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Zelbinion class Heavy Command Carrier

Designed by: Admiral Savage


750,000-ton Hull (Cylinder) - Partially Streamlined
AC: 13 (7 vs. Meson Guns) AR: 6 (TL-12) SI: 900 Initiative: 1 (8668 EP)
Starship Size: Gargantuan Cost: 380,266.992 MCr (475,333.74 MCr without discount)
Model/9bis Fib (PP: 65/14) Computer Avionics: Less than 1,000,000-ton Sensors: 2 Parsecs (passive survey) Communications: Extreme Range (Maser, Meson)
Cargo: 3,000.0-tons Extra Ship's Stores: 2,600 person/weeks of Luxury Stores (1 year), 1,300,000 person/weeks of Standard Stores (6/months)
Annual Maintenance = 38,026.699 KCr (19,013.35 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 9,506.675 KCr/Month (95,066.748 KCr per year)


Jump-2 (enough fuel for 1x Jump-2)
Acceleration: 3-G Agility: 1
Power Plant: TL-12 Fusion (45,000 EP output, enough fuel for 6.22 weeks) (2500dt fuel for small craft or .22 weeks)
Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purification Plant (TL-12, 8hrs per 40,000 tons of fuel)
Atmospheric Speeds: NOE = 875kph Cruising = 2,625kph Maximum = 3,500kph

Active Defenses:

Nuclear Dampers USP:7
Meson Screens USP:7
Black Globe Generator USP:4 (7500 EP in Jump Drive capacitors and 10000 EP can be stored in extra capacitors)


Hardpoints: 200
200x Double Pulse Laser Turret TL-12, +1 To Hit, 1d10 (19/x2), Range: 45,000km – Pulse Turrets
2x 100-ton Missile Bay TL-12, +9 To Hit, 9d6 (18/x1), Range: 90,000km – Torpedo Launchers
5x 50-ton Plasma Gun Bay TL-12, +6 To Hit, 6d12 (18/x2), Range: 15,000km – Medium Pulse Cannons
20x 50-ton Fusion Gun Bay TL-12, +7 To Hit, 7d20 (16/x5), Range: 15,000km – Small Pulse Cannons
2x Dual Particle Accelerator Spinal Mount: TL-12, +14 To Hit, 16d12 (17/x1), Range: 105,000km (FRAG CANNONS – 2 forward, 2 aft) – each PA has a rotating 3 barrel system to eliminate overheating.

Ship's Vehicles:

200x 100-ton small craft (Internal Hangar) - Marauders
100x 50-ton small craft (Internal Hangar) - Prowlers
1x 12000-ton small craft (Internal Hangar) – 6 Vigilante or other craft
20x maintenance shops (400 Mechanics)
4x 50-ton launch tubes (Prowlers)
8x 100-ton launch tubes (Marauders)
Launch facilities for 76 Craft per turn

Accomodations & Fittings:

50x Single Occupancy Stateroom (50 People)
55000x Single Occupancy Small Cabin (55,000 People)
150x Standalone Fresher
20x Engineering Shop (400 Engineers)
20x Laboratory (40 Scientists)
200x Sickbay (400 Patients)
1x Airlock

1 Garden/pond (9614dt)

1 Fleet Command Center (1500dt)

Crew and Passenger Details: (approx. 5000 crew, 25000 storm troops, 25000 passengers).

7x Command Officers, 750x Command Crew
1x Flight Officers, 734x Flight Crew
1x Gunnery Officers, 391x Gunnery Crew
2x Engineering Officers, 1,568x Engineering Crew
1x Medical Officers, 220x Medical Crew
125x Ship's Troops Officers, 4,500x Ship's Troops (Shock Troop Guards)
535x Marine Officers, 20,000x Marines (Shock Troop Division)
1,500x Service Crew

24,665 Passengers


The Peacekeeper Command Carrier (CC) are highly efficient capital ships with a heavy and light variant. They can be serviced and maintained for hundreds of cycles. Each supports a quad-spinal mount and the ability to deploy thousands (5400/wave) of shock troops utilizing 200 Mauraders assault landers and 100 Prowlers fighters. The CC's have a standardized, rapid fire quad-spinal mounted (2 foreward, 2 aft) PA's named Frag Cannons. A Peacekeeper only design the rapid fire spinal mount carriaged weapons can fire in sucession but must wait 1 turn before refiring. The peacekeepers also purchase black globe shield technology. With the assistance of the manufacturing government these ships are designed to handle the higher technology. These black globes are capable of partial usage and form two energy envelopes around the vessel. A typical CC is supported by 1-4 Warfighter cruisers, 6 Vigilantes, hundreds of Marauders and Prowlers. HCC's are rare vessels. To perform work on one is an exceptional assignment. The Vigilante have a single bay that can be used for larger ships.

The HCC is one Metra (1km) in length but the internal structure has a significant quantity of airspace. PK's have been know to spend their entire lives aboard a single CC.

The Peacekeeper's are a police force that have extended themselves for mercenary duties in the uncharted territories. A highly rigid, meritocracy with a Grand Chancellor, High Council and High Command overseeing the government. The Peacekeeper's not only utilize the CC's for military purposes but consider them mobile cities. Peacekeeper life revolves around the CC they are assigned too. Peacekeeper caste system puts those in military service at the top of the hierarcy. Typically PK's have city states but no homeworld. Fore the most part, they live and operate from CC's. Establishing Gammak bases for specific purposes is relatively common. They serve as research, military, and supply outposts.

Farscape is copyright and TM The Jim Henson Company Inc and copyright Nine film & Television Pty Ltd 1999. This not-for-profit gaming effort is intended as a supplement and not a copyright infringment.