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______________________ Welcome to my page.....delve into the strange mind that is Kunfuscious.....

A few words from the all wise Kunfuscious:
"You should never need anyone or anything to bring you happiness; all you should need is yourself."

"The future is now, ready to be molded by your actions; rather than recreate the past,
create something that is new and forever lasting..."

"To know all is not the true definition of a genius;
how well you apply what you do know is what it means to be a genius."

"Art is something to be felt, to be enjoyed for what it is,
not something to be analyzed and evaluated for it`s worth."

"Power shouldn`t be measured how many people one controls;
rather, it should be measured by how many peope one reaches."

"It`s not what you believe, but how you act."

"One should never have to worry; just flow like water along the path to your destination.
Sometimes the current is strong and fast, while at other times the current is weak and slow;
either way, you`ll get there in due time."

Who am I?

Name: Kun
Age: 20
Sexy?: Male
Location: GA, Atl
Ethnicity: Chinese
School: GA Tech
Status: Student,Lazy A$$
B-day: 10/18/1982
Likes: To play dumb

Dislikes: Stupidity

Hobbies: World Domination, Philosophy, Drawing, Writing, Thinking, cooking

There's a certain special someone out there,
Someone I would willing to do anything for.
Someone so amazing that I would spend a thousand eternities just for a brief second of her time.
Those gorgueous eyes...
Just a glance makes my heart shatter knowing that I'm not with her.
That amazing smile...
a smile that lights up the darkness that blinds me in my screwy little world.
The way she talks...
The way she laughs...
The way she sings...
It all comes from her heart, not just from her beautiful lips.
Brilliant, funny, vibrant, playful, friendly...the list goes on and on and on.
And all it took was a simple hello and that cute little smile and I was hers...

Too bad she doens't know it.
Maybe its a good thing...maybe she would've used me had she known how much I cared for her.
Nah...she's not like that, she's too gentle and kind to ever use me.
Besides, what does she need me for? She's strong and independent, doesn't need anybody but still likes to have people by her side.
If...if only I could tell her how I feel, how much she means to me...
Maybe then she'll open her eyes and let me into her life. I can already see it now...

Us in the future, two aborable, playful little kids...
A girl and a boy...
And yeah, even a cute little puppy jumping around with the children...what a life....
Then I can already see us growing old together...
Happily retired sitting outside on the porch watching our children wave goodbye as they leave with our grandkids for the weekend visit...
I can see it all so clearly.....

But then I return back to reality again...
Back to my lonely life...
Typing away time I could be spending doing something important (but hey, when ya got something on your mind its best to get it out right?).
I'm still here by myself, she's still clueless of how I feel (and probably would'nt even give me the time of day if she did know)...
And I just sit...
And I wait...
For that day...
That one day that she finally sees me for who I am...
The man of her dreams that she doesn't want to see just yet.


"In the Depths of Solitude"

"I exist in the depths of solitude
pondering my true goal
Trying 2 find peace of mind
and still preserve my soul
CONSTANTLY yearning to be accepted
and from all receive respect
Never compromising but sometimes risky
and that is my only regret
A young heart with an old soul
how can there be peace
How can I be in the depths of solitude
when there R 2 inside of me
This Duo within me causes
the perfect opportunity
2 learn and live twice as fast
asthose who accept simplicity"


"Cottleston Pie"

Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie,
A fly can`t bird, but a bird can fly.
Ask me a riddle, and I reply:
"Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie."

Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie,
A fish can`t whistle and neither can I.
Ask me a riddle and I reply:
"Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie."

Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie,
Why does a chicken, I don`t know why.
Ask me a riddle and I reply:
"Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie."

Think about it...

What is this feelin that I feel?
Could it be?
Can it be real?
What's the deal, cause I have no clue.
What might be false hopes, and what might be true.
I can't think anymore, my mind has run out on me.
Your thinking hurts me too much to bear this captivity.·
What am I to do? can't talk, can't listen, can't see what the hell I'm missin,
I think I'm gone, insanity finding its place inside of me;
Rattling my thoughts, scrambling my once thoughtful words of comfort.
What should I do? Fight back or let it take control,
Forever lost in a strangely familiar world, nothing empty, nothing full.
Everything being what it wouldn't or couldn't be, taking over my sanity.
I think I'll letit run its course or forever take me
To a fate I yet not know, but waiting to find out patiently.


I'm drowning in the depths of madness,
Forever lost in a deep dark sea of emptiness.
Where do I go?
How will I know?
What happened to the light that used to be?
Why was it taken away from me?
Maybe it is still there, who knows
Like DMX, maybe I can? see cause my eyes are closed.
Should I open them, or shall they remain forever sealed
Maybe if I open them, they can show me how to heal.
But what if, if I do open them and I see more sadness and despair?
What am I to do from there?
I can't run, hell nah, that's not my style.
I gotta stand up face, chase it and be wild.
Damn right, gotta face those fears and just learn to go along.
Gotta say, ?UCK IT!·and go back to being strong.

