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Samantha's page

Hi It's uh me Samantha if you really want more info on me go to lso visit my blog page too! It's first off i own alot well kind of alot of horses. Here i name a few!!! Uh...dizzy,sherlock,dimond,opal and more. Dimond is new foal. Opal is the mother and dizzy is the father. We also have another foal comming. It's going to be a girl nd aaallll white. My friend super2/cool_gal helped me name her. Her name will be midnight fog or mdnight for short! *teehee* I have 3 RRRRRREEEEEEEELLLLLYYYYYY annoying brothers! Dizzy resently stepped on one of thems fingure and now it purple and swolen! EWWWWWW! Well visit all the links and stuff! L8r! teehee! I LOOOVE HORSES AND PONIES!!!! v

Favorite types of horses

  • Paint (or pinto)
  • shire
  • clydesdale

My friend super2/cool_gal's webstuff

Blog page