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Welcome to EAD

Mess with one mess with the rest

We ride together

We die together

You want to the find the chillest crew,
Who party until the morning.
A crew that always beer pongs it up,
And whos nights are never boring.
A crew that rolls around,
Just looking for a fight.
A crew that can make each other laugh,
All the way through the night.
A crew that throws amazing parties,
And drinks till they get sick.
To find a crew as chill as this,
You'd have to Eat A Dick.
E.A.D. For Life.
by J Kort

EAD... my family... i'll miss you guys from across the country but i know you'll always be there for me
"My friends look out for me like family."- H20
Your West Coast Connection - Max

We live for the nights we don't remember

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