Bring on the Pain

The words of, My best friend telling me, What he and my ex-girlfriend, Did while we were going out, I HATE IT, It makes me want to force, My fist into his face, As much as it hurt me, I can’t believe, She did that, I can’t believe, He did that, I can’t believe, I defended her, That almost hurt, As much as how, It felt to her, That mother fucking; Bitch ass whore, Can’t stop hurting me, But I don’t care anymore, All I have to say is, Bring on the PAIN, Because it wont ever stop, If I could go, Back In time, I would have either, Dumped her, Earlier or, Never have gone, Out with her, Now I say that, I should’ve listened, To everyone else, And not have, Gone out with, Her or, Broken Up, With her, But, He’ll go out with her, Then I’ll say that, I hope she doesn't, Do that to him. But deep down inside, I’ll be hoping it happens, To him so I can say, Now you know all the shit, That I went through, And then I’ll say, That’s what you get, For doing that shit, To me, Ha Ha Ha, Now you’re, The one with, The shit inside, Ha Ha Ha, Now your the, One who is, Confused as hell, Of what to do, Ha Ha Ha, Now you know, How you made, Me feel, And I hope, It happens to, Both of you, So you feel, The pain you two, Caused me, Then I would say, “Ha Ha Ha, Fuck the both, Of you, So now, You know that, What comes around, Goes around”, And maybe if, You could go, Back in time, You would’ve, Done things different, Just as I would, Have done if I could, Then maybe things, Would be different, But they aren't. So either way, You or I want it, It won’t change, And the pain, You two caused, Will never change, So I can still, Only say, Bring on the PAIN.