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Our goal: To fight hard against the admins and mods until we get what we want...PERSONAL AVATARS!!!

Theres the "flag," yeah, its not that great, but, more importantly...

1. This is where the admins are at... where they plan their attack.

2. mdouet's station - I don't know what he does yet, but we can only assume he's prepared for the worst.

3. wingdboi - He stands in front of the admin's house to protect them with his life. I've heard he keeps dynamite!

4. Monkey - As our double agent, he has access to everything in the Upper-staff area, so he finds info for us.

5. partyp00per - We don't know much about her yet, but she IS crazy, so expect the worst if you try to take her cliff.

6. Trillian and yab - They protect the road into Upper-staff area with their lives, we'll have to find away around them...

7. jjavicho28 and the soldiers - His camp is set up in this area, hiding from Trill and yab, we have access to the bridge and javi's men will take out any enemies who try to pass.

8. Mod Anti-scout machine guns - the only other way into the Upper-staff area, we're gonna have to disarm these guns, Monkey can possibly help with this...

9. Nin10dude and gameguy888's Station - As domestic advisor and weapons developer, Nin10dude will protect the area around here as police officer, while gameguy develops our secret weapons inside...

10. Our base - I'm in there right now, typing this up, so are my right hand men, Clem and GameCubeGuy, as well as NintendoFreak! =-D Here we plan everything, all information comes through here!

The soldiers are as follows:


Rick's Rage 2003



Next we plan on taking over the railways so we can sneak in from the top!


Thanks to partyp00per for the title graphic and alot of other things, lol!

Animal Crossing Community