Jordan Mings Restaurant

Jordan Mings Restaurant is the new and hip place to be. First opened at 411 Calaway Rd Ballajura in 1911. Since then, Jordan Mings has proven to be one of the coolest places around. By holding up our great reputation of brilliant food and even better customer service we look forward to seeing you and your friends at the one and only Jordan Mings!

Jordan Mings Fully Sik Licensed Restaurant was opened in 1911 to meet the demands of an ever-growing customer base and to provide comfort and standards of service which I, Jordan Ming strives to perfect. With over 92 years in the food trade my staff and I have extensive knowledge of the requirements and tastes of discerning diners.

The atmosphere of Jordan Mings is a welcoming one and the spacious, elegant interior provides a calm and relaxing ambience. Whether you are dining out for the evening, stopping in for lunch whilst shopping or on business, or taking advantage of the cheffs special menu, you will be assured of a smile, an exciting choice of quality Chinese Take Out.

I look forward to meeting you in the near future. And remember as Jefferson once said: "If it ain't Jordan Mings, it aint Chinese."

Opening Hours:

Wednesday ONLY 4.00am till 5.00am


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