Welcome To the continent of Mortier

Well Met All. Saddle up your horse or mount and get ready for an adventure. What kind of adventure you ask? Well, we will be traveling from one town to the next in a search for tales of old. The sad tales as well as the happy ones. Which tales you hear depends upon the road you take. So grab those reigns and off we go.

(some content here is not sutable for younger veiwers. Be Advised!)

The Elven Borders


Brothel of Xavier Keep


Tavern of Richland Keep


Town of Afterloft

(to come)

Pagan Stuff

Grove of Corellon and the Seladrine


















More to be added as I get it in, got a tale? send it to me! Goddess_Veleria@yahoo.com

Something here belong to you? email me and I will either take it off or give you credit, whichever you prefer.

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