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Fallopian Review
This is the place where we, being the wisest and brightest of our generation and self-proclaimed leaders of said generation, review anything we claim worthy, or so unworthy, of our word.
Our "earth" names are, Travis, Josh, Patrick, Matt, Others, and Brian. But we, being enlightened, prefer to refer to ourselves as Travis, Josh, PATRICK, Matt, Others, and Kibby.
Soon this stuff may actually lead you somewhere, but for right now you can still look at them and wonder where they will take you-alot like most people who look somewhere and wonder about it rather than actually going to find out. some place with some stuff | Christmas is the best holiday - patrick | boobs | The making of Whale sex documentary | so, how 'bout those bengals |

Our homepage will forever be a page for us to come and just rant or ramble or anything else that is ultimately pointless. It should be updated daily by at least one of us so there is always something new to read. Soon, you'll be able to open pages of reviews and other pieces of writing by the hard and dedicated slackers who brought you this page in about 7 minutes(that's why it looks as good as it does)

MAY 15-2003 Kibby, and who ever else has done this so far, i came to the page today and notice travis' post had been changed, again, this is the second time someone changed it to make it look stupid, kibby i already explained this to you once and said you understood, WE DO NO CHANGE EACH OTHERS POSTS, thats the final word on that, now stop doing it, yeah you dont like fight club, big deal write about it, but dont change what someone else has written, if your arguement is actually worthwhile then it will stand up to whatever they say, if youre so insecure about what you say having any sway with people as to change the argument of the opposition to make yours look better, maybe you ought to start saying some better stuff, i leave with this final note DO NOT CHANGE WHAT OTHER POSTERS HAVE WRITTEN - Patrick

Once again Patrick, I DIDNT CHANGE IT, so stop blaming me, its starting to piss me off!! He changed it, not i, so shut up!It's the second time you've accused me of doing it, and once again, it was Travis, NOT ME! -Brian

Yeah Pat, I changed it. Also, i'll be out for the weekend but That'll give me time to start my page so it should be up monday along with my first couple reviews i've been working on.-Travis

MAY-12-2003 Today was an awesome day. It seems the web page has become fairly popular in very little time, the vast majority of students who have seen this page say they will continually visit, which means we will continually update. I went to rent Equilibrium today only to realize that it's not Tuesday just yet. Which really sucks for I had been looking forward to seeing it most of the day. I'll check the other video store in a bit when Diane comes to work. She often lets me rent films off the record and pay for them later when they haven't actually been released yet, so hopefully she'll do so for this one.
On a lighter note, MATRIX: RE-FREAKIN'LOADED will be playing Wednesday at 10:00pm. But now Josh is saying he would rather go to the cinema with a bunch of hot girls than with his best friends. Well, screw you too Josh. Butt-hole!
I'll probably add my personal page to the website sometime today so check back later. If it's not up today, I promise I'll "TRY" to get it up by tomorrow. That is all.

Do or do not. There is no "try" -Brian

I choose the latter. Also, I got an early release copy of Equilibrium. I'll write up my thoughts soon and have them posted as my first real review.-Travis

A word from Josh
fight club is gayer than Boy George's singing career.
The other day I was reading some of travis and patricks thoughts on fight club, i realized it is not all its cut out to be. Finding people who actually like this movie is like rolling an eight ball and getting the # 14 come face up, yes the # 14. Now i probably dont have the most acuity for these things but i do believe that: me being the wisest person you will ever meet might be able to sum this movie up. Brad Pitt plays an inane counterpart of Edward Norton, which already sounds gay. Then when you add the part where Edward finds out he was smacking his own ass the whole time, do to the fact Brad Pitt was just a figment of his imagination. Then shoot Edward in the head. Have Edward come to realize he screwed some crack whore and he is crazy, if i might add is the only non-gay part of this movie. Add in the fact Edward didn't want to have sex and now hates everything Brad Pitt has done for him, because Brad straight....Now I think you have yourself fight club my friends.

a word from patrick
patrick tells you about a movie he doesnt like and since he doesnt like it, he puts in slanderous comments relating the movie to homosexuals, then he tells you that the plot line sucks, he then proceeds to tell you the plot, leaving out anything that would seem interesting, or make the movie stand for something, he does this so that the movie will sound retarded, he also relates everything to sex and who fucked who, even though the movie was not about that, you see the movie was about rejection of money and popular culture, but patrick does not tell you this because he loves these things, and wants to belittle and make anything that questions them, look stupid, what patrick is doing is called strawmanning an argument, it is presenting a false representation of the opposition to his view, so that he needs no real quality in his own argument, patrick is insecure, and scared, that or braindead, and hoping you are too, - Patrick


Ernest Hemingway is the best author, ever. - Patrick

Fight Club is the greatest movie, ever.It's really good. Yeah, it's that good. - Travis

I concur, i also make the assertion that from now on periods are useless and will use commas instead, because they are better, after you, mr, durden, - Patrick

I dont like it for the fact that they show penis' in it,,,, and i dont like penis',,,, but the fighting in it is pretty cool, thats about it,,, Now , for the greatest movie, ever, Gladiator,,,it's so much better than Fight Club-Brian

kibby, you need to use your earth name when making posts, that way they earthlings will be able to recognize you, no one on this planet knows you as brian you know better than that, - Patrick

i'm a little teapot short and stout, here is my handle here is ... wait ... you should put some words in here. people like to read words
And so without further adieu, here are some of our favorite words - Travis

ryan niemer
"SAFE" sexvolleyball

or write about how you'd like to visit there
Sexual Side effects- Talk to your doctor about safe sexvolleyball.
I personally think it's great, yep, volleyball with condoms. You really don't need anything else. Not even a net or a ball(or clothes -Patrick) If you can find a way to make a game out of sex, just call it volleyball and you're playing safe sexvolleyball. It's that easy. It's user friendly set-up is one of the reasons i rate it so highly. Just stick on a condom and play all night, or until you get tired, it's a very pro-active sport, preferably co-ed. Be sure to stay in shape and take your vitamins because it can be quite demanding, especially when your teammates don't do much to help. But all in all, it's a good thing and usually really cheap so i give 176 points on whatever scale to safe sexvolleyball. It's fun, and safe, like volleyball. -Travis
note: side effects may include but are not limited to bowel cancer, stomach cancer, lung cancer, brain cancer, nut cancer, head cancer, wrist cancer, fingernail cancer, vomiting, and cancer, - also Patrick