Wolfpit Cemetery

Bethel, Connecticut

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View of Wolfpit

Wolfpit Cemetery is located on Sunset Hill Road off Route 58, in Bethel, Connecticut. It was established in 1825 and appears to still be in use. The left side of the cemetery is primarily memorials from the 1800s, while the right side accommodates the more recently deceased. Many families are interred there, with numerous stones for members of the Hoyt, Mead and Morgan families. Wolfpit also features many infant/child burials.

Estimated number of interments, as of January 2024: at least 276.

Photos were taken 4 March 2021.

Wolfpit gate

A view of Wolfpit Cemetery at the gate.

Lucy Mead

"Lucy A.

wife of Samuel Mead,

died May 17, 1882

aged 60 y'rs..."

(The remainder is illegible.)

Our Annie

"Our Annie

Safe in Heaven."

Annie Laurie Smith,

daughter of Henry & Nellie A. Smith,

who died 27 July 1872, age 11 months.

William Andrews

"William H. son of

Charles C. & Sarah M. Andrews

died Nov. 25, 1854

AE 4 mo's & 11 d's

Too pure for earth,

Too much (?) for Heaven"

Emeline Shepard

"Emeline A. daughter of

Hiram H. & Susan Shepard.

Died June 6, 1857

AE 1 y'r & 9 mo."

Georgie & Fidelia Mead

The children of Ralph & Delia Mead.

Left: "Little Georgie", died Sept. 17, 1865,

age 14 months.

Right: "Little Fidelia", died July 20, 1866,

age 9 months and 21 days.

Ralph Mead

"Ralph Mead

Co. G. 23rd Inf.

Conn. Vols.

Died Sept. 1, 1909."

Mead was 83 years old.

Debs & Nellie Myers

"Debs Myers


Oct. 22, 1911 - Feb. 2, 1971

He was born with a gift for laughter

and a sense that the world was mad"

"Nellie Myers

Aug. 20, 1912 - Mar. 27, 1978"


Two obelisks at Wolfpit,

for Morgan (left) and Drew.

View from left front

View of Wolfpit, from the front left.

Wolfpit sign

Sign on the gate at Wolfpit.

All photos copyright by the author, 2021. Not to be used or reproduced without permission.

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