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EECB 423

Assignment 3 – Due on 21st  February 2003


One of the network engineer’s jobs is to determine which vendor to choose from whenever they are expanding the current or implementing a new network. In this assignment you are to think about this issue.  For each location (labeled between I to XII), you are required to come out with a comparison table for service providers, server, server software, and networking devices in that particular locale. At least five service providers or vendors are required in each comparison table. Provided also the comparison of five vendors of the fiber optics (single or multimode) and UTP link. You are not required to specify any software (applications) or hardware (PCs) for the end user.


Work in a group of not more than three. You are only required to hand in softcopy of your Microsoft Word file.


The Figure


Equipment 1


Vendor 1

Vendor 2

Vendor 3

Vendor 4

Vendor 5

Specification 1






Specification 2






Specification 3









Region VI and I: ATM Core (backbone). Comparison of ATM products. Must have Gigabit and OC-12 interface. Gigabit links that connect telephone switches together. Telephone switches are usually PBX or PABX for private network or ATM switches that can handle voice line.


Region II: Possible hubs with 24 to 32 ports. It might be least expensive low-end switches.


Region III, IV & V: High-end switch that has fast Ethernet, fiber and gigabits interface.


Region VII: Intel based server. Unix based server (SUN, HP, SGI, etc). Mail server packages, Web server farm software packages. IBM Enterprise server (AS400, AIX or mainframe) and at least four other competitors.


Region VIII and X: High end Ethernet switch with Fast Ethernet, Gigabits and ATM OC-3 connection.


Region IX: Internet access Line such as lease line, frame relay, ISDN, etc. Provide a comparison of at least 4 ISPs in Malaysia.


Region XI: Wireless Ethernet NIC and base station.


Region XII: End user PC and applications. You don't need to discuss this.