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Full Name: Christina

Nicknames: Chrissi, Chris, Babydoll, stina, chrissy poo, x-tina.. too many

Age: 17 almost 18

Height: 5'5"

Birthday: 4.8.87

Sign: Aries

Hair Color: dark brown

Eye Color: Brown

Siblings: Rob

Pets: 3 horses, 9 dogs and lots of cats


TV Shows: mtv cribs, real tv, charmed, american choppers, that 70's show

Movies: white chicks, the friday movies, the new many

Actors: Adam Sandler, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Paul Walker

Actresses:Julia Stiles and Reese Witherspoon

Music: hip hop, punk, rock, r&b, alternative, reggae

Singers/Bands: Linkin Park is my all time fave... blink 182, eminem,ice cube, snoop, dre, 50 cent, nelly... many more

Song: since you been gone

Famous Hotties: Matt Damon, Paul Walker


Do you have a gf/bf? ah ha NO

Singles (or if applies)

Do you have a crush? of course

How long have you liked them? does it matter?

What kind of person is your type? outgoing, funny, outdoorsy, good looking

All: How many bfs have you had? Dusty, Tanner, Peter, Cory, Trevor, Zac, Stetson, Lane

How long was your longest relationship? I "Dated" dusty for like 2 years

Why did your last relationship end? He is going to college in a different town

Would you ever go back out with your last bf? yeah I would

How many differnt people have you kissed(other then family)? hehe

.First thing that comes to mind.

Boys: confusing

Girls: drama

Love: painful

Hate: Britney Spears

Mirror: me!

Computers: complicated

.Other Stuff.

How many stories is in your house? 2

How many tvs do you own: 4

How many computers do you own? like 5

How many CDs does your family own? millions

How many MP3 files do you have? about 5,000

How many video cassetes do you own? 100s and 100s

How many DVDs? tons

What is your favorite computer game? umm I don't really have one;)

Do you keep a diary? no

Do you have any collections? Yes

What do you collect? sea shells, celestial, LP, sobe caps

Do you have a car? uh yeah

What is it? 1990 Chrysler Lebaron Convertible :)

What do you know a lot about? computers

What is your favorite book? dunno

Who are your best friends?Abby, Arielle, Holly, Joe, Brian, Cory, Peter

Who are your friends? April, Haley, Chase, RJ, Trevon, Tanner, Cali, Whit,Quinton

What are your favorite cartoons? Rocket Power

What’s your most embarrassing moment? tripping on the stairs in the highschool

If you could marry anyone in the world who would it be? someone really hot!

If murder was legal and there was nothing against it in the bible or nothing would you do it? NO

If it was legal and all that would you even be alive? hmm i dont know, im sure a couple girls woulda shot me by now

What’s your favorite magazine? fox racing,rolling stones

If someone were to buy you a present what would you want? a new 4 wheeler, or a toyota supra

What’s your favorite class? graphics

Are you gonna go to college? Yes

Have you ever been in a wreck? no thank god

HAve you ever been in trouble with the law? once, NEVER AGAIN