Great Brettain is of course, great but it is also wonderful

Great Brettain is simply the greatest place in the whole world, well actually it IS bigger then the whole world so i guess bigger must be better.

Why is GB the best? I don't know you tell me.

There are pics here. Real no foolin pics!

Here are some dancing brents. Aren't they mesmerising?

And some penguins for your enjoyment, and mine.

Dear citizens of Great Brettain
King Brett has heard your cries of outrage over the recent new continent/hamburger incident. In response, Brett has sent out some of his best men on voyages around Brettania to explore. The following countries have been found by the following Brettish citizens:
Chanada - Jacky Chan
Klemerica - Klem Speck
The United Bates - Cameron Bates
Fraceste - Couchman Fanste

Listen up kids, the new party drug is here!!!
The all new Great Brettish Superfunmegahappyhypowickedsickcoolo Drink which contains all the best bits from the most sugary and energy giving stuff.
The GBS Drink contains:Red Bull, V, Guarana, ground glucose tablets, gatorade powder, panadol and, of course, red cordial.
That's why this drink is FOR YOU!!! You can drink this any time you want, any place you want. If you have heart problems, you may want to invite friends over to watch you drink it, I advise that you charge $10 per head.
Warning: Drinking GBS Drink may lead to nausea, heart palpitations, brain malfunctions, leaping from basketball backboards, running into walls repeatedly, internal organ expulsion, spontaneous combustion and you may feel a slight burning sensation when you pee.

Yo, this is 4 all u GB fans out there, the official is Great Brettain great poll.

The National Anthem
Our country re-eks of trees
Our yaks are rea-lly large
And they smell like rotting beef carcasses

The sand sears u-p our skirts
And poisonous snakes will dev-our us all
And our bones will bleach in the sunnnnn.

We will probably g-o to hell
Where Satanwillgiveusanotherchancetoredeemourselvesandsendusba-ck to earth
Where we'll killanyonewhothinksIanistolerabllllle
To learn more about Great Brettain, go here

This updates section is because Jacky asked me real politely. The following are followers of the Almighty King Brett (cheer):The Almighty King Brett (cheer), Royal Advisor Klem, President Jacky, Couchman Fanste, Half the Senate Shaun, Jasmine the Queens Mother, Queen Becki, Jess the Queen's Mother's Sister, Kimberly the First Lady, Thong the Asian citizen, Clayton the citizen representing midgets and Jarad the Other Citizen, Secret Agent Tom, Our Royal Unco Elliot and Izaac the Royal Tutu Maker and Thug.
To find out more about the Great Brettish people click here

We now have another update for the site!!! That is, we would but we need SCRIPTS. Scripts for TV shows that we could put on the site. Write out a script based on a real TV show but pay them out as much as possible. If you send your full scripts to us, we can adjust them to make the gay parts ungay and if they are then any good then we'll put them on the site and add a biography for you on the bios page. No need to send any details about yourself to us because with the kilograms of spyware we have downloading onto your computer right now we already know everything about you. Oh I am being told that you are to forget everything and that I heartily endorse this event and/or product and that my good friend MR BLACK is now in charge *BLAM* (In Ms Nathen voice)Ouch, you shot me, you shot me in the arm. I am werry badly hurt. Please help me! *BLAM*


New Members For This Week
We've never had new members before but this week we have.........
  • Izaac(probably spelt crappapily)

    Have you ever been picked on by anyone, taunted, teased? Or is there anyone that you would love to rip apart with your thumbs? Then the DOTSFZ (Dojo Of Thumb Stabbing Freaka Zoids) is for you! Just give us your credit card number and we will send you:
    • A bucket of fishheads
    • Three drunken maltese terriers
    • An easy to read, Thumb-Fu guide
    • And a video of Klem doing push ups on his thumbs.
    You can get all this for oh gee look over there, I must return to my house where my bed and

    Now for a very important update! The Golf-lympics will be starting in a matter of days so we need the dancers to learn their stuff so they can have it down by Monday. Come on girlth let'th keep it together! The events are either with Jacky or Fanste, I don't know but whoever it is with could they please step forward!
    For more info on the golflympics, click here

    Now its time for an almighty update from almighty King Brett. This site is pretty great, in fact its f*^#$n awesome. I thought I'd mention that the golflympics are fast approaching, and we are all very excited, indeed. But, there are also some real sports to think about, such as basketball. Ok, for all you people who arent on the low-down, I'll keep it simple. We play basketball in an Under 18's competition. There are 5 of us, 3 of whom, could still be playing Under 16's. We haven't won a game all season, but its okay, because we have fun (aaaaawwwwwww). Tomorrow, we are playing a team that are way better than us, and we are only going to have 4 players. Hahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww, that sucks. Oh well, anyway, the reason ibrought this up is because I was thinking, we should keep our scores on the site, for two good reasons:- 1. We can tell if we have improved since the last time 2. Everyone wh isn't on the team can laugh at how unbelievably crap we are

    On the matter of who is a bigger fish, we have resolved that it is officially Jacky. AHAHAHAHAHAHA.
    Our Blog/forum thing. Visit it and tell us of your adventures.

    An amazing youth formula has been discovered by the scientists at the Oh-So-Clever institute of King Brett's Chem Class. It's absolutely FREE!!! All you have to do is follow these simple steps:
    • 1. Don't drink anything
    • 2. Don't breath, EVER!

    Just follow these steps and you'll be young forever.
    Following these steps may lead to dizziness, headaches or death.

    In case you didnt get the memo,(there really was no memo so dont go out and scream at and abuse your assistants for not giving you the memo [unless you really want to]), Great Brettain has begun war with town A from the Specialist Maths D.I.

    Great Brettain has discovered the wonder of TV!!!
    For those who already subscribe to Brettel TV, you now get some actual channels! The following channels are to be added: The Cartoon Brettwork, BNN, KBBC News, ESBN, Brettolodeon, Brett Jr, The Brettedy Channel, Brettime, Brettime +2, Brett 1, Brett Greats, The Adults Only 'Sex With Brett' 24 hours a day and the 24 channel, which has a new series of 24 made everyday. It is now made in real-time as well!!!

    Need To Know Information
    On the wishes of Peter we have taken down the list of things that made him gay. He will kill us all otherwise so I advised myself to take it off because I don't like being in a state of complete deadness. It seems to make me kind of unalive. Therefore the list has been MOVED to this website

    Now for a really important update by Royal Advisor Klem. Town A has been successfully besieged and the F.I.S.H. that were based there have been sent to the PFFWAGAB (The Prison For FISH Who Are Gay And Bad) of which the care of these FISH has been passed on to Jailbird Cameron. This prison has been built in the ruins of Fanste's Couch i.e. underwater and as such all prisoners and prison staff must wear breathing masks at all times or else they will die.

    Dibrettsu Makes First Car
    The first car has been manufactured in Great Brettain on 6/8/04. The new household name for Great Brettish rev heads is the Brettice. This car features wheels with optional tyres, an engine, a windscreen and a steering rudder. Dibrettsu has been toying with the idea of adding cup holders but the physics of that is just to difficult to comprehend. This car goes for about $231333 because finding cars lying on Earth that are unused and transporting them to Great Brettain costs a lot of money.

    Great Brettish Mafia, Yin and Yang
    The Great Brettish Mafia (Flowers By Irene) are both on the side of the law and are against it. While they commit wanton destruction and extortion to places like Crackton and Bumtown, if they get too close to anywhere else, King Brett can give them a stern glaring at and they'll crawl back to Bumtown and continue bashing homeless people. The only real use for them is that if we ever get into a turf war with the Yakuza from this planet over here, then we have someone to deal with them.

    First Update in Yonks
    This is Klem reporting all the way from Yonks in a new continent found floating around 3cm away from the one that we know and love. Dunno why we didn't see it before. Maybe if they increased the budget for the Spotting Landmarks and Cheeseburgers Department we might've seen this earlier. And avoided that truckload of cheeseburgers falling into the underwater prison and actually feeding the prisoners enough that they stood up and ran off. There was nothing we could do. So if you are having your computer stolen at this very moment just take the time to stop and say 'Hey inmate 15286!'. It'll make their day.

    I'm going to run to the moon!

    Holy Moving Celestial Bodies Batman!
    President Jacky took it upon himself to steal a couple of moons from Jupiter so that The Almighty King Brett (cheer) can actually run to the moon. Jupiter has plenty so it doesn't mind. It's not going to suddenly come to life and say 'Where the hell are my moons ya digolintruda?' and come after us with a rusty bullet throwing device that throws rusty bullets at us.

    Wow, isn't this interesting!

    Rejection of the Year
    The rejection of the year for 2004 was made by Jasmine Batello in the library. Matt Dixon stalked his prey well, by saying stupid jokes and assuming that when she walked away she meant for him to follow and have a root. He was wrong. When he asked the fateful question on that fateful day among the fateful books and got that fateful answer, he was crushed because Jasmine said 'I don't think so' indicating that Dixon is a toadhead.
    Weekly Basketball Updates
    Well, we didn't make the finals, don't know why, so there won't be any updates for a while.
    For more info on the basketball team Blau and their stats click here
    If basketball ain't your thing go here for wonderful Arbanational, the national sport of Great Brettain
    To find out whats goin on in Great Brettain, look at the events page

    The Top 15 Celebrities in Great Brettain

    • 1. King Brett
    • 2. Brettney Spears
    • 3. The Brett Eyed Peas
    • 4. Brettie McGuire
    • 5. Brettexander the Great
    • 6. Brett Lee
    • 7. The Brettles
    • 8. The Rolling Bretts
    • 9. Brettin Tarantino
    • 10.Brettonce Knowles
    • 11.Brettifer Lopez
    • 12.Brettinem a.k.a Brettshal Mathers
    • 13.Kobe Brettant
    • 14.Kiefer Bretterland a.k.a Jack Bretter
    • 15.Dan Castellabretta

    If you aren't in our class, then you won't have a clue on what we are talking about so learn how to join Great Brettain here!

    Roms That Brett Or Klem Have Finished