Chapter Two: And So, The “plot” Develops

Hakushe cackled to himself until his throat hurt. Not wanting to end up choking to his death (and peh, he had no water around), the Phantom snuck back upstairs, gleefully cradling the camera as if it were his newborn child. Black mailing lower heads might not get you anywhere in the crime world, but they could get you curry fish balls pretty fast.


Kumo was working on a stack of papers that didn’t end. He had been wondering how much skill it would take to do Neesa’s job, but doing it twice as fast when you had twice as much.

Now he realized how stupid he was.

So, instead of working hard and doing his best while Neesa and Floran were… “getting acquainted with each other” again (normal people would rather call it their “second honeymoon”), Kumo was busy with other things. His hands were full, very full.

“Shika…” Kumo groaned, clutching onto the smooth, slightly fuzzy body a bit harder.

Shika grunted and pushed harder, trying his best to please his lover, but hey, he was only one man, and he was getting very tired.

“Kurid, you wanna help me with this?” Shika grunted again, he was sweating profusely now and he was looking at the young doctor pleadingly.

“Uh…?” Kurid replied, ignoring the two lovers, his eyes glued on the screen as he hugged his Totoro plushie harder.

Shika sighed and wiped his brow before leveling a glare at his Kumo, was sprawled on the floor with his top head, hugging a Badz Maru plushie and watching “The Ring.”

Kumo groaned again at the nasty images on the screen and blindly reached for the popcorn.

“Shika, hurry up and forget about moving the desk, this part is scary.” He whined pitifully, his hand coming back to his mouth to shove popcorn into it.

His lover snorted at the images of an insane girl and went back to trying to move the heavy desk.

“But your desk is on the wrong side of the room, you’re getting bad,” he grunted, “chi!”

The desk moved an inch.

“I don’t believe in that feng shui crap.”

Kurid whimpered and hugged his plushie harder, eyes glued to the screen but his free hand groping the floor, trying to find his popcorn bowl.

Shika, feathers very ruffled at this point, was about to open his mouth to reply when a loud bang sounded just outside the office.

Quick as a wink, Kumo shut off the TV and dove behind the desk, sending papers and Badz Maru flying. Kurid muffled a cry and wedged himself under a chair.

Shika, not about to be frightened by a noise all because he had been half watching a horror movie, cautiously moved towards the door and creaked it open.

There, right outside the office, sat a very beat up, black, once-cushy-looking chair and a frightened, white-haired man clinging onto it.

“I don’t have the Ring!” Kurid squealed before he could shut his mouth.

“Dude,” came Kumo’s muffled voice as he continued to hide under his large oak desk, “that’s the wrong movie.”

“Oi, oi, it’s just a normal person.” Shika said, trying to consol the two to lure them out of their hiding places so that the place could at least SEEM to be normal.

“Does this…’person’ have long hair?”

“That obscures the face?”

“Do they have cuts all over the flesh?”

“And really scary eyes?”

Shika looked over the very rumpled man who was looking up at him with a petrified expression.


Kumo jumped out from his hiding place and strolled confidently to the door.

“Then I’ll handle this.”

Shika grumbled something inaudible under his breath but stepped back from the door to let his lover handle the situation. He had more important things to do, like moving that damn desk.

“Who are you?”

Shiroi Kumo sat and blinked at his boss. Words couldn’t form and he didn’t want to move; his butt was still very snuggly seated onto the chair.


The top head strolled nonchalantly to his don’s shoulder, holding a stack of papers and looking normal and in control despite his little breakdown not too long ago.

“Yes, Kumo-sama?”

“Do I have an appointment right now?”

Kurid made a show of shuffling papers while he mentally shuffled through the day’s agenda. Usually, his memory was impeccable, but the movie had given him quite a scare and his mind was a bit of a jumble at the moment.

What day was it?


“I suppose that’s our candidate for a new top head.”