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Clan Info
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Clan Rules
Clan Ranks
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Clan News
Life Update: Unscheduled periods are awesome.
I have unscheduled class 6th period now, so I'm just hanging out in psychology class listening. It's a great class, and I dont have to do any of the work! Gives me an extra chance to do homework or just dink around. Like I am now. ^_^
Site Update Clan kinda died: Just updating this site so people can download music offa here easily. Here's the link for the music section click HERE for MUSIC!
Above is a picture(obviously) it is a picture of a clan member. We are holding a contest where the winner will get his name posted on the website! now to win all you have to do is identify the clan member with their picture... Only LotuS knows the true identy. so come talk to LotuS and identify this member to claim your prize! This contest will be updated every week with a new member as the mystery guest. so stay tuned and stop by often to see who is here.
Site Update Clan Tournament to be this Saturday: Tourny will be held in Clan Dragon(D) this saturday at 1:00 pm Pacific Standard Time. Details and matchups can be found here TOURNY.
Site Update 11/26/02 LotuS Adds Games section so viewers dont get bored ;) also LotuS has Implemented a Clan Mailing list. All members should subscribe to receive a monthly email from the clan. The email will inform you of clan events and news that have happened recently and that are coming up, will also inform of rule changes and site updates.
Site Update 11/24/02 Neke creates the REPLAY page. It's in the download section. There aren't any replays on it yet, but there will be soon. Submit your replays!
Site Update 11/24/02 Lotus gets told by members that his site is boring. So he decides to add downloads to the site. I threw my computer monitor on the floor because the downloads were pissing me off. About a hour later i picked it up and started working on it some more, and didnt stop until i was finished. I Hope the site is more interesting now.
Site Update 11/23/02 Lotus Fixes stuff: Remember all those old URL's? like and and ? well now you wont be confused any longer because all of those 'shorter Url's' now all come tirectly to this site. Feel free to use any of them or just use the Angelfire link.
Site Update 11/22/02 LotuS puts finishing touches on navigation Bar, added a new clan poll to the site. Put up the 'Join' Page.
Site Update 11/19/02 Neke sets up navigation bar on all main pages, and places Dragon(D) logo on top of all pages without a logo/picture up already. Neke also reinstalls his "Learn to program Basic" CD, so we may have a text based game on here eventually (there's the keyword: eventually).
Site Update 11/15/02 Neke creates an art page. Email him with your Bnet name in the subject line to submit your art and/or animations. Check back often, more will come.
Site Update 11/14/02 LotuS adds message Board to Navigation Bar, Adds colored scroll bars, link on mouseover underline effects and color changes and other site tweaks that make the site look cool that he has forgotten about.
Site Update 11/12/02 Neke creates animation seen here and in ranks page. Neke creates ranks, division, and rules pages.
Site Update 11/8/02 There are now two webmasters to the site, LotuS and Neke. The site should be updated more frequently now and should look alot nicer.
Site Update 10/8/02 Added more stuff to funny stuff page. Updated a few more things on the tournament rules. I have been getting some positive feedback from members about the site via E-mail and i would like to encourage all of you to do this. If you see a error, or you would like something to be added, or just general questions about anything just email me and we will talk about it. also i moved the site around a little. if you don't have email or you have problems contacting me you can always post on the message board.
Site Update 10/8/02 There is to be held form this point forwars. A tournament every staurday. time of tournaments will be 6:00 Pacific Time. Also we are currently looking for division leaders, if you think you would be a good candidate talk to the leaders.

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