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Warcraft 3 Deluxe X

Key features in Warcraft 3 Deluxe X

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Welcome to my site. Due to unfortunate events, I am unable to host custom games in Warcraft 3 - unless I was to buy a brand new Router and I'm not too intent on that. So, I am left with few options to spread my great maps. If you enjoyed the old-school style RTS games such as Starcraft and Warcrafts 1 and 2, then you'll be very pleased with what this map has to offer. Some features are: -200 food limit -Much lower hit points and attack damage points for all units, therefore requiring you to use extensive micro of your forces. -Several new units and structures for the already existant races, giving you huge Tech Trees to master, and Strategies and Tactics to overcome. -Gone are heros making the game focus more on warfare and less on RPG. But, though heros are gone, they have in truth been converted to regular units who must upgrade themselves to attain their spells. -Docks and Ships have returned to Warcraft, giving you even more diverse strategies over land, sea and air. -Maps have been recreated to allow Sea combat. -4 brand new races, which includes the Naga, Demons, Renegades and Creeps. Each with full Tech Trees, so don't be afraid this is another map thrown together by a 12-year-old. -Though this map isn't the first to be finished which adds to races, you can trust me, that this was the very first map started which includes new races. So, you can expect a lot of polish after 2.5 years of work. -Well balanced. -Sticks to the Warcraft story, so you won't be seeing things like Centaur units among the Horde. -New item system, which makes plundering a battle field quite a profitable strategy. -Balances out a couple imbalances existant in Warcraft 3. Basically, unless you enjoy sending a hero back a forth for a few minutes and then massing Riflemen or you dislike Warcraft3's graphics - you really shouldn't miss out!