Old Cemetery of Huntington

Shelton, Connecticut

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Huntington, left view

The Old Cemetery of Huntington is located on the green in the Huntington area of Shelton, CT. It was established in 1889, but there are burials that date as far back as the 1750s. The sign at the gate states that, "Here lie the early settlers of Huntington". The cemetery boasts numerous 18th century memorials, and several unique markers. The cemetery holds many doctors, lawyers, colonels, captains and other military personnel (mostly veterans of the Revolutionary War and the Civil War). Prevalent surnames found in the Old Cemetery of Huntington include Beardsley, Hawley, Hide, Leaven(s)worth, Nichols and Shelton.

Estimated number of interments, as of January 2024: at least 884.

Photos taken 8 March 2021.

Cemetery sign

Cemetery sign, reverse view

The sign at the entrance.

Cemetery gate

The cemetery gate.

Obidiah Hawley

"Here lyes Buried

the Body of Mr.


Who Departed this Life

June 10th, Anno Dom.ni 1751

in ye 43rd Year of His Age."

David Hurd

"Here lyes Buried

ye Body of Mr.

David Hurd who

Departed this Life

Septem.br ye 19th AD 1758,

in ye 61st Year of his Age."

Mary Leavenworth

"In memory of Mrs. Mary

the Wife of Doctor Thomas Leavenworth

Who died June 1768

in ye 89th Year of her Age."

David Hide

"In memory of Mr DAVID HIDE


who was born March 5 1766

and died Sep.tr 20 1784

Etat 19 Years."

Mordechai Marks

"Sacred to the memory of


was born May 30 1740

and died Oct.r 30 1797

aged 57 years & 5 months"

Joseph Fairchild

"In Memory of Mr. Joseph Fairchild,

who died, April 21st, 1809

Aged 74 years"

Jedidiah Mills

"MEMENTO MORI This stone is erected in the memory of Rev. JEDIDIAH MILLS, AM, the first and faithful minister of the Gospel of Church at Ripton, who, after a very short illness, fell on sleep, the 19 of Jan.ry D 1776 in the 79 Year of his age & 52.d year of his Ministry.

Also In memory of Mrs. ABIGAIL MILLS, the amiable consort of the Rev. JEDIDIAH MILLS, who after a lingering & painful disease departed this Life Nov.r 2.d D 1775 in her 72 Year.

Releas'd from earth this happy pair We trust have winged their way To taste the joys their Saviour gives In bright eternal Day."

space saver

David Nichols

"David A.

Died Nov. 5 1854

AE 2yr6mo"

Son of Daniel A. and Mary M. Nichols

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She faltered by the wayside, and the Angels took her home."

Florence N. Morgan, daughter of D.N. & M.H. Morgan, born 5 December 1876, died 18 April 1878.

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David Wooster


Died Jan. 15, 1836,

AE 59 yrs. 11 mo.

His dealings were honorable and Just between man & man"

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Andrew Wheeler

"Andrew Wheeler.

Died Aug. 1, 1871,

aged 75."

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David Thompson

"David Thompson.

Died Nov. 17, 1819,

AE. 53.


his wife

Nov.19, 1819,

AE. 58."

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View of the cemetery from the church

A view of the cemetery from the church (facing south).

View of the cemetery from the firehouse

A view of the cemetery from the firehouse (facing north).

space saver

All photos copyright by the author, 2021. Not to be used or reproduced without permission.

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