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~~~If you are over wieght and hate your self because of it don't go anerexic or belemic, you can end up killing yourself. Go to your docter, ask him what the best diet for you will be, don't go on a diet without going to your doctor first. Some diets will tell you to stop eating certain kinds of foods and really thats the kind of food you need the most. Everybodys bodys are different, the diet theat is healthy for your friend may not be for you.

~~~Cutters, I know how you feel, I have spoken to many people who do cut themselves. It is not heathy for you, it may make you feel strong, but really it is making you weeker, talk to your parents about it, they will help you get through this tuff time in your life.

~~~Depresion, I also know how you feel, because I am depressed also, you feel like nobody cares about you, you feel your unwanted and invissible. I am trying to get out of depression now that I have realized I am in it. Instead of saying to yourself, "I am invisible nobody cares about me" Say, "I am loved, people love me and care for me."

~~~"Perfect people" your not perfect, nobody is. You are the reson so many people are suffering, you make there life a living nighmere. Before you go and tell somebody all the fals stop and think of yours you will find tuns, and if you don't find any come to me, I'll help you out.

