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Tula class Frigate

Designed by: Admiral Savage (based on 2300AD Traveller Digest no.16 design by Mark Galeotti)
T20 Statistics:
1,418-ton Hull (Close Structure) - Partially Streamlined, TL12
AC: 14 (9 vs. Meson Guns)   AR: 2 (TL-12)   SI: 250   Initiative: 3
Starship Size: Large   Cost: 814.246 MCr (1,017.807 MCr without discount)
Model/5 Fib (PP: 49/13) Computer   Avionics: Less than 4,000-ton  
Sensors: Very Long Range -5  Communications: Very Long Range -5
Cargo: 127.0-tons 
Stores (2 weeks, 1.45dt, .0791123 MCr):
        26 person/weeks of Luxury Stores, 82 person/weeks of Standard Stores, 8 person/weeks of Low Stores
Extra Ship's Stores (26 weeks, 18.85dt, 1.02843 MCr):
        338 person/weeks of Luxury Stores, 1,066 person/weeks of Standard Stores,
        104 person/weeks of Low Stores
Annual Maintenance = 81.425 KCr (40.712 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 20.356 KCr/Month (203.562 KCr per year)
Jump-2 (enough fuel for 1x Jump-2) J1= 141.8dt, J2=283.6dt fuel
Acceleration: 3-G   Agility: 3
Power Plant: TL-12 Fusion (110 EP output, enough fuel for 4 weeks) 110dt fuel
Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purification Plant (TL-12, 8hrs per 400 tons of fuel)
Subcraft Fuel: 10dt
Atmospheric Speeds:   NOE = 875kph   Cruising = 2,625kph   Maximum = 3,500kph
Active Defenses:
Hardpoints: 9
7x Triple Beam Laser Turret TL-12, +3 to Hit 3d8 (20/1), Range: 30,000km
      1 Battery of 7 Turrets
2x Double Fusion Gun Turret TL-12, +4 To Hit, 4d20 (16/x5), Range: 4,500km
1x 50-ton Missile Bay TL-12, +8 To Hit, 8d6 (18/x1), Range: 90,000km
      Ammo:  150 Magazines (3000 Missiles)
                    2800 Missiles              (140dt, 14MCr)
                    150 Nuclear Missiles   (7.5dt, 7.5MCr)
                     50 BPL Missiles         (2.5dt, 3.75MCr)
Ship's Vehicles:
2x 5-ton vehicle hangar
1x 10-ton vehicle hangar
1x 50-ton small craft (Internal Hangar)
Launch facilities for 1 Craft per turn
Accomodations & Fittings:
26x Double Occupancy Stateroom (52 People)
1x 6dt Captains Stateroom and Office (1 People)
4x Low Berth (4 People)
2x Standalone Fresher
1x Sickbay (2 Patients)
1x Autodoc
2x Airlocks
Crew Details:
7x Command Officers, 3x Command Crew
1x Flight Officers, 2x Flight Crew
1x Gunnery Officers, 7x Gunnery Crew
2x Engineering Officers, 4x Engineering Crew
1x Medical Officers, 0x Medical Crew
1x Ship's Troops Officers, 11x Ship's Troops
2x Service Crew
12x Middle Passengers
Tula Frigates are one of the Pocket Empire, post-Rebellion answer to quick ship rebuilds. The goal was to combine
lab ships and tenders into something heavier and with a ship that will be minimal powered when not in use.
It will provide its one gravity without draining power. 2 Lab ships and 1/2 a tender are integrated. 

The ship carries an additional 10dt of fuel for subcraft and the captain has a .23dt storage locker.  Tulas have also
been used as freighters and space stations depending on the stage of decay.  When rotation the two spirals contain
enough gravity for the crew to stay healthy. The ship operates on 40% power or less. It could theoretically survive for
a year without access to a fuel source, not using weapons, accelerating less that 25% of the time, not jumping and
with a crew on 1/2 supplies.