Sleepy Hollow the movie was boring to me the first time I watched it in the theaters. Sleepy Hollow did seem more interesting to me when at school, because when you get to watch a movie at school, instead of a lecture it seems like a treat and I seem to enjoy it more. The plot of the movie seemed attractive at first, but in the end the movie made me feel sorry for myself for watching the first hour and half of the movie. There is a mysterious headless horseman that is killing all these people, in the town of Sleepy Hollow. The headless horseman doesn’t just kill his victims he takes their heads away when the headless horseman kills them. This seemed very weird and makes the watcher fascinated. The watcher starts thinking there must be some super natural reason for a dead warrior to come back to life and start killing again. You think even harder when you find out the headless horseman is not just killing random people, but in a methodic order. In the end of the movie you find out who is behind the headless horseman, and it’s not the devil or some ghost that is just pissed off. The being that controls the headless horseman is a human being. It is the wife to the richest man in Sleepy Hollow. She controls the headless horseman for money. She decides instead of using a gun that she will dig up a dangerous warriors skeleton and steal his skull, and use magic to control him. When I found this out I was very disappointed, and thought the scriptwriters of this movie should never work again in Hollywood. I have seen worse movies, but what makes this movie so bad, is that they had a great idea and ruined it with a lame ending.
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