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        There isn't too much to say. To start off with, my name is Daniela Boyd, and I'm 17. I am currently in 11th grade, at Bridgeport International Academy, and am Graduating in June.

   I am originally from South America, Uruguay, where I was born and raised. I am the child of Steve and Colleen Boyd, both American citizens. I came to be in South America because my Dad was a missionary there, and my mom accompanied him. There they lived for 20 years, and just recently we moved to the US, along with my two siblings: Micah (15), who is a current Freshman at BIA, and Hannah (13), who will be attending BIA in August 2003.

   I have many hobbies... them ranging from sports, computers (more specifically the internet), writing, reading, listening to music and doing some crafts here and there. Sports-wise, I like extreme sports-- I have tried bunji jumping, snowboarding, rollerblading, gymnastics and jumping off a bridge (into a lake that is)... my next goal is skydiving.

   I speak 3 languages, them being English (really?), Spanish and German. I attended a German School in Uruguay until my 8th grade (10 years), and studied it one last year at the Goethe Institute.

   I have my own web page. If you want you can visit it-- it's a little more complete on referral to myself.

   You can click here to see some pictures of me and my family.