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The First Triumvirate


Marcus Cicero, 2 years ago reached the peak of his political career when he took office as a consul. He used all of his skills as an orator to take his job all the way up to the top of the magistracy. His opponent was the ruthless aristocrat Lucius Catilina, who tryed to assasinate Cicero in his conspiracy to over throw the government. Pompey, returning from his successful campaign in the east, created the first triumvirate (a three man ruled party). Cicero, Caesar and Crassus were the leaders. As there power grew and they took new lands, they became wealthy and looked for more power. In 54 b.c the death of Julia, Caesar's daughter weakened the triumvirate, and in the following year the triumvirate broke up, because of the death of Crassus. The senate started to turn against Caesar because Pompey was brainwashing them, since Caesar was the only political rival left. As Caesar rapidly advanced to Rome, Pompey ran to Greece where he trained a new army. Caesar soon became dictator of Rome. After all the fighting was eventually said and done and Pompey was no more, Caesar was killed in an assasination made by the senate under a statue of Pompey, because his power was becoming out of control.