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Player: (Your Name)

Name: (Your elf's name, please make sure you name is different from the characters already in the holt and the name is in traditional Chinese style. Below is a list of names for suffix's and prefix's for males and females. Choose two and put together to create a Chinese name. ie: Sun Li or Lu Bu)

Males: Wang Chen Yang Huang Wu Lin Ye Zhao Xu Gao Ma Liang Guo He Zheng Hu Cai Zeng She Deng Shen Xie Tang Luo Yuan Feng Song Su Mai Dong Han Ren Jian Gu Zhong Fang Du Ding Yao Pan Tan Qiu Xiao Jin Jia Tian Cui Cheng Wei Xue Dai Fan Hou Xia Bai Qian Zhuang Zou Shi Peng Gong Qin Liao Li Fu Lai Shao Mao Xing Ni Yan Chang Kang Niu Wan Tao Meng Ge Yin Sheng Qi Ke Long Qu Hao Guan Ji Wen Tang Dai Lan Pei Ruan Xiong An Chai Shang Pang Yue Xin Nie Zhai Bao Mou Xie Min Bian Chu Sui Ai Che Ran Xiang.

Females: Bing Qing Chan Juan Chang Cong Fang Yin Fen Feng Huan Yue Hui Ying Jia Jiang Jing Jiao Juan Lei Ming Na Qin Wei Yao Ling Ming Ping Qi Yuan Qiao Shan Shi Shu Shuang Ting Wan Xia Xiang Xiao Xiu Xue Yan Jie Ze Yi Min Zhi Zi Song Ni Pei Ai Shen Mai Ren Xiao Jia Tian Dai Lai Ling An Miao Mo Mi Ou

Age: (1-14 Child, 15-20 Youth, 21-100 Young Adult, 101-2000 Adult +2000 Elder)

Gender: (please put male or female, I am only going to allow 5 of each gender into each of the Houses)

Family- (name any family members that are important to your characters personality or history, I won't be picky if there are blanks. But please state the relationship to your elf and whether they are dead, alive or missing)




Lover/Spouse: (These elves have lovers or husbands/wives, not lovemates or lifemates, state which they are and if they are alive, dead or missing)

House Position: (Please state the available position and which house they belong to. Below is a list of positions for each house, if there is something you wish to have but is not on the list please email me and I may accept it.)

Wu- Warriors, Sages, Serfs, Scouts, Fish Master

Shu- Warriors, Sages, Serfs, Scouts, Horse Keeper, Carpenter, Tanner

Wei- Warriors, Sages, Serfs, Scout, Herbal Healer, Weapons Keeper, Armorer

Jin- Warriors, Sages, Serfs, Scouts, Saki Keeper, Tanner, Jewel Maker

Mount/Pet: (All warriors will have a horse, but many of the other elves do not, but can have pets. Please normal domesticated animals, not pandas or panthers, these elves do not bond so it wouldn't be natural to have a wild animal as a pet.)

Magic: (Please select only one of the available magics below. Remember if your character is not a sage, then they will not have devoted the time to study to make their magic strong, I will most likely limit the amount of non sages with magic.)

Available Magics: Plant shaping, Shadow shaping, Levitation, Finding, Fire shaping, Deep Sense, Shielding, Bone Shaping, Gem Shaping, and Sight (the ability to tell whether a demon was once an elf or to seperate the taint from an elf, this is a new power)

Hair Color: (Any color is exceptable among normal colors like blonde brown silver black and red)

Hair Style: (Anything goes)

Eyes: (Anything goes)

Overall Appearance: (Describe the characters body shape and height. These elves have not been stunted like the wolfriders and can range from 5-6 ft)

Clothing: (The main material for clothes is silk and sheepskin leather and both can be dyed into many colors, the elves will often have their house colors somewhere on them.)

Jewelry: (Gold and silver and also jewels are avaiable)

Weapons: (Many different types of weapons are used, swords, sabers, axes, polearm, halberds, claws, tonfas, creative)

Skills: (List anything the elves can do in battle or everyday life that is worth noting)

Personality: (Be creative here, and remember that not every elf can be a brooder, or the best on the battlefield, they should have faults along with triumphs.)

History: (Put anything important to your elf)


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