Lower White Hills Cemetery

Shelton, Connecticut

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Lower White Hills Cemetery is located on Maple Avenue in the White Hills section of Shelton, Connecticut. It was established in 1791. Many of the stones date from the 1800s, but there are also some more recent monuments; in fact, it appears as though the cemetery may still occasionally be in use. There are several stones with GAR markers (Grand Army of the Republic), and quite a few members of the Hubbell family are interred here.

Estimated number of interments, as of January 2024: at least 352.

Photos were taken 15 December 2008.

White Hills

A view of the cemetery from the front left.


"John T. Hubbell. only son of Abijah and Jane Hubbell died in defense of his country, at Hampton Hospital, Va. Sept. 23, 1864. Ae 19."


"Yelverton Perry

Died June 20, 1821.

Ae. 83

Patience Tomlinson

His wife died Sept. 1823

Ae. 75

Buried in Southbury."


This stone reads, "Holiness to the Lord" and there is some indecipherable writing within a triangle which is above a Masonic symbol.

"Edmund Leavenworth

Died Jan. 20 1857

Ae. 91."


"Sarah Grace

wife of Edwin C. Johnson

Died Nov. 4, 1847,

Aged 37.

Dearest Sarah thou hast left us, Here thy loss we deeply feel. But 'tis God that hath bereft(?) us. He can all our sorrows heal. Yet again we hope to meet thee. When the day of life has fled. There in Heaven with joy to greet thee. Where no farewell tear is shed."

All photos copyright by the author, 2009. Not to be used or reproduced without permission.

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