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boy robot

[these songs were made in february 2003. right click the link to save it to your computer. sounds best with media player]

::: christmas in canada (860kb) - spoken word behind music
::: instrumental (1.17MB) - instrumental
::: drunk kid catholic (4.70MB) - a cover of drunk kid catholic, by bright eyes

[march 2003]

::: a waste of time (925kb) - a song i made in 5 minutes. spoken word.
::: play by play (2.50MB) - my friend eric commenting on a pornographic movie. soft guitar is recorded on top of that.
::: robot on the town (1.50MB) - a soothing song about a robot
::: he will think and he will do (2.10MB) - soothing, to say the least. i chant.
::: blank (1.40MB) - it is not
::: ships (754kb) - listen
::: that a boy (1.20MB) - i dont listen to what they say
::: winter came (1.50MB) - a song even your mother could dance to

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