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Decorations of the slaves

What is here

the Fortress of Shadows prides itself
on the grace and beauty of its slaves,
& the girls being well trained
have earned gifts to inhance their beauty

The first piece of adornment a slave
in the Fortress gets is the Collar

The next item a slave earns is
the Ring of the Ubara
to earn this ring the girl will
have had to get catch the eye of the Ubara
& earned her consideration

Some other standard items of the kajira
are the ankle and wrist shakles

the girls will gain bells over time
to make them even more sensual

the anklet

the nipple chain to join and grace the chest

the bina beads for genral wear

the Clit bells

the necklace of bells

the Nipple charms

the earrings

I the Ubara wear this ring

the girls are also tattoed with
My Mark the kanji saying
Property of Wolf Shadow
with a Wolfs paw
(image to come)

Fortress of Shadows Links

Fortress of Shadows
Ubara Wolf Shadow
egroup for Fortress

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