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Vol.1 Issue 1

The News This Week Oct. 3-10, 2004

Dear friends, this is our very first issue of the Internet Marketing News. We are not professional jurnalist's, as will be quite obvious in the quality of our work. We hope to get a professional on the staff soon, until then you are stuck with us. We promise to do our very best to bring you a good publication.

The first piece of news this week, is we wish to express our gratitude to Angelfire and AdLandPro. Without whom we would not have been able to bring you this publication.

Angelfire has provided this web location. They have excellant services, both free and paid. If you are not familuar with them check them out.

AdLandPro has provided us with valuable information about advertising and they have a great ad site. They are deffinatly the best we have seen so far, so deffinately check them out.

Marketing Stratagy

This marketing strategy uses “CALLING CARDS.” Calling Cards are very similar to business cards. In fact, when you go to get your Calling Cards printed, you’ll probably want to go to a business card printer as they’ll likely have the best prices and be able to accommodate which card or cards you want printed.

With business cards, you generally hand them to people you know. With Calling Cards, you can also do this, but their primary role is to be your “silent salesmen.”

The strategy is very simple. Print up a supply of Calling Cards and put them into circulation. How? Here are several methods:

  • 1. Whenever you go to eat, leave one at your table. You may want to even attach it to the bill.
  • 2. Post them on free bulletin boards around town.
  • 3. If you pick up your mail at a post office, leave one on the “sorting table” each day.
  • 4. Insert one in all your outgoing bills (yes, we mean personal bills, too, like your water bill and electric bill. Don’t you think people that open mail 8 hours a day might be interested in doing something better with their lives? Of course they are!)
  • 5. Do you know anyone who does regular mailings? Ask them to include one of your cards in every outgoing piece they mail. For payment, offer them, say, $10 for every lead that becomes a MIQ affiliate or something similar where you’re paying only for results. If a pay-for-results program is not acceptable, you might offer a nominal fee like one or two dollars for each 100 cards they mail for you.
  • 6. Do you travel regularly or drive a truck perhaps? If so, consider leaving cards at hotel rooms, truckstops, etc.
  • If you have other ideas, please share them with everyone at:

    Note: Before you print your cards, make sure you add your contact information. Typically this will be the URL for your SFI “/Free” Gateway, the “/Yes” Gateway, or the “/HFB” Gateway. And/or you may want to use your phone number. You may still ultimately refer them to one of your Gateways but by first making them call you, you’ll have a greater opportunity to make an impression that will help you turn them from a prospect into a productive SFI affiliate in your Powerline.

    Calling Cards are a great little marketing tool, especially for new affiliates. Anyone can do it. It’s easy...and it’s inexpensive, too. Why not give it a try along side your other marketing methods?

    ©2003 Carson Services, Inc.

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    “CALLING CARDS” are copyrighted ©2003 Carson Services, Inc.

    Only SFI Affiliates who use them in promoting the SFI income opportunity have permission to make copies.