Trumbull Burial Ground 1730

(Unity Burial Ground)

Trumbull, Connecticut

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Trumbull Burial Ground, also known as Unity Burial Ground, is located on Unity Road in Trumbull, Connecticut, just down the street from Nichols Farms Burial Ground (1806). It was established in 1730 and you can still find that many stones date back to the 1740s. The inscriptions still employ the Old English spellings, and many refer to Trumbull as "North Stratford." There are quite a few members of the Beach, Booth, Hawley and Nichols families interred within, as well as several Revolutionary War veterans.

Estimated number of interments, as of January 2024: at least 189.

Photos taken 23 October 2008 and 2 July 2010.

Trumbull Burial Ground

A view of Trumbull Burial Ground, from the front right corner


"Here lyes Buried ye Body of

Capt. JOSEPH NICHOLS, who Departed this Life

Sep.t ye 17th Anno Dom 1742 in ye

59th Year of his Age."


"Here lyes ye body of Mr. ABRAHAM HAWLEY;

Who Died April ye 10th AD 1743.

in ye 24th Year of his Age"


"Deac'n THOMAS PEET of North Stratford

The Kings Postrider for 32 Years

who departed this life

Oct.r ye (the) 12th AD 1760

in the 63rd Year of His Age."

Replaced 1981.


"Here lyes Buried the Body of


Merchant of North Stratford;

Who departed this Life Decem.r ye 2 1767

in ye 30th Year of his Age."

Hawley owned and operated the family grist mill and served during the French and Indian War.


"This monument was erected by the Church & Society of NORTH STRATFORD, out of respect to the memory of the Rev'd JAMES BEEBEE, A.M. who departed this life Septem'r 8th 1785 in the 68th year of his age. He was ordained to the work of the Ministry over said Church and Society May 6, 1747. And continued therein a faithful Pastor 38 years. Original stone replaced by Trumbull Cong. Church & Society August 25, 1939"

Beebe served as an Army Chaplain in the 3rd Regiment raised in the Colony of Connecticut (March 1760) during the French and Indian War. Beebe also served in the local militia for eight months during the Revolution. His eldest son, James, was a Captain in the Continental Army and wintered with George Washington at the Valley Forge encampment.


"In memory of Mr. ABEL BEACH who died Nov.r 8th 1800 in the 57th year of his age.

Reader behold as you pass by

As you are now so once was I

As I am now so you must be

Prepare for Death and follow me."



Died Sept. 24, 1850 Ae 30 y'rs

"As for man his days are as grass.""

All photos copyright by the author, 2009. Not to be used or reproduced without permission.

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