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50t modular cutter TL9

Designed by: Admiral Savage (based on the CT design)
T20 Statistics:
50-ton Hull (Cylinder) - Partially Streamlined
AC: 14 (13 vs. Meson Guns)   AR: 1 (TL-14)   SI: 85   Initiative: 2
Starship Size: Small   Cost: 26.051 MCr (32.562 MCr without discount)
Model/2 (PP: 35/12) Computer   Avionics: Less than 600-ton  
Sensors: Short Range (2)  Communications: Short Range (2)
Cargo: 30dt module (see below),  Ship Locker: .045dt
Extra Ship's Stores (17wks, .2125dt, .0115 MCr):
           17 person/weeks of Standard Stores,
Annual Maintenance = 2.605 KCr (1.303 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = .651 KCr/Month (6.513 KCr per year)
Acceleration: 4-G   Agility: 3
Power Plant: TL-9 Fusion (4 EP output, enough fuel for 4 weeks) 5dt fuel
Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purification Plant (TL-9, 11hrs per 5 tons of fuel)
Atmospheric Speeds:   NOE = 875kph   Cruising = 2,625kph   Maximum = 3,500kph
Active Defenses:
Hardpoints: 1
Ship's Vehicles:
30dt Modules

1.         Standard Passenger/Cargo

  • Armour USP 1, 15dt cargo, 12 x Small Craft Couches,
  • 6.4dt fuel (2.8wks fuel), 1x airlock
  • Cost: 3.64MCr (2.912 MCr in quantity)

    2.   Combat Drop Shuttle

  • Armour USP 2, 5.4dt cargo, 1-APC, 1 covered air/raft,
  • 12x Small Craft Couches, 1dt vehicle fuel, 1x airlock
  • 1x Double Beam Turret TL9 - +2 to hit, 2d8 (20/x1), Range 30,0000km
  • Cost: 6.39MCr (5.112 MCr in quantity)

     3.  30dt Cargo Bay or Fuel Tank Modules

  • Cost: 3MCr (2.4MCr in quantity)

     4.  Full Passenger Module

  • Armour USP 1, 40x Small Craft Couches, 7.6dt Cargo, 1x airlock
  • Cost: 4.34 MCr (3.472Mcr in quantity)

     5. Medical Module

  • Armour USP 1, 1 covered air/raft, 8x Small Craft Couches, 2.6dt Cargo
  • 1x Sickbay (4 patient), 1x airlock
  • Cost:13.54MCr  (10.832 MCr in quantity) 

6. Laboratory Module – standalone

  • Armour USP 1, Model 4 computer, 1 double stateroom
  • Power Plant 2, Fuel 4dt for 8 wks, 6.6 dt cargo, 80wks stores
  • Long Range Sensors (4), Long Range Communicators (4)
  • 1x laboratory (2 scientists), 1x airlock
  • Cost: 35.494 MCr, (28.395 MCr in quantity)


7. Accomodations Module – standalone

  • Armour USP 1, Model 1 computer, 5 double stateroom
  • Power Plant 1, fuel 2dt for 8 wks, 2.8 dt cargo, 80wks stores
  • Close Range Communicator (1), 1x airlock
  • Cost: 10.894MCr (8.715MCr in quantity)


8   Communications Module – Standalone

  • Armour USP 1, Model 7 computer, 1 single stateroom
  • Power Plant 7, fuel 7dt for 4 wks, 3.8 dt cargo, 8wks stores
  • System Wide Communicator (7) & Sensors (7), 1x airlock
  •  Cost: 88.9954 MCr (71.196 MCr in quantity)

9. Defense Module

  • Armour USP 1, Model 3 computer, 1 single stateroom
  • Power Plant 1, fuel 3dt for 12 wks, 3.15 dt cargo, 12wks stores
  • System Wide Communicator (3) & Sensors (3), 1x airlock
  • 1x Triple Missile Turret TL9, Ammo:15 Missile Magazines
  • Cost: 22.7481 MCr (18.198 MCr in quantity)
Accomodations & Fittings:
2x Small Craft Couch (2 Crew)
1x Standalone Fresher
1x Airlock
Crew Details:
1x Pilot/ Navigator
1x Engineer (or Steward)

The modular cutter is one of the more popular subcraft. The ability to switch 30t modules as needed is convenient
for most ships that cannot maintain more than one or two subcraft. 

Standard Costs include 30dt Cargo Bay or Fuel Tank Module. Vehicles not included in modules.