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§ãRäH'Ž PäGê

Hëy! †han× 4 ¢omïn 2 m¥ pªge - hØpe Ú LÎke i†. Ya'll like my music? 50 cent, Nelly, and Eminem r sooooo cute!!!! But neway I can't believe its almost July!!!!!! I can't wait till the 4th cuz I get 2 c my bf!!!!! He's so cute! And my bday is on the 10th but I can't have a party cuz my mom said I can't. It sucks - but ya this is boring. I'm gonna go now - I got a date wit the sun. Well talk to ya'll ltr! Bubyez! ×°›§ÄRÃh‹°×

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