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kevin's home page

My Favorite Web Sites

a really cool website about golden sun
rpg game-contact SMDragonslayer to play
my bro's site
my other bro site

welcome to my website!!!

hey people. haven't been to this website for a long while
have lots of thing to do
some of my pages are under construction
i'll be soon adding in a schedule of stuff i'll make
sign my geustbook or just contact me
my aim is kaikaibinx
i have a new one to come
Smell ya later
hope you like this

golden sun
megaman and his crew
my family
gundam pics
legend of zelda

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Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!
Or else my power of super sonic speed will get you and i'm not kidding!
Also the swartz will too!
