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Apex Clan Tournament
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Apex Clan Tournament

Apex Clan is finally holding a tournament to find the best Apex players in AoC and AoK. The Tournaments First round will begin ********* and the maps will be the maps will change every other round switching to between RM RC and Arabia.



1.If you drop that counts as a loss unless the person your playing agrees to have a rematch OR if it was a obvious win and you drop then you have to rematch with each other.

2. No hacking of course.


1. All Games will be played with 2.0a and 1.0c.

2. The game settings will be Random Map, Arabia/Random, Tiny, Moderate, Standard, 200, Normal, Normal, Standard, Conquest and will be recorded.

3. The players will be randomly chosen to play each other and it is first to 4 points (2 points each win). For example if 14 players entered the tournament for the first round then 7 would remain in the 2nd round (The best player so far would sit out by judges choice) then going into 3rd round there would be 4 players left and after that round would be finals.

Just click the link then click the number no need to download, or sign up for anything!