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"I woke up this morning not knowing who or where I was. That good pain right there in my head where it always seems to be. I never want it to go away, this pain is intriguing in many ways. It trys your body and mind dealing with pain all the time. If your body is used to pain then nothing can hurt it." Aaron sits there digging into his left hand with his right hands fingernails. "Many people don't think that i'll make it this time. People don't know whats going on in this head of mine. I want to hurt people, even if its me."

"Why is it after my neck injury no one thinks I will be anything? Why must they be so cold to me...why are they such assholes. No one knows what goes on in my life, so why should they label me a has-been and a never-was. When they don't even know what kind of life I have lived and am living. It pisses me off for the fact that people pass judgement before they can see what you do. Like that cold hearted bastard Rufus Frost. He said it won't be the first time that I've gotten beat by a girl. Heh, I'll show you and the world about what I can do. I've got who, Angel Dawson...women wrestler in New Era Wrestling, went through it before. Maybe I can learn something off her..heh."

With that there's a knock at the door. I walk over and open it up, standing there is Katie Winter with a small tape recorder in her hand. "Hi, Aaron is it?" I just simply nod, hoping to blow her off. I honestly don't care to talk to her. "Do you have a moment?" she semi-politely asks. I respond in my normal harsh tone, "No, actually I don't." She act like she turns away, then throws her hand up into the door and lets herself in under my arm. "Fucking women..." I say to myself as she makes herself comfortable. She states, "I heard that." "And I don't care if you did." She shuts up for the meantime while I throw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

She gets right into blurting questions at me as soon as I walk back into the room. "How do you feel about being hired by New Era Wrestling?" I respond, "I could care less if iI was here or not, they picked me up because I guess they thought I have talent." She looks down at a pad she had pulled out, "So, Mr. Declan, can I call you aaron?" I simply nod, wanting her out of my life for right now. "Wow, those are some big arms you have there.." She states. I reply to her, "Did you come here to ask me questions or to hit on me?" "Both." I almost scream out, "For fuck's sake..get out." She says, "I'm not moving until i get finished. Fine, don't move." I pick up my jacket and leave the room with her still sitting there. I can hear her just as I leave the room, "I'm staying!"

I half stumble down the hallway, my headache begining to kick in once again. I don't intend to but my body is thrown against the wall. I slide down it, giving up to the pain. I fall and faint right there, in the middle of the hallway. When I wake up again, I am not in the hallway of the hotel room. I'm in a totally pitch black room, not even a light far away.

I voice comes from all around, I was unable to find out exactly where it came from. You know what you must do Aaron. You know that I am in you. Aaron, don't fight know you want me out. We both know it. I try to fight it, trying to block it out, covering my ears, he was still there. I scream out into the blackness, "NO! I WONT GIVE IN TO YOU!" This voice sounded very familiar, although I couldn't put an exact face to it. Aaron, remember back at your 15th birthday. Remember your parents, slain, killed by the hands of a bloody murderer. Don't even joke yourself, you know what you would do if you ever found whoever did this. You KNOW that you would let ME out then. I calm down, I stand there and listen to this "thing" that speaks like it knows me.

Remember Aaron? I know you do, hahahha. You were so heart torn, you couldn't stand the fact that your parents had "left" you. You just don't realize that they didn't "leave" you. They were taken from you. With brute force for a few dollars in their pockets. Aaron, that pain that can cripple you..fuels me into a rage that cannot be stopped. You need me, admit it. With your neck and all, you need me, someone who thrives off pain. LET ME OUT!

"What makes you think that I will ever let you out? What you never gripped onto was the fact that i know that my parents were slain. You don't know the fact that I don't care about you anymore. You were in my head from the begining, possesing me to do things against my will that I would have never done. Why now, why when I am happy with something that im doing? Why can't you just stay back in your little hole inside my head? Why wont you just die?"

If I died Aaron, who would take care of you? Who would be there for you to talk to you in your sleep? Who would be there to change your mindframe on life? Aaron, face it you need me. If you didn't want me here then you could've destroyed me long, long ago. If you didn't want me? Why do you seem to come to me when you are angry. You think you can control my agression in your mindframe. You'll end up sending yourself into a crazed frenzy.

"I would rather send myself to a mental institution then give into you. You are a sick freak of a man that doesn't deserve to even taste the wonders of this world. Why so vain? Why do you want to hurt people? I'm not like that, so why don't you stop, leave me alone."

I thought you'd say that. Well if you wont give into me, then let me take it by force

With that some force hits aaron like a freight train knocking him out in this blackness. The evil laugh of whoever it was echos through Aaron mind. The last thing that he remembers, were the words, "Say Hi to mom for me." Aaron snaps back to life, middle of the hallway. A cold sweat had come over him during this period of unconciousness.

I'm not going to blabble on and on about how I'm going to beat her. I know that I will and that's all that matters. Hell, maybe I wont. I don't honestly care if I win or lose. You the people will never let it go if I lose. So why should I? I'm not laying down for anyone or anything this time around. Never more, will I be called Aaron Declan the wannabe. Now I will destroy whatever's in my path. Past behind me...I am Aaron Declan.