I'll be waiting at the closest point I can to your just head out like you would to leave... If they stop me, odds are it will be at the metal detectors
[20:41] <^LadyJacqueline^> brb cig
[20:43] * ^Alex_Masters^ nods.
[20:44] <^Alex_Masters^> Cool beans. It's going to be fun finally seeing you.
[20:56] * ^LadyJacqueline^ grins
[20:57] <^LadyJacqueline^> have you broken or worn out anything yet in your excitement?
[20:57] <^Alex_Masters^> No I haven't. I'll have to give it a rest tomorrow too won't I?
[20:58] <^LadyJacqueline^> lol
[20:58] * ^Alex_Masters^ grins.
[20:59] <^Alex_Masters^> I'm really going to be whimpering.
[21:01] * ^LadyJacqueline^ grins, nods and smiles
[21:01] <^Alex_Masters^> See you do love that idea.
[21:02] * ^LadyJacqueline^ winks
[21:03] <^Alex_Masters^> I know I'm going to be begging...I just know it now.
[21:07] <^Alex_Masters^> I figure with the hotels, dinner and such I have about 600 dollars to play with while I'm there.
[21:07] * ^LadyJacqueline^ grins
[21:07] <^Alex_Masters^> That should be enough won't it?
[21:07] <^LadyJacqueline^> that's alot of money love...
[21:08] <^LadyJacqueline^> it should be more than enough...between the two hotels I think we spent about 450...that's only 225 each
[21:08] <^Alex_Masters^> That's cool. We'll be more then good.
[21:16] <^Alex_Masters^> I had this nice long post and I did a /mn insted of a /me and it tossed it.
[21:17] <^LadyJacqueline^> lolol
[21:17] <^Alex_Masters^> I hate when that happens.
[21:17] * ^Alex_Masters^ grins.
[21:17] <^Alex_Masters^> Just a day and a half.
[21:17] <^Alex_Masters^> So tell me how did Thom come about telling you he was staying at Crissys?
[21:19] <^LadyJacqueline^> he asked me if I'd take movies from home with us when we take the portable dvd player with us out of that he could use the blockbuster account thingy we have while we're gone...and then worked his way into it with that
[21:20] <^LadyJacqueline^> we have "unlimited rentals" two at a time...for like 20 a month or something like that, it comes out of my checking account... No due limitations other than you can only take two at a time
[21:21] <^Alex_Masters^> From there it came up into the movie marathons. I imagine that shocked you a bit.
[21:23] <^LadyJacqueline^> yeah
[21:24] <^Alex_Masters^> I'm sorry about that.
[21:24] <^Alex_Masters^> I love ya though.
[21:25] * ^LadyJacqueline^ shrugs
[21:25] <^LadyJacqueline^> I should of expected it
[21:26] <^LadyJacqueline^> I rolled, and the dice said "Hurt him"!!!!
[21:26] <^LadyJacqueline^> lol
[21:26] <^Alex_Masters^> LOL
[21:26] * ^Alex_Masters^ blows kisses.
[21:26] <^Alex_Masters^> Love ya for it.
[21:27] <^LadyJacqueline^> yeah right
[21:27] * ^LadyJacqueline^ laughs
[21:28] <^Alex_Masters^> I'm going to be the really big guy carrying a blue duffle bag.
[21:28] * ^Alex_Masters^ grins.
[21:28] <^Alex_Masters^> or is that duffel I think it is duffel
[21:29] <^LadyJacqueline^> lol
[21:29] <^LadyJacqueline^> you've seen pics of me
[21:29] * ^LadyJacqueline^ grins
[21:29] <^LadyJacqueline^> I'll be the one in the black patent leather boots, wearing a short skirt
[21:30] <^Alex_Masters^> Yes I have. Boots and short skirt.
[21:30] <^Alex_Masters^> Oh you are going to go right for making me plead off the get go.
[21:33] * ^LadyJacqueline^ smiles sweetly
[21:34] <^Alex_Masters^> I see that smile.
[21:35] <^LadyJacqueline^> don't you remember, skirt up around my waist the whole drive back to the hotel?
[21:37] <^Alex_Masters^> How could I ever forget that. I hadn't realized that boots were going to be involved too.
[21:38] <^Alex_Masters^> You're going to have me a very massive quivering, pleading amount of Frank here.
[21:39] * ^LadyJacqueline^ grins and smiles
[21:42] <^Alex_Masters^> Yep, yep. Are the four of us doing a movie on Friday night?
[21:42] <^Alex_Masters^> After laser tag?
[21:43] <^LadyJacqueline^> they game
[21:43] <^LadyJacqueline^> he wants to do it Tuesday during the day
[21:44] <^Alex_Masters^> Cool beans.
[21:44] <^Alex_Masters^> That's fine by me.
[21:45] <^Alex_Masters^> So I won't be seeing too much of Thom will I?
[21:45] <^LadyJacqueline^> most likely not
[21:45] <^LadyJacqueline^> sorry about that love
[21:46] <^Alex_Masters^> It's alright.
[21:47] <^Alex_Masters^> I'll pester him from time to time when he's on the puter.
[21:47] * ^Alex_Masters^ winks.
[21:47] <^Alex_Masters^> I'll poke my head in and say Hey Thom.
[21:47] <^LadyJacqueline^> lol
[21:47] <^LadyJacqueline^> he'll be in your room doing it during the day
[21:48] * ^Alex_Masters^ grins.
[21:48] <^LadyJacqueline^> i told him no later than 9:30 though, cause we need to get sleep
[21:48] <^Alex_Masters^> Yep, yep.
[21:51] <^LadyJacqueline^> i got cut, did you get my last post?
[21:51] <^Alex_Masters^> I got the last post.
[21:51] <^Alex_Masters^> Let me give you mine.
[21:51] <^LadyJacqueline^> k
[21:52] <^Alex_Masters^> Going to switch to you.
[21:52] <^LadyJacqueline^> k
[21:53] <^Alex_Masters^> brb
[21:56] <^Alex_Masters^> So in the mornings I'll run with you to take the boys to school.
[21:56] <^Alex_Masters^> Is that cool with you?
[21:56] <^Alex_Masters^> Can keep you company that way.
[21:57] * ^LadyJacqueline^ grins
[21:57] <^LadyJacqueline^> I had kinda hoped you would...
[21:57] * ^Alex_Masters^ smiles...
[21:57] <^LadyJacqueline^> brb, thom wants me to get him something "quick" to eat
[21:57] <^Alex_Masters^> I had been planning on it...
[21:57] <^LadyJacqueline^> and this time I'm prepared, went to the store
[21:58] <^Alex_Masters^> Cool beans.
[21:58] <^Alex_Masters^> See how good you are.
[22:08] <^Alex_Masters^> Tossed a load of laundry in the dryer.
[22:08] <^Alex_Masters^> Then tossed in my underwear.
[22:08] * ^LadyJacqueline^ grins
[22:09] <^LadyJacqueline^> clean undies are good
[22:09] * ^LadyJacqueline^ gives him an evil grin
[22:09] <^LadyJacqueline^> no undies are better, less laundry
[22:09] <^Alex_Masters^> LOL
[22:09] <^Alex_Masters^> I figured I'd pack them.
[22:09] <^Alex_Masters^> Doesn't mean I'll necessarily be wearing them.
[22:10] <^LadyJacqueline^> lol
[22:10] <^LadyJacqueline^> careful of zippers then
[22:10] * ^Alex_Masters^ grins.
[22:11] <^Alex_Masters^> Yep, yep.
[22:28] <^Alex_Masters^> Did you want me to become Lucius for that part of it?
[22:28] <^LadyJacqueline^> yeah, we can switch to the haven
[22:28] <^Alex_Masters^> Sounds cool.
[22:29] <^Alex_Masters^> Yeah Jax has got to be pissed if she is leaving him alone there.
[22:29] <^LadyJacqueline^> bound and alone, yeah
[22:31] <^Alex_Masters^> Carol emailed me wanting to know if Pizza was cool tomorrow night. I said yep, yep.
[22:32] * ^LadyJacqueline^ grins
[22:32] <^Alex_Masters^> She and Terry want to watch Bond with me tomorrow night too. Terry used to play James Bond with me.
[22:33] <^LadyJacqueline^> lol
[22:33] <^LadyJacqueline^> you're gonna be soooo tired in the morning
[22:34] <^Alex_Masters^> Oh just a bit. But I'll be pumped up thinking about meeting ya.
[22:42] <^Alex_Masters^> Sorry I changed the cat litter. Cause if I didn't, it wouldn't happen.
[22:42] <^Alex_Masters^> Luckily I've taken to this new cat pretty good so I don't mind.
[22:43] <^LadyJacqueline^> tjat
[22:43] <^LadyJacqueline^> that's fine even
[22:43] <^LadyJacqueline^> lol
[22:44] * ^Alex_Masters^ grins.
[22:46] <^Alex_Masters^> I'm in a good mood.
[22:46] <^LadyJacqueline^> lol
[22:46] <^LadyJacqueline^> that's cause you're almost here
[22:46] <^Alex_Masters^> Precisely. See how good you are.
[22:47] <^Alex_Masters^> Haven and I become Lucius.
[22:47] <^LadyJacqueline^> yep yep
[22:47] <^Lucius^> Here we go
[22:48] <^LadyJacqueline^> there we go
[22:48] <^Lucius^> You beat me to it.
[22:48] <^LadyJacqueline^> yep yep
[22:53] <^Lucius^> We had to make it good for Gunthar. ::winks::
[22:53] <^LadyJacqueline^> lol
[22:56] <^LadyJacqueline^> you do realize noone fed him...he hasn't been visited, nothing
[22:56] <^Lucius^> Thank you for bringing that up.
[22:56] * ^LadyJacqueline^ winks
[22:58] <^Lucius^> Hungry, thirsty, wants to bathe.
[22:58] <^LadyJacqueline^> wants to go potty
[22:58] * ^LadyJacqueline^ laughs
[22:59] <^Lucius^> Yes, he does at that too.
[22:59] <^Lucius^> Though as a roman that might not matter.
[22:59] <^LadyJacqueline^> true, which means he has a mess to clean
[23:00] * ^Lucius^ grins.
[23:00] <^Lucius^> Ick.
[23:02] <^Lucius^> Ok, he was too proud to do that.
[23:09] <^Lucius^> God the cat was being a pain.
[23:09] <^Lucius^> She was chewing on my mouse.
[23:09] <^LadyJacqueline^> that's fine love
[23:09] * ^LadyJacqueline^ grins
[23:09] <^Lucius^> Wrong mouse lola
[23:13] <^Lucius^> It's nice I don't have to go to Allan Heating and Cooling tomorrow.
[23:13] <^Lucius^> I can kind of clean up my desk and office space a bit. The cat has tossed so many things on the floor.
[23:13] <^LadyJacqueline^> lol
[23:17] <^Lucius^> I know that is a tmi post.
[23:17] <^Lucius^> Sorry.
[23:25] <^Lucius^> Oh I'll need to put my pet on vacation.
[23:26] * ^LadyJacqueline^ nods
[23:26] <^LadyJacqueline^> or it will be really hungry
[23:27] <^Lucius^> Yep, yep.
[23:27] <^Lucius^> I need to definately do that.
[23:38] <^Lucius^> brb tossing laundry in dryer.
[23:39] <^LadyJacqueline^> will grab cig
[23:43] <^Lucius^> Cool beans.
[00:02] <^LadyJacqueline^> yeah I know, if looks could kill jax would drop dead from the look lucius is gonna give her, right?
[00:02] * ^LadyJacqueline^ winks
[00:03] <^Lucius^> That's right.
[00:03] <^Lucius^> But Max is loving her for it.
[00:11] <^Lucius^> You got me good on that one.
[00:11] * ^LadyJacqueline^ blows kisses
[00:11] * ^Lucius^ grins.
[00:11] <^Lucius^> Max was going to say the same thing.
[00:11] * ^Lucius^ grins.
[00:13] <^Lucius^> So what time do you have to interview tomorrow?
[00:14] <^LadyJacqueline^> 3pm
[00:14] <^Lucius^> Oh cool, then you have the classes tomorrow night.
[00:15] <^LadyJacqueline^> yep yep
[00:16] <^Lucius^> Then you get to come to the airport and pick me up.
[00:17] <^Lucius^> This is so cool that it's coming.
[00:17] <^Lucius^> Going to email Brett and tell him I'm actually there when I get there?
[00:18] * ^LadyJacqueline^ laughs
[00:18] <^LadyJacqueline^> most likely
[00:18] <^Lucius^> He'll say about time or something along those lines.
[00:19] * ^LadyJacqueline^ laughs
[00:19] <^LadyJacqueline^> probably
[00:21] <^Lucius^> So what time do we get up with the boys to take them to school?
[00:22] <^Lucius^> Just think I get to fully appreciate what your day is like too.
[00:22] <^LadyJacqueline^> 6:45 or when I get up
[00:22] <^LadyJacqueline^> I get them up between 7 and 7:30
[00:22] <^Lucius^> What time do we head out the door then?
[00:22] <^LadyJacqueline^> depending on how hard it was to get them to bed the night before
[00:22] <^LadyJacqueline^> 810
[00:22] <^LadyJacqueline^> 8:10 even
[00:22] <^Lucius^> How long does it take to get there?
[00:23] <^Lucius^> Four minutes to snowager
[00:23] <^LadyJacqueline^> oh thank you for the reminder
[00:23] <^LadyJacqueline^> 20 minutes
[00:24] <^Lucius^> 20 minutes?
[00:24] <^Lucius^> I got 12:24 on my clock.
[00:25] <^LadyJacqueline^> race to riches scratchcard
[00:25] <^LadyJacqueline^> no, it takes 20 minutes to get there
[00:26] * ^Lucius^ slaps his head.
[00:26] <^Lucius^> Ok, get with the program Frank
[00:27] <^Lucius^> Yellow mynci plushie
[00:29] <^LadyJacqueline^> dang, that's good
[00:29] <^LadyJacqueline^> it keeps giving you plushies, me scratchcards
[00:29] <^Lucius^> I noticed that.
[00:29] <^Lucius^> The yellow Mynci Plushie isn't worth that much.
[00:30] <^LadyJacqueline^> no?
[00:30] <^Lucius^> Deb and Nyssa usually get moans, sleeping or icy blast
[00:32] <^Lucius^> It's worth about 250 np
[00:32] * ^LadyJacqueline^ grins
[00:33] <^LadyJacqueline^> sorry love
[00:33] <^LadyJacqueline^> mine is worth 999
[00:33] <^Lucius^> That's alright. I love getting plushies.
[00:33] <^Lucius^> Scratch cards are good.
[00:39] <^Lucius^> brb potty
[00:39] <^LadyJacqueline^> sounds good
[00:39] <^LadyJacqueline^> will grab a pepsi
[00:42] <^Lucius^> Back
[00:50] <^Lucius^> I don't believe that any of them ever asked her that before.
[00:51] <^Lucius^> Hey in a few you know what it's going to be?
[00:51] <^LadyJacqueline^> lol
[00:51] <^LadyJacqueline^> midnight?
[00:51] <^Lucius^> Ummm hmmm and with can say....
[00:52] <^LadyJacqueline^> 1 more day
[00:53] <^Lucius^> Yes!
[00:53] <^Lucius^> I am still so excited.
[00:53] <^Lucius^> Not quite bouncing off the walls yet.
[00:54] <^Lucius^> Oh maybe I am come to think of it.
[00:55] * ^LadyJacqueline^ laughs
[00:58] <^LadyJacqueline^> 5,563,854 NP (I couldn't wait...)
[00:58] <^Lucius^> LOL
[00:59] <^Lucius^> I'm arriving at Gate 26 in Phoenix
[00:59] <^LadyJacqueline^> which terminal?
[00:59] <^LadyJacqueline^> lol
[01:01] <^LadyJacqueline^> I can get it
[01:06] <^LadyJacqueline^> sorry, shaun wrote asking about dinner
[01:06] <^LadyJacqueline^> I told him next tuesday, april 1st...and it was here, not going out
[01:07] <^Lucius^> Cool beans.
[01:08] <^Lucius^> It's Terminal 3
[01:08] <^Lucius^> Gate 26
[01:10] <^LadyJacqueline^> then I'm definately going to have to go early, that's one of the ones they are checking
[01:10] <^LadyJacqueline^> they are checking 3 and 4...leaving 2 be, and one is closed
[01:10] * ^Lucius^ grins.
[01:10] <^Lucius^> Don't let Thom molest you up too much so your sleepy.
[01:10] * ^Lucius^ winks.
[01:10] <^LadyJacqueline^> lol
[01:11] <^Lucius^> I think thats what we'll call it. Not wake you up, molest you up
[01:11] <^LadyJacqueline^> lol
[01:13] <^LadyJacqueline^> brb potty
[01:14] <^Lucius^> No problem love.
[01:14] <^Lucius^> My goodness it's just after midnite for you.
[01:14] <^Lucius^> By the way I rolled it. Gunthar is going to kill him. 88
[01:14] <^Lucius^> He's just a little pissed.
[01:16] <^Lucius^> Oh and we noticed that she calls this Malcolms room now.
[01:20] * ^LadyJacqueline^ laughs
[01:25] <^Lucius^> This is so cool. Flying in, I'm going to love it.
[01:25] * ^LadyJacqueline^ laughs
[01:26] <^LadyJacqueline^> you're bouncing aren't ya?
[01:26] <^LadyJacqueline^> spent 995 and got: Hammy Cheese Wedge, a magical snowball, and 1825 Neopoints
[01:26] * ^LadyJacqueline^ giggles
[01:27] <^Lucius^> You bet I am. I've wanted to meet you for so long, and here it's going to happen.
[01:27] <^Lucius^> Oh you suck.
[01:27] <^Lucius^> I love ya, but you suck.
[01:28] <^LadyJacqueline^> ummm hmmmm
[01:28] <^Lucius^> You're going to show me how good Saturday right?
[01:29] * ^LadyJacqueline^ winks
[01:29] <^LadyJacqueline^> if you are a good child
[01:29] <^Lucius^> I am a good child...I am.
[01:30] <^LadyJacqueline^> lolol
[01:30] * ^Lucius^ grins.
[01:31] <^Lucius^> Just think when I get to put your choker on you.
[01:31] <^Lucius^> Yep, yep.
[01:32] * ^LadyJacqueline^ grins
[01:32] <^LadyJacqueline^> the one you can't pack til the last minute
[01:32] <^Lucius^> Thats right, although all that stuff is going to be in a black bag.
[01:33] <^LadyJacqueline^> a black bag?
[01:33] <^Lucius^> A black plastic shopping bag.
[01:33] <^LadyJacqueline^> lol
[01:33] <^Lucius^> It blends in with the bottom pretty well
[01:34] <^LadyJacqueline^> make sure that stuff is put in the suitcase and not in your carry on
[01:34] <^Lucius^> Exactly.
[01:34] <^Lucius^> I'm not planning on taking a carry on.
[01:34] <^LadyJacqueline^> cool
[01:35] <^Lucius^> Just toss it all in the duffel bag, it's big enough I'm realizing this.
[01:35] <^LadyJacqueline^> you have a lock for your bag, right?
[01:35] <^Lucius^> Dang. No I don't. I can get one tomorrow.
[01:35] <^LadyJacqueline^> I seriously would
[01:36] <^LadyJacqueline^> let me know when you need to go to bed
[01:36] <^LadyJacqueline^> you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow
[01:36] <^Lucius^> No problem.
[01:36] <^Lucius^> I know I do, but not too bad.
[01:36] <^Lucius^> How about if at 1 your time we call it?
[01:36] <^Lucius^> I had fun with you tonight by the way.
[01:37] <^LadyJacqueline^> sounds good love
[01:37] <^LadyJacqueline^> I just don't want to wear you out and have you sleepy while driving
[01:37] <^Lucius^> I know. I appreciate that. I get to sleep in a bit tomorrow.
[01:37] <^Lucius^> I don't have to get up early.
[01:38] <^LadyJacqueline^> shopping?
[01:38] <^Lucius^> That I'll do about noon with her.
[01:39] <^LadyJacqueline^> lol
[01:39] <^LadyJacqueline^> shoot for 11, that way if she tries to drag it out, you're not running late and forget anything
[01:39] * ^LadyJacqueline^ winks
[01:40] <^Lucius^> LOL So true.
[01:40] <^Lucius^> I'm carrying the clothes up with me when I go to bed. I can fold and pack a bunch of them now then.
[01:41] <^LadyJacqueline^> one of the witchs quotes: I must remember to have my spare broomstick mended.
[01:41] <^LadyJacqueline^> that sounds good love
[01:41] <^Lucius^> LOL
[01:41] <^Lucius^> I get a kick out of that witch.
[01:41] <^Lucius^> She is something else.
[01:42] <^Lucius^> I definately am going with the comfort type thingy here.
[01:42] <^LadyJacqueline^> that's cool
[01:42] <^LadyJacqueline^> darling, thom wears sweats all the time
[01:42] <^LadyJacqueline^> trust me
[01:43] <^Lucius^> That's one thing I'm not bringing.
[01:43] <^Lucius^> I'm thinking that it's going to be like mega warm there.
[01:44] * ^LadyJacqueline^ nods
[01:44] <^LadyJacqueline^> wed: hi 86, lo 49 thurs: hi 80, lo 46 friday hi 75, lo 45
[01:44] <^Lucius^> Oh lovely temps.
[01:45] <^LadyJacqueline^> the only days that will be "cool" is saturday, and that's cause we'll be up north
[01:45] * ^Lucius^ nods.
[01:45] <^Lucius^> I'm bringing my flannel shirt with cause it's light weight.
[01:45] <^LadyJacqueline^> that's cool
[01:46] <^Lucius^> That's what I figured. It'll be cool.
[01:50] <^Lucius^> That Jacuzzi is going to be nice.
[01:54] <^Lucius^> Thom still PCing it?
[01:54] <^LadyJacqueline^> yes the jacuzzi is going to be wonderful
[01:54] <^LadyJacqueline^> yes he is on the pc with crissy
[01:55] * ^Lucius^ grins.
[01:55] <^Lucius^> Did you have fun tonight? Jax got to pick on people.
[01:55] <^LadyJacqueline^> yep yep
[01:55] * ^LadyJacqueline^ grins
[01:55] <^LadyJacqueline^> and we didn't do anything to make you frustrated
[01:55] <^LadyJacqueline^> and jax behaved....alex was all naked and she didn't touch him once
[01:55] * ^LadyJacqueline^ smiles sweetly
[01:55] <^LadyJacqueline^> let him worry about that...
[01:56] <^Lucius^> Oh yeah. Oh yeah.
[01:56] <^Lucius^> He'll be all nice and worried, before he actually dies.
[01:57] <^Lucius^> Going back to the frustrated're saving it up. I know this. ::winks::
[01:57] <^LadyJacqueline^> lol
[01:57] <^LadyJacqueline^> okay, it's 1 now
[01:57] <^LadyJacqueline^> which means, sweet dreams dear
[01:57] * ^LadyJacqueline^ blows kisses
[01:57] * ^Lucius^ blows kisses back.
[01:57] <^Lucius^> I'll call you tomorrow night.
[01:58] <^LadyJacqueline^> don't forget to let me know you made it to your friend's alright...either a call or email
[01:58] <^Lucius^> I'll send an email.
[01:58] <^Lucius^> That way you get it.
[01:58] <^LadyJacqueline^> yeah, that way you dont' charge long distancve
[01:58] * ^LadyJacqueline^ winks
[01:58] * ^Lucius^ grins.
[01:58] <^Lucius^> Goodnight love.
[01:58] <^LadyJacqueline^> good night darling
[01:58] <^Lucius^> I'll be seeing you Wednesday.
[01:58] <^LadyJacqueline^> yep yep
[01:58] <^LadyJacqueline^> bright and early
[01:58] <^Lucius^> About time.
[01:58] * ^Lucius^ winks.
[01:58] No such nickname/channel
Session Close: Tue Mar 25 01:58:48 2003