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The Vortex of....DOOM!

2/13/04- Welcome to the Vortex of Doom, a new website form the person that once brought you Plenty O'Pakmara(well, in concept, anyway-my mother actually did everything for I am not too web savvy). Today is Friday the 13th, an apt day for an evil site of insanity to pop into existence. What will this site be a home to, you wonder? *A Bastion of Doctor Who tidbits, such as news, any fan fic of my own( or any fan fic people wish to offer), and artwork by myself and others who wish to contribute.-By the way, if you don't know what Doctor Who is, I'm sure I can arrange an FAQ page eventually. *Links to webpages dedicated to Doctor Who, Babylon 5,Farscape, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, etc. *Original fiction by myself, my girlfriend, and anyone else who wishes to contribute. *Reviews of books, movies, etc. (mostly in the sci-fi/fantasy genre) *polls of an insane nature *And much more that will appear when the master of The Vortex has time to think and apply such ideas *For now, this site is under construction, though I doubt anybody will be here to observe any activity for quite some time...Oh well.

Ways to Get Out of the Vortex

Outpost Gallifrey-The Best Doctor Who website in existence, filled with a plethora of news, reviews, images, and much more
The Dr. Who Reference Guide-Extremely thorough details of every Doctor Who TV story, book, webcast, audio, etc.-Great for those readers who can't get thir hands on the hard-to-find materials
Mugglenet-Best Harry Potter reference site and news page on the web
The Unexploded Loonybin-My Girlfriend's website, filled with random bits of hilarity (not for those with no sense of the absurd)
The Void of Polls- Where insane Polling Exists