Milford Cemetery

Milford, Connecticut

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A group of settlers, led by Reverend Peter Prudden, established Milford in 1639. Until 1676, all burials were interred in the garden of Rev. Prudden. In 1676, a formal burying ground was established, incorporating the original parcel. (The Reverend is among those interred in here, having died in 1656.) Milford Cemetery has two entrances on Gulf Street and an entrance on Cherry Street in Milford, Connecticut. There are several tombstones still intact and legible from the late 1600s and dozens from the early 1700s. Three former Connecticut governors are interred here (Robert Treat, Jonathan Law and Charles Hobby Pond) along with Medal of Honor winner Brigadier General George W. Baird (for fighting Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce Indians). Milford Cemetery boasts a monument which commemorates the city's Revolutionary War veterans and memorializes prisoners of war whom the British abandoned in the city. (Photos of the monument follow, immediately after which are photos of the cemetery.) Milford Cemetery also has the distinction of having the most varied collection of morbid epitaphs. Burials continue in Milford Cemetery to this day.

Estimated number of interments, as of January 2024: at least 7501.

Photos taken 25 October 2008 and 29 August 2009.

The Soldiers' Monument

Soldiers' Monument space saver Soldiers' Monument

Soldiers' Monument

"In honor of forty-six American soldiers who sacrificed their lives in struggling for the independence of their country; This monument was erected in 1852, by the joint liberality of the General Assembly; the people of Milford and other contributing friends. Two hundred American soldiers, in a destitute, sickly, and dying condition were brought from a British prison ship, then lying near New York, and suddenly cast upon our shore, from a British cartel ship, on the first of January 1777. The inhabitants of Milford made the most charitable efforts for the relief of these suffering strangers; yet, notwithstanding all their kind ministrations, in one month, these forty six died, and were buried in one common grave. Their names and their residences are inscribed on this monument. Who shall say that republics are ungrateful?"

The soldiers' names and hometowns are inscribed into the base of the obelisk.

Soldiers' Monument

"In memory of Capt. Stephen Stow of Milford who died Feb. 8, 1777 Aged 51 years To administer to the wants and soothe the miseries of these sick and dying soldiers, was a work of extreme self denial and danger, as many of them were suffering from loathsome and contagious maladies. Stephen Stow voluntarily left his family to relieve these suffering men, he contracted disease from them, he died, and was buried with them. He had already given four sons to serve in the War for Independence. To commemorate his self sacrificing devotion to his country, and to humanity, the Legislature of Connecticut resolved that his name should be inscribed upon this monument."

Stow, like many of the sick soldiers, succumbed to small pox.

Soldiers' Monument

This slab rests in front of the Soldiers' Monument and lists the names of "Revolutionary War Veterans of Milford 1775 - 1783"

Milford Cemetery

East space saver Camp


"Here lieth the body of William Robarts who departed this life in the 72 year of his age August 6 1689"


"Here lyeth buried the body of Sarah Nisbett wife to Mr. Mungnow Nisbett aged 41 yeares departed this life September ye 16 anno domini 1698."


"Daniel Langstaff died March the 9th 1698 in the 5 YR of his age"

Joseph Northrup

"Here lieth the body of Joseph Northrup who died in the 50 year of his age May 31 1700"

Mary Baldwin

"Here lies the body of Mrs. Mary Baldwin died ye 29h day of Nov. 1703 in ye 45th year of her age. Wife to Mr. Timothy Baldwin"


The burial sites of Governor Robert Treat (left) and his wife, Jane (stone at right, in the foreground).

In addition to serving as Connecticut's Governor, Robert Treat also founded Milford (CT) and Newark, New Jersey. The inscription (below) is so weather-worn that it is impossible to read. I found a copy of it online.

"Here lyeth interred the body of Coll Robert Treat Esq. who faithfully servd this colony in the post of governour and deputy governour near Ye space of thrity years and att. Ye age of four score and eight years exchanged this life for a better July 12th Anno Dom: 1710"

"1703 Heere lieth interrd Mrs. Jane Treat at age 75 years an dyed the last..." The remainder of the inscription was never completed. Jane Treat was born 14 February 1628 and died 31 October 1703. She was the daughter of Assistant Governor of Connecticut Edmund Tapp.

Capt. Allen

There are several table tombs in Milford Cemetery.

"Here lies interred the body of


who died Oct. 7. 1734

in the 57th year of his age"

Law space saver Law

Two views of Jonathan Law's memorial.


Governor of the Colony of Connecticut 1741-1750

He was born at Milford August 6, 1672

where he died November 6, 1750."


"Here Lyes the body of Mrs. Phebe Gillit

Wife to Mr. William Gillit Junr who

Died Febry 10 A D 1736 AE 29

Her Dying Word's Unto her husband are

Restraine you'r Passions! - Why So much Disspar'e.

It's the Will of God_ I hope It's for the Best

For you! for me! and for my mother-less

To Whom'e adue -- to God and, you

I Now Commit thare Care --

Pattorn of Pations to the End of life;

Now Ded she Speak's to Every Liveing wife

Peti Such Juell's Should Be Laid in Dust;

Men are Unworthy and the Lord is Just."


"Here lyes Ye Body of Mrs. Mary Gibb,

Wife to Mr. John Gibb,

Who departed this life Octo.r ye 21. 1769.

Aged 38 Years & 4 Months.

See there all Pale, & dead She lies,

for ever flow my Streaming Eyes.

MARY is fled, the Loveliest Mind,

Faith, Sweetness, Wit, together Foind.

Dwell Faith & Wit & Sweetness there,

O view the Chang, and Drop a tear."


"In memory of Mrs. MEHETABEL


who died 2d. March 1774

Aged 22 Years.

Behold and see as you pass by,

As you are now so once was I,

As i am now so you might be.

Prepare for Death & follow me.

Here doth my body rest in dust,

Till my redeemer come.

With himile live & spend along

Eternity at home."


"In memory of Dr Samuel Whittlesey A.M. a young Gentleman endowed with good natural abilities and furnished by education for public Service but which was the pleasure of righteous Heaven He departed this life in the 31st of his age Feb. 9, 1776."


This stone is inscribed completely in Latin. It is for the Reverend Samuel Whittelsey who attended both Yale and Harvard. He died at the age of 56 on 22 October 1768.

Noah Baldwin

"In memory of Mr. Noah Baldwin Deacon and Ruling Elder in the second Church in Milford who departed this life March 5th 1784, in the 83d year of his Age. The memory of the just is blessed."

Northrup family

A monument "In memory of..." several generations of the Northrup family, from Joseph Northrup (died 1669) to Abigail Smith (1785-1872). The stone was placed in 1912.


"Sacred to the memory of Miss Mary Fowler

daughter to Mr. William & Mrs. Eunice Fowler

who Died Feb.y 1st AD 1792 in the

24th Year of her age.

Molly though pleasant in her day

was sudd'nly seiz'd and sent away

How soon sh's ripe how soon she's rott'n

sent to her grave, & soon forgott'n."

Miss Fowler's morbid epitaph is locally famous; so much so that her headstone has been stolen on at least one occasion.


"Here the wicked cease from troubling & here the weary are at rest Entomb'd is here deposited the dear remains of Mrs. Margaret DeWitt the amiable comfort of Garrit VH DeWitt who closed her eyes upon a vain World Febr'y 11th 1794 aged 54 Her exemplary conduct in life, her unparelled patience, when wreck'd with pains the most excruciating & her perfect resignation in her last illness charmed the King of Terrors of his sting & soften'd him to a Prince of peace."

Band memorial

"In memory of

Henry & Elizabeth Botsford Milford 1639

Placed by Band of Botsford 1921"

The banner has the Botsford Family motto:

"Digna Sequens" - "Worthy of Following".

Nathan Baldwin space saver Nathan Baldwin

"Erected to the memory of Nathan A. Baldwin

Born March 18, 1824 - Died May 20, 1898."

The four corners are crowned Faith, Hope, Charity, and Love (below). According to sources, this is the most photographed monument in the cemetery.

Nathan Baldwin space saver Nathan Baldwin

Nathan Baldwin space saver Nathan Baldwin

18th century stone detail

All photos copyright by the author, 2012. Not to be used or reproduced without permission.

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