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Azn Analogies: (note: some of these generalize and are stereotypical not all of members of these groups have these qualities. but they are still funny)

1) white ppl:beer as asian ppl:______

2) black ppl: fried chicken as asian ppl:_______

3) white ppl: ford explorer/cadillacs as asian ppl:_______

4) black ppl: lugz: as asians:___________

5 ) black ppl: south pole/ rocawear / ecko  as asians:________

6)  white ppl: ralph's as asians:______

7) white ppl: people magazine as azns:__________

8) black ppl: rap as azns:______

9) black ppl: allen iverson as asians:___________

10) white ppl: the sopranos as asians:______

11) white ppl: half-life as asians:___

12) white ppl: friutcake like azns:________

13) gay ppl: aids as azns:_____

14) white ppl: starbucks as azns:________

15) white ppl go to florida for vacation as azns:________

16) black ppl: afros as azns:____

17) bill clinton: porno collection as azns:_______

18) white ppl: crack as azns:______

19) old ppl: seat covers as azns:_______

20) mexicans: gardeners as azns:_______


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