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This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


I Came And I will Come Again

I came once before and I am coming again. The first time I came in humility,
so that I might draw all men unto Myself. But when I come again, I will come
in My glory and My majesty. The first time I came in obscurity, hidden in
a manger and worshipped by only a few. But when I return, every eye shall
see Me and every knee shall bow before Me and every tongue shall confess My
lordship. The first time I came as a baby, but I shall return as a mighty
warrior and conquering king. The first time I came as a sacrifice of love,
that all men might be saved, but I shall return as the righteous judge of
all humanity.

Do not think of Me as a helpless baby in a manger, for that is not who I am
today. Yes, I allowed Myself to assume that form when I was born, but even
My physical body grew and matured while I was on this earth. I laid aside My
power and My glory and My majesty to humble Myself, and I took upon Myself
the form of a man. But after I conquered sin and death on Calvary, My
Heavenly Father restored to Me all that I had willing laid aside. I am not
small. I am not weak and helpless. I do not need any man to protect Me or
to care for My needs, for I am the Lord God almighty. I am Lord of all things
and all things have been put under My feet.

I am your Lord and master, and I expect you to obey Me and to give Me the
honor that is My due. I am your provider, the One who is able to take care
of you. I am your healer, the One who bore your sickness and infirmity, and
by My stripes you are healed. I am your redeemer, the One who washes away
your sin and makes it possible for you to be adopted into our Father's
family. I am the One who provided so great an inheritance for you. I am the
one who defeated Satan and broke the power of sin and death over you. I am
the One who set you free. I am the One who has called you and commissioned
you and allowed you to participate with Me in accomplishing My plans and
purposes. I am the One who has given you My name and I have called you
"friend." I have placed My Spirit and My authority within you, and I have
given you power over all the power of the devil. I can do that because all
authority is Mine, I won it on Calvary. And that is why I came to this
earth, to do that for you.

I am not that child in the manger any longer, I am not a helpless babe.
Yes, I went to the cross to be crucified for your sins, but I did not stay
there. I allowed them to kill My physical body and to put Me in a grave, but
death could not hold Me, for I conquered it. I have physically risen from
the dead, My human body has physically ascended back into Heaven to be with
My Father. All of the glory I that laid aside to become human has been
restored to Me, and I am the Lord God almighty.

You celebrate My first coming every year and you say that you look forward
to My second coming. But have you prepared for it? Have you set aside the
carnal areas of your thinking and behavior to embrace My holiness? Have you
committed yourself fully and totally to obey Me no matter what I ask of you?
Have you given Me a higher priority on your time than you give to the things
of the world? Have you been My witness to the lost, as I commissioned you
to do? Are you advancing My kingdom and bringing glory to My name?

Child, when I come again, I come as the righteous judge. Every man, woman,
and child shall appear before Me. At that time, there will no longer be mercy
for those who have not received Me and made Me their Lord. There will come
a day when it is too late for them to receive the gift of salvation that I
gave so freely on Calvary. Today is still the season of mercy and salvation.
So do not get so get so caught up in the things of this world that you forget
that I am coming again, and remember that I have called you to be My witness.

Yes, celebrate My first coming and remind yourself of what I have done for
you; that pleases Me. For I came that you might have life, and that you
might have it abundantly. I love you and that is why I was willing to come,
knowing I would be the sacrifice for your sins. It is good for you to remind
yourself of why I came and of what I have done for you. But do not forget
that I am coming again, so be diligent to prepare yourself for that day. Do
not think of Me as a baby in a manger, but as your Lord and master. Lay aside
your own agenda and embrace Mine, obey Me because you love Me, and honor Me
in all you do.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


What Do You Lack?

Do you know Who you have believed in? Do you have any idea what I am really
like? I am the God of all power, the One Who created the heavens and the
earth by merely speaking it into existence. There is great power in My
words and there is life in My words.

Child, I have spoken words of life over you. That means that I have created
life within you, for there is indeed life in My words. I have placed My
Spirit within you. He is there to strengthen you, to encourage you, to lead
you, to guide you and to empower you. Child, what is it that you believe
you lack?

Have I not put within you the power to do the very works that I did when I
walked on this earth? Indeed, I have placed that within you. I have given
you power and authority, and I have placed My anointing upon you. I have
made you mighty in Me and I have filled you with My compassion. My love for
you is never-ending. I have promised to provide for you and to protect
you. I cover you with the shadow of My wings and I have given you My peace.
So what is it that you believe you lack?

I say to you, little one, that I have provided all that you need: I have
provided for your heart and you mind, for your physical being and for your
eternal soul. There is nothing that I have not provided to you.

Child, have you received these things from My hand? Have you taken the
peace that My indwelling spirit has offered you? What about the joy? That
joy is independent of circumstances so that no man can take it from you. It
is intended for you, for I do desire that your joy be full and overflowing.
Do not cling to the things of the world that rob you of your joy and peace.
Let go of them; give them to Me, then take a hold of My hand which is
outstretched to you. Lay down the areas of fear and doubt and take a hold
of My provision, for I know what you need and I have already made a plan to
provide it for you. Lay down the areas of stubborn pride and disobedience
and take up the mantle of victory that I have ordained for you--for it is
indeed My will that you overcome by My power and walk in My victory.

See, child, I have such good plans for you. Those plans hold victory and
they hold peace, and they hold joy and fulfillment. Yes, at times I will
lead you through a difficult path. At times I will even lead you through
the valley of the shadow of death. But I will not leave you there, I will
cause you to pass through it and out on the other side to the place of
victory and joy and peace.

There may be times when you feel that you don't have all the material
things that you desire or think you need. Child, I will always provide
for you. At times My provision may not look like you expect, but I will
surely provide. Ruth did not expect to glean in Boaz's field, working
hard for mere scraps of food to fill her stomach. But I worked My glory
in that situation to provide for her much more completely as Boaz's wife.
Elijah did not expect to be a fugitive hiding out by a brook and fed by
ravens. I choose to provide that way in order to build in him the faith
he needed to challenge the prophets of Baal. It was there in that valley
that I met him and revealed Myself to him, growing his faith so that he
could do what I asked of him. Yes, My provision did not look like he
expected, but it was real and it was dependable. And I will likewise
provide for you, little one.

I have freed you from the bondage of sin and death. I have promised to
supply all of your needs through My Own glorious riches. I have adopted
you into My family, I have given you My name and I have placed My Spirit
within you. I have given you power and authority to do the very works I
did when I walked on this earth. So, little one, just what is it that
you lack?

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


You Are Not a Failure

Child, when you experience a setback that makes you feel small, run to Me
and not away from Me. Yes, I know your heart is breaking and yes, I know
you feel shame at your apparent failure. Child, many times the blame does
not lay solely with you, even when you would own it as your own. Remember
that I see all things and I am aware of all that is involved in the situation.
Child, I am not looking to blame you or to condemn you, I am looking to work
My glory in your life.

I want you to know something important--even if all of the blame was to lay
squarely and solely on your shoulders, I would not reject you or condemn you.
I am your redeemer and I am able to bring My glory into your failures and
turn them into My successes. I am your Father God and I have a great heart
of compassion for you. So come to Me and let Me comfort you. If you feel
inadequate, then come to Me and receive My adequacy. If you feel small, then
come to Me and allow Me to enlarge you. If you feel dirty then come to Me
and allow Me to cleanse you. Child, I am not about to disqualify you for
your apparent failure and I am not going to throw you away. Don't you know
that you are much more important to Me than the task at which you failed?

Child, My specialty is turning human failures into divine successes. Look at
Jacob, who was a schemer and a manipulator. I looked past his insufficiency
and made him a father of a nation that I called by My own name. Look at
Joseph who, through the arrogance of youth alienated his family and caused
his brothers to plot against him. Was I not with him in all he went through?
Did I not meet him in all that time that he viewed himself as a failure? Did
I not bring him to a place of honor and power and put him in a position to
care for two nations in a time of famine? Look at Moses, who was a murderer
and exile. Look at all the glorious things I did with him!

Child, I am not looking for your skill and your ability, I am looking for a
humble and yielded heart. Remember, I do not judge as man judges, I am the
One who looks upon the heart and not upon outward appearance. I am also the
master crafter, the One who can work in your life to change you to be a
vessel of My glory. That is a big part of why My Holy Spirit resides within
you--to change you from within and help you better conform to what I want
you to be like. He will empower you to do all the things that I ask you to
do. He will not allow you to fail as you trust in Him and follow His

Do not be afraid of failure--of failure in the eyes of man. That is not the
criteria upon which I will evaluate you. Do not allow your perceived failure
to keep you from coming to Me, from pressing into Me and drawing near to
Me. If you allow it to separate you from Me, then you are in danger of moving
into true failure--for true failure is in pulling away from Me and delivering
yourself to the tormentors.

Child, don't do that. Don't pull away from Me and don't give the enemy a place
in your life. Instead run to Me and receive My embrace. For in My embrace
is comfort and restoration. In My embrace is the directions for how to proceed
in the midst of your situation. In My embrace is the anointing and empowerment
to enable you to do all that I have required of you. Child, run to Me and
present yourself to Me. I say to you, that if you do this, you cannot be
a failure in My eyes.

Yes, I know your pain and your shame. Yes, I know your frustration and I am
aware of the sense of hopelessness that is trying to engulf you. Those things
are not My will for you. Allow Me to comfort, transform and restore. Allow
My hope and My vision to once again flow through you. Know that I am good
and place your trust in Me. Do not try to clean yourself up or to make
yourself more "presentable." Come to Me as you are and allow Me to be the
One to transform you to the place of My victory. Child, you are not a failure
and I have not disqualified you.

This word is by Priscilla Cupp (priscilla@klefcu.com)


You Are On The Right Track

Many of you are thinking that you have somehow missed your calling or that
it has expired. You know that you have been chosen as a unique vessel for My
kingdom purpose, but you feel as though you have been left behind in the
dust searching for a word to give to your brothers and sisters throughout
the world.

The word that I place inside of your heart shall not be a burden to you. It
shall be a joy to bring forth in due season. You see, this is how it
operates...You seek My face and I, in turn, plant a seed in your heart, the
written word waters it, the Holy Spirit blows upon it, and it then grows
into a message to help others. I plant the seed into your heart because love
is the foundation for your gift to work.

Do not be dismayed or discouraged about your calling or your anointing. I
have given you a coat that is brilliant and is a witness to the world that
you are Mine. The coat cannot be stripped from you, but you can choose of
your own accord to take it off and lay it aside instead of wearing it. Only
you can remove it. The choice is yours. If you have laid it aside, all you
need to do is to pick it up again and wear it!

Satan would have you to think that you are not worthy of the coat or that
you have failed Me and the power has been removed, but this is not true.
Your gift and calling is without repentance and I therefore, will not remove
it from you.

Shine, allow the seed to mature into ripe fruit. I will speak through you.
You will see, but you must have confidence that I am growing and speaking a
new thing through you. My message is simple and My message is true. Do not
think the words that I have planted in you are so simple that no one can
benefit from them. I plant the crop that is needed for you and your brothers
and sisters throughout the world.

Be encouraged and of good cheer! You are My vessels of honor and you have
not been left behind in the dust by My other chosen vessels. You all
together are building up a spiritual house, with Me as the corner stone and
the prophets the foundation. Have confidence in your part of the building
and stop doubting yourself. I have chosen you because I saw that you could
withstand the weight of your duty in building My temple!

If you start to become dry and need fresh water, come to Me and ask and I
will freely give and replenish you. I will fill you up so that you are
running over. You will have what your heart desires! This is My promise of
love to you.


This word is by Musa Opiyo (mopiyo@btinternet.com)


A Season Of Abundance and Release

I am breaking the strong gates of iron that have been over My people. I am
bringing release from the hand of the oppressor. No longer shall you be
stolen from or overpowered, for now I am come with My strong hand to rid
My people of the giants in their land. I now call you, My victorious people,
to rise to the occasion and walk in My freedom. Walk in the Jubilee season
for what has held you back has been destroyed. You have My anointing that
has broken the yoke of the enemy. No longer shall My people groan under
the spirit of heaviness, for I have released My joy over you. Rejoice, even
shout for joy, for I have overcome all your trials and all that has beset
you and I have given you the victory. As you stand in My authority and
walk in My presence, you will see the dark clouds of discouragement and
despair dissipate as My Son shines upon you. Along with My Son, I am
raining down My Holy Spirit afresh upon My people to give you a season of

For many of you have been in the desert where you have been tried and
tested by My Spirit. You have come to know that it is "not by might or
by power but only by My Spirit" that you can live, breathe and have your
being. You have, by experience, come to know My Spirit as your Sustainer
and your source of Strength. That I AM your Provision. That I AM your
everything. Yes, you have come to understand the concept of Me being the
vine and you being the branches and the fact that without Me you are
disconnected and without stable ground. It has not been easy, but I have
led you by My wisdom as you simply trusted in My ability to lead you day
by day. You are now coming to a season of abundance both spiritually and
physically yet My beloved the principle of complete trust in Me is still

The enemy wants to distract you and lead you into passivity while he
plunders you, yet I call you to be alert concerning his wiles. As you remain
in Me and allow Me to be your source, I will lead you to your abundance and
give you the wisdom. I will open your eyes to what the enemy is doing so
that you pray accordingly and take action. For indeed this shall be a season
of abundance, an expansion and an explosion of more. It is also a seasons
that I am training My people to war in the Spirit on a higher level than
they have known.

Be ready! Be strong and courageous and do not lose sight of the vision. I
am with you in all of your endeavors. I am guiding you by the Holy Spirit,
if you will listen to My voice and take heed. Great things are coming for
My people.

This word is by James Donovan (JDono78832@aol.com)


Come Worship Me!

It is time to press into Me in these days of turmoil. I am the great I Am,
so trust Me and press into Me with praise and thanksgiving. Yes, draw nigh
unto Me and resist the evil one, for I am the God that will deliver you
and bring you into a greater intimacy with Me. Come worship Me in spirit
and truth. I am delighted when My people bring praises and worship to Me!

Don't be moved by circumstances of this world, but come closer to Me in
these days. Come to the well. I am your rock, your fortress, your overcomer
in every situation. Come and rejoice, dance and praise My name. Then you
shall see darkness lift and see breakthrough in the spiritual realm.

Get your eyes off the ways of the world and press into Me in a new level
of intimacy. Yes, then you shall see breakthrough in the spiritual realm;
you will sense My presence in a new level. I am doing a new thing, I am
moving in great measure across the world in these days. It is time to
arise and press into Me. Come worship Me, the Bridegroom--yes My bride,
draw close to Me and hearken to My voice. Come and worship Me in spirit
and truth. I am delighted when My people bring praises and worship to Me!

Don't be moved by circumstances of this world, but come closer to Me in
these days. Come to the well. I am your rock, your fortress, your overcomer
in every situation. Come and rejoice, dance and praise My name. Then you
shall see darkness lift and see breakthrough in the spiritual realm.

Get your eyes off the ways of the world and press into Me in a new level
of intimacy. Yes, then you shall see breakthrough in the spiritual realm;
you will sense My presence in a new level. I am doing a new thing, I am
moving in great measure across the world in these days. It is time to
arise and press into Me. Come worship Me, the Bridegroom--yes My bride,
draw close to Me and hearken to My voice. Come and worship Me in spirit
and truth. You shall see newness of life and victory in Me as you press
into Me in worship.

You shall be renewed like the eagles as you worship Me; you shall have
renewed strength to soar to greater dimension in My spirit. I have destined
for you all to come and drink at My well. Yes come worship Me! Hearken to
My voice and let My peace prevail in your life. Take My peace and declare
My truths. I am raising up a army of worshippers to push back the enemy in
these days. I worship there is intimacy! In intimacy there is victory!

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


Do Not Fear My Fire

Child of Mine, do not fear My refiner's fire. I do not place you into My
furnace to harm or damage you, but to purify you, to refine away the
impurites from your life. This is where I remove the pollution of your
carnal nature, where I purge away the lusts of the flesh and the sinful
attitudes and thinking patterns that so easily beset you. My furnace is
where I build and form My character and My nature within you. I do not do
this to punish you, but to mature and purify you.

Just as the clay must be baked to keep it from crumbling, so you must face
some adversity and hardship as you grow in Me, so that you might become
firm and steadfast and established in faith. Then you will be equipped
to stand firm no matter what might beset you.

Child, you know that I cannot pour My glory into polluted or cracked vessels.
The first corrupts what I place within them, and the second leaks. Neither
is suited to My purposes.

Do not fret, for I am the master craftsman and I am able to form and mold
you perfectly. I am able to create within you a clean and pure and holy
vessel. Yes, there will be times when that process is uncomfortable for
you. There will times when you want to escape My heat and there will be
times when you do not think you can bear it. But child, I know exactly
what you need, and I know exactly what you can bear, and I will never push
you beyond those things. So trust Me. My plans for you are good and you
will be delighted when you see the finished product.

Learn to trust Me in this refining process. I am not singling you out. I
am not picking on you, and I am not punishing you. I take all of My servants
through My refining process; I cause all of My own to grow and mature. For
that which is alive must grow or it dies. I am the source of life, and I
breathe My life into each of My own so that they might grow to be more like
Me. Part of that process is where I reach within you and I scrape away the
impurities and remove from you the things that must go; I make you holy
through My refinement. I do it for your good and not for your harm, for
your joy and not to make you suffer.

This is an aspect of My refiner's fire that many of My own do not
understand. It does not have to be anywhere near as difficult as My little
ones make it for themselves. Each of you has to be placed into the fire
and refined, but often it is up to you how long you stay in the fire and
how much you experience the heat of My flames. Hearts that are yielded to
Me will go through this much more quickly than those who resist. Those
who trust Me can experience My sustaining in the midst of the flame, it
does not have to be as difficult as many of My dear ones make it on
themselves. I have placed My Spirit within you and He will give you My
peace and My joy in the midst of the furnace, if only you will receive it
from His hand. It is My desire to hold and comfort you in your difficulties,
to give you a peace and joy that unpleasant circumstance cannot destroy.

Child, receive this from My hand and you will never again have to be afraid
of the times that I must place you for a season into My refiner's fire. I
am a Master Craftsman; it is possible for you to watch Me from within the
fire and to expeirience delight and excitement at what I am doing in you.
Then you will see greater measures of My glory in your life. Do not fear
My fire, little one, for it is not My intent to harm you with it. As I have
said in My word, you can walk through the fire and not be burned by it.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


Embrace My Ways

My ways are not your ways because you do not have the complete picture and
you do not possess all of the necessary information. You cannot truly know
what needs to be done without that information, and you cannot know the
timeframe in which it must take place. I am often working behind the scenes
in ways that you are not aware of, in order that I might bring My glory into
your situation. Nothing catches Me by surprise or throws Me off guard. I know
what I am doing, even when it does not appear that way to you.

So often your human reason looks at your situation and then shouts to you
what it believes must be done, and that is what you expect Me to do. But
when you look at what I am doing, it does not match what you expect. This
discrepancy will occur over and over again in your life until you learn to
lay aside your own ways and embrace Mine.

When My way does not match yours, guess which one is the correct one? Guess
which one will yield the lasting results and bring My glory into your
situation? (It is not hard to guess, is it, child?) You know My way is
the better way, and yet at times you have times trusting Me as you see what
My way entails. When My way and My timeframe do not match yours, don't fall
into the trap of thinking that I am not active on your behalf. Do not think
that I don't care about your situation or that I am not taking care of you
or any of other lies that Satan tries to shout at you.

Your enemy, the devil, is a liar and the father of lies. He will try to
convince you that things should be done your way and not Mine. He will try
to use your own human reasoning against you to convince you that I am not
taking proper care of you and that you should take matters into your own
hands. He uses that strategy because he knows that I am looking for you
to trust Me despite appearances and despite your present circumstances. I
expect you to embrace My ways in faith and obedience. He does not want
you to do this because he knows it will usher in My glory, and that he will
be pushed back and loose ground. So he tries to convince you to do it any
other way but My way.

Your human reason is incomplete, it never has all of the facts that I have.
You are never going to be able to figure out My way from your reasoning
and your human thinking. But if you will press into Me and be filled with
My Spirit, then I will reveal My way to you. I will show them to you. I will
deposit them into your spirit, for your spirit is better able to understand
and embrace My ways than your mind is. Your mind can become an enemy of your
faith when it tries to figure out My way from human reasoning--because My way
is not derived from human thinking. My way is spirit and it is life, and it
is greater than what you can think or comprehend.

I am asking you to embrace faith and let go of your human reasoning. Your
mind will tell you that the situation is impossible or that I cannot redeem
it and turn it around for My glory. But your mind is flesh and it is carnal;
it is not capable of seeing in the spirit to comprehend precisely what I am
doing. Learn to trust Me even when your understanding cries out against that.
My ways are not natural to your way of thinking, but they are good and they
are dependable and you can trust them.

Your walk of faith will get so much easier when you learn to lay aside
your own ways of thinking, your human expectations, your own ways of doing
things to embrace Mine. Learn to trust Me and learn to start doing things
My way. Embrace My way and you will see My glory come.

This word is by James Donovan (JDono78832@aol.com)


Focus On Me!

My people, I have and I am doing great and mighty things in this world. Get
your eyes off the calamites, the disasters, the wars and the earthquakes.
Fix your eyes on Me, the One Who restores and brings healing in every area.
I am the Alpha and the Omega. Many have gone through much tribulation in
these days, but I am there in the midst of the storm. I shall bring peace
to every area, as My people put there trust in Me, the Lord!

My people, focus on Me instead of on situations and men's agendas, and call
upon Me. I am your Lord and I give everlasting life; I heal broken hearts
and I bring deliverance to troubled souls. My desire and heart is that none
shall perish; that all shall have everlasting life. I want all men to know
Me as their Lord and Savior.

As My people focus on Me, they shall hear from heaven and they will receive
words of life. They shall be vessels led by My spirit, not led by men or by
self-motivation. This is the time to die of self and arise in Me, and you
shall be victorious in Me! I have called and destined My people to be more
than conquerors in Me! Those who walk and are led of Me shall speak to every
mountain and it shall bow. I am the Lord that overcomes and bring My people
through victorious.

I parted the Red Sea and did many miracles in the past. You shall see My
hand move miraculous on this earth today just as I did back then. I shall
do this through those who keep their eyes fixed on Me! I am the Lord who
delivers and restores those who call upon Me! So don't look to men, don't
look to the world. Instead, focus on Me! I shall bring you direction and
newness of life as you hearken to My voice and follow Me!

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


I Am Growing Your Faith

Child of Mine, I am taking you through a series of situations to cause
your faith to grow. These situations are designed to push you past your
comfort zone and force you to trust Me in an area without pushing you
beyond your ability to believe. Then, as you step out where I push you, you
will see Me come through for you. As you experience My faithfulness in that
situation, and it will cause your faith to grow. Then I will push you a
bit further. I am going to take you through experience after experience
that are designed to grow and mature your faith.

If you watch and see what I am doing in your life, you will notice a pattern
as I put you into the same type of faith-producing sitaution over and over
again. I am explaining it to you clearly so that you don't become confused
and think you are under the attack of the enemy. Understand that this is
My hand upon you to cause your faith to grow and not an attack of the
enemy. So instead of looking to war in the spirit, cooperate with Me in
the area of trusting Me and stepping out in faith.

Child, the faith-producing situations that I put you in will bring some
level of discomfort to you because I am pushing you beyond what you perceive
your limits to be. I know your true limits better than you do. You can
trust that I will not push you too far, but I promise you that you will
feel pushed and challenged as I cause your faith to expand and cause you
to grow in Me.

It is My desire that you become strong and mighty, full of faith and able
to do all things that I place in your hand to do. Child I will demand the
impossible of you, but then I will enable you with My supernatural power.
Your faith will activate My power in your situation and you will see the
impossible take place in accord with My will.

There will be times when My power looks like a peace that passes all
understanding. That will happen when you need to trust Me to provide or to
deliver you -- when there is nothing you can do in the natural to resolve
the situation. Watch and see how I will come through for you as you trust
Me and obey Me in whatever I show you to do. There will be times when I
will command you to do that which is not possible for you in your own
ability. There will be times when I will ask you to heal the sick or to
multiply food or even to still a storm or turn a fire from its path of
destruction. And the elements will obey your comamnd; they will have no
choice, for you will be speaking in My authority, and that authority will
be activated by the faith that I am building in you.

Child, the stakes are higher than you realize, and it is time to begin to
expect Me to work miraculously through you. It is time for you to realize
that My Son really meant what He said that you would do the same works, the
same signs and wonders that He did when He walked this earth. For the time
is almost here when I am going to once again build a name for Myself among
the nations as the God of the supernatural. And I am going to do it through
My people -- through you. That is why I am working in your life now to
begin building your faith, so that you will be ready to do it with Me.
Child, I am preparing you for great things. So look forward expectantly
to what I will be doing in you and through you, for child, I am causing
your faith to grow so that you can work with Me to fulfill My purposes
in this earth.

This is by Inez Brinkley (ibrinkley@jam.rr.com)


I Will Give You Signs & Wonders

You seek for miracles, you seek for signs. But child, I long for you to seek
Me. Don't look at what I can do, just look at Me. For I long to have you
walk with Me daily. I long to have you talk to Me daily. Seek Me, child
of Mine, for I am your comfort and your joy. Life without Me would be bleak
and empty.

What good are signs and wonders without the One who saved your soul? Come,
let us reason together. You cannot fully imagine the depth of My love.
You cannot fully imagine how I care about everything in your life, even
the tiniest details. I even care about your pets and I watch over them to
keep them safe, only because it makes you so happy.

I love you, My child, and I long to fellowship with you every day. Yes, I
will show you signs, wonders, and miracles. But only after you seek Me for
fellowship. I will even use you for signs and wonders. But I cannot use
an empty vessel.

Come, let Me fill you up.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


Love One Another

Have I not commanded you to love one another?** Don't you realize that one
of the primary ways that I love and comfort My own is by working through
others of My own in their lives? I am in each of My followers, and through
them I reach out to others of My own to show My love and My compassion to

Through My own, I pick up the phone to call the one who has had a bad day
to encourage them. Through My own, I visit the one who is sick in the
hospital to bring them comfort. Through My own, I buy a bag of groceries
for the one who is financially strapped and cannot feed their family.
Through My own, I take the lonely one out for a cup of coffee and fellowship
with them. Through My own I bring comfort, I bring healing, I bring joy
and I demonstrate to them that they are loved and cared for.

Open your heart to Me to allow Me to love through you. Yes, at times it may
be inconvenient. At times it may be costly. At times you simply won't feel
like doing it. But I want to pour My love into you that you would overflow
with it, that would run out to others who need a touch of My compassion.
Will you allow Me to touch them through you?

Some of you would say to Me, "Lord how can I reach out in love to others
when no one every reached out that way to me?" To those, I would answer,
"Precious one, they have resisted Me and fallen short by not reaching out
to you, and that grieves My heart. But their disobedience does not excuse
you from obeying Me. You are to reach out in love to others even if no
human has ever reached out to you."

The truth is that I personally have reached out in love to you with My nail
scarred hand. I have laid down My very life for you because you are
precious to Me and because I love you. I have put My spirit within you so
that you will never be alone or abandoned. I have sovereignly provided for
you when you were in need and I have sovereignly protected you when you were
in danger. So whether or not you were not adequately loved by your brothers
and sisters in the faith, you are still adequately loved by Me and you will
continue to be so loved throughout eternity. I want you to be secure in My
love for you; it is real, it is eternal and it will never be taken away
from you.

I am asking you to allow Me to love others of My own through you, whether or
not you have been treated that way yourself. I don't want you to love them
because of the way they have loved you; I want you to love them because of
the way that I have loved you. I want you to show them the same love that
I have shown you, and I want to fill you and empower you that I might love
them through you. I want to lead you in amazing ways into divine
appointments I have set for you, that I might demonstrate My love through
you. I want to use you to meet real needs that various ones of My own have.
I want to flow out to them in love and compassion--and I want to do it
through you.

Will you flow with Me in this? Will you open your heart to Me and allow Me
to pour My compassion into you, and then out through you into others? Will
you begin to step out in obedience to reach out to others who need a touch
of My love? Will you allow Me to glorify My name through you in this

Child, I have commanded you to love one another. Will you obey Me in this?

**John 15:12

This word is by Steven Bliss (godsfire@woh.rr.com)


Move Forth

Move forth with Me, and step into the promises I have shown you. Release
the shackles from your past and move in new freedom. Let go of the lies
which bind you to the present.

Not only have I called you, but I have prepared you. I have prepared you
to succeed in Me and I have already given you what is needed for that.
So move forth in My authority. Claim the lost places for My name. Freely
disperse forgiveness and release love into the land. Speak My word and
the plans of the enemy will be destroyed, for My truth releases the captives.
My ways bring prosperity.

Go forth into new places. I am directing your pathway. You can not fail,
for the plans are Mine, and I, the creator, call you to move forth with Me.

This word is by Eudora Harrington (FORMEDin2@aol.com)


Right Now

My Child My Child, I have not left you. I am still God and you are Mine. I
have seen the things that you have allowed to distract you. I have seen
the plans of the enemy in your life, My hand has been upon you, still.
I have seen the things around you that you have allow to stop you from
believing in Me; situations you thought were too hard or impossible to

I have come today to tell you there is nothing I cant do. There is nothing I
am unwilling to do for those whose ways please Me. It is impossible to
please Me without believing in Me.

I come to restore your faith in Me. Child, you must repent for not believing
Me. Whenever I speak to you, believe it and act upon it quickly, for it
shall come to pass. I want you to believe Me right now for that situation
you are facing. Believe Me now at this very moment! Expect the unexpected
to happen, expect great things to happen as you begin to believe Me again.
Your spirit will come alive again and you will be open to hearing and
receiving from Me once again.

Oh, what a joy it is to Me when you walk close to Me in faith!
That is why I am restoring your faith to become an even greater faith in
Me; I am giving you a "right now" faith for these times. Your faith has
to be so solid that nothing will stop you from loving Me, obeying Me and
walking with Me. I am a "Right now" God and I am looking for a "right now"

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


Walk in Victory

Child of Mine, do not be afraid of the battles that are in your path, for
this is a time and a season where My people are starting to possess their
promised land. Just like it was when the children of Israel crossed the
Jordon, so it will be for you: there are currently giants inhabiting your
promised land, and you must forcefully evict them. Do not fear those giants
and do not be afraid of the battle. You must fight in order to overcome.
I have ordained victory for you, but you must walk in it by facing the
battles that I set before you.

Know that I am with you in the same what that I was with Joshua and the
children of Israel. You must war in order for you to possess your destiny.
Know that when you go into battle, I go with you. I fight with you and I
even mobilize My kingdom resources on your behalf. Do not fret, for I do
not send you into the battle alone nor I do not send you unequipped. I
have place My spirit within you and I have placed My armor upon you and I
have given you all that you need to overcome.

In past times, My people sought and pursued peace at any cost. If their
enemy would pursue them, they would flee from him. But I say to you that
now it is time to face your enemies and overcome them. I have already
given you victory over each and every giant that you will face. But you
must face them in order to overcome them. You might fight in order to win
the victory.

Some of your giants are the fears or inadequacies that have ruled your life
for many years. Now it is the time to rule over them instead. I have broken
the power of fear, condemnation and inadequacy off of you. I have
empowered you to do all things through My Son who strengthens you.

Fear and the sense of inadequacy do not leave without a confrontation, so
use the authority I have given you to command them to leave. They must
obey you; for you will be speaking speak My words at My command, and My
authority will back them up.

Some of your giants are sickness and disease. It is time for My people to
stop submitting to these things. You must not allow them to have rule over
your life. It is time to raise up in My anointing and break the power of
death and destruction. My Son gave you the authority to do this back when
He walked on the earth. When will you start to use it? Your enemies --
those spirits of infirmity, sickness and death -- they will continue to
harass until you force them to stop. Do don't give them any more ground
to kill to kill, steal or destroy in your life.

It is time for My people to rise up in My anointing and overcome all of
the giants that currently possess your promised land. It is time for My
people to walk in the victory that I have already given them. So rise up,
child of Mine, and walk in My victory this very day.

God On the “Load Down”

By Maria Magruder

Email mariam@lifelineoutreach.com

(for contact only, no email lists please)

Website:  www.womanofthelasthour.com


Ps 68:8-9  The earth shook;

The heavens also dropped rain at the presence of God;

Sinai itself was moved at the presence of God, the God of Israel.

9 You, O God, sent a plentiful rain,

Whereby You confirmed Your inheritance,

When it was weary.


The body of Christ has entered the time of great acceleration and great performance of God’s optimum results.  We are in the time where the rain of God is pouring out on His people.  God isn’t just sending a little sprinkle of rain, He is sending, according to His word a PLENTIFUL rain.  The rain is the provision of God, it is the wealth of God that is given to us to establish His covenant and partake of His inheritance.  He is not sending “just enough” rain to get by, He is sending “more than enough” rain, that will cause growth, acceleration and performance in every area of your life.  God is doing this “thing” because at this time He is CONFIRMING the inheritance that belongs to you, even though you may be weary.  Be of good cheer, God is confirming His inheritance, and confirming all that belongs to His sons and daughters.  It’s the day of confirmation!  This rain, and this confirming is a day by day performance.  He is sending you rain, He is sending you the solution and He is sending you the answer every day!!!  Daily!  Daily, God is sending you answers and solutions to every circumstance that raises its ugly head against the Word of God.  Every thing that contradicts the word of God in your life is being met with the power of God’s provision, being met with God’s answers and solutions.   What you thought would take months to resolve will be resolved and restored in a day. 


Ps 68:19 Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits, The God of our salvation!


Glory to God!  Blessed be to our awesome, mighty God!  God is loading us down daily baby!  He is loading us down with so much plentiful rain of provision and wealth that we are being overtaken so much so we do not have room enough to receive it!  It is a DAILY performance that God is doing.   God is loading us down with all wisdom we need. Within this wisdom is ALL THINGS that you need, and ALL THINGS that the world needs.  The wisdom that is loaded into you, the world is crying out for! 


He is loading us down with benefits of knowledge on how to divinely handle business endeavors.  When you are in the middle of a business contract or a business situation God is going to load you with the words to say, or the right questions to ask, to get you where you need to be, and cause great favor on your life.  The world will be amazed at the wisdom you display in the area of business and financial endeavors. 


God is going to load you down with DIRECTION, when you were planning to go one way, God is going to point you another direction, that’s going to get you to your destination much quicker (acceleration) than if you had gone the other way.


God is going to load you down with the right words that will cause a lost person to find Christ in a day! 


God is going to load you down with the right solution on your job that will save the company from going bankrupt or out of financial trouble. 


God is going to load you down with divine ideas that come from heaven, from messengers, from angels, carrying wealth and power in their words.  God is going to load you down with mantles of power, mantles that will demonstrate God’s love in power, providing the answer that the world needs.  God is going to load you down with gifts of healing in the market place and everywhere you go, and people will be set free from cancers and terminal illnesses.  God is loading you down with the prophetic answers and solutions that the world is crying out for! 


God is going to load you down with the GLORY!  The glory is the wealth of God!  God is going to load you down with all His riches and glory.  God is going to load you down with wealth that will establish His covenant.  God is going to load you down in the power of His love. 


God is going to load you down with His optimum results of performance DAILY! 


God is going to load you down with vehicles you need for your ministry, and family.  God is going to load you down with houses you didn’t even build.  (Duet 6:10-11) God is going to load you down with business’ you didn’t build, and the customer base is already setup.  God is going to load you down with buildings and storehouses that will extend His Kingdom here on earth. 


God is going to load you down with the right people for your business.  God is going to load you down with the right people for your ministry.  God is going to load you down with the right divine connections.  God is going t load you down with revelations from heaven that have been hidden until these last times. 


God is going to load you down with ALL of God’s benefits!  All of the inheritance that He has promised you!


Believer, open up your spiritual ears to hear, God is looking to load you down DAILY with His benefits.  We know what God’s benefits are, God’s benefits are the answers and solutions to every situation in your life!


Ps 103:2-5  Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits :  3 Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, 4 Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, 5 Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.


God is confirming His inheritance that He has promised you since the time of Abraham.  This plentiful rain that He is sending is for everyone who will BELIEVE. 


Eph 1:18-19  the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe , according to the working of His mighty power.


It is His power to those WHO BELIEVE.   His power, His plentiful rain works in those who believe.  It’s Gods desire that ALL will partake of His provision, and His inheritance that He has available to His sons and daughters, but only those who truly believe His word and what He has promised will see these daily performances and acceleration.  We are in the latter days and times, and God’s word says to ask for this rain of performance:


Zech 10:1 Ask the LORD for rain

In the time of the latter rain .

The LORD will make flashing clouds; 

He will give them showers of rain ,

Grass in the field for everyone.


My friends, if you haven’t been experiencing God’s optimum daily performance in your life, then its time to “ask” God for the rain.  For whatever you ask in His name He will do it!  “For the Lord will opent to you the treasures of heaven, to give rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand!” (Duet 28:12) Glory!  Lord send that daily rain, and load me down!   



Subscribe/Un-subscribe:  www.womanofthelasthour.com/maillist.htm


Maria travels, conducting Woman of the Last Hour conferences, and miracle crusades equipping the saints for the work of the ministry, as well as conducts large outreaches to the lost.  Her passion is not only for the harvest, but to see believers walking in the power of God and victory in their every day life.


Interested in having Maria Magruder come to your area?  Please email: 


This word is by Dorine Spencer (dorine1956@sbcglobal.net)


Hear Me

My child, why are you crying? I am calling your name, do you not hear Me?
You must close yourself off from the noise. Fear not the judgment of
this world; it has no bearing on you. For I have chosen you to stand in
My name.

Do not seek the confirmation of man, for his eyes are blinded to Me. I
have allowed you to be broken, and at times I have allowed you to suffer,
for it is through great pressure that I create diamonds from coal. Do not
cry out in loneliness, for I am with you always. I am speaking to you in
the silence of your aloneness. Be still, so that you might hear Me. If
you will listen, My message is clear.

You are a warrior for God. You will stand in My name. The battle will
rage on, but I will provide you with all that you require. My child, come
to Me. Submit unto My will for you. I am your Alpha and your Omega.
Be still.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


I Am The God Of Restoration

Child of Mine, I will restore those things that you have lost for My sake.
I have promised in My word that if anyone loses their home or loved ones
or material possessions for My sake and the sake of the Gospel, I will
restore it to them here this life, as well as giving them rich rewards in
the life to come.**

Have I not demonstrated My faithfulness in this area again and again? Look
at Joseph, the favorite son who lost all when his own brothers sold him into
slavery. Yes, he went through hardship and trial. But in the end, did I not
raise him up to a high posistion and give him riches and honor and prestige?
Did I not give him a house and a wife and children of his own, as well as an
inheritance in the twelve tribes of Israel? Did I not restore to him his
very father and brothers whom he loved, even relocating his family to live
near him in Egypt during the time of famine?

Look to Daniel, the nobleman's son who was carried into captivity, ripped
away from family and friend and possessions. Did I not take care of him and
cause him to prosper and give him a home? Did I not keep him secure through
the reigns of multiple kings, demonstrating that his favor did not come from
the throne of man but from the very Throne of God? Did I not shower him with
riches and place him in a position of prestige and authority, and even shut
the mouth of hungry lions for his sake?

Look at Job, My faithful servant, who suffered through no fault or wrong
doing of his own. He walked blameless before Me in purity of heart and in
holiness of deed. Yet the devil attacked him, causing him to lose his
children and livestock and riches in the blink of an eye. Even his own
health failed him as painful sickness came opon his physical body. But I
did not abandon him in his dispair, just as I will never abandon you. In
the end, did I not restore to Job a family of beautiful children and twice
as many of the material possessions as he previously had?

Child, I am the God who does not change and you can trust in Me. Just as
I took care of My servants in My word, so I will take care of My servants
who trust in Me today. I am the God of all provision and I am not limited
to natural resources. My supply and My bounty are without limits, for I own
the cattle on a thousand hills and all power and all riches are Mine. I am
able to provide your needs, child of Mine. Yes, it is true that from time
to time I allow My own to go through difficulty or lack or discomfort. But
in the end, shall I not take care of you and restore you just as I did for
My servants Joseph and Daniel and Job?

Child, I am the God of restoration. I can and I will restore to you all
that which was lost. But I have not promised that I will do this instantly,
so do not grow faint-hearted or discouraged if you walk thrOugh some
difficulty or hardship or trials before you see My glory come into your
situation. I am also the God who develops character in the hearts and
lives of My own dear children, and from time to time I use hardship or
difficultly or loss in that process. If I do this in your life, My goal
is not to harm you or to punish you, but to mature you and cause My grace
to flow out of you. My intent is not to take good things away from you,
but to make you stronger in faith, that I might give even better things
to you.

I will not abandon you, even in the midst of difficulty and hardship. I
have placed My Spirit within you, as a seal and a guarantee that you are
not alone. I give you My peace and My joy in the midst of your affliction
and hardship -- a peace that is independent of the difficult circumstances
that surround you, a joy that will strengthen and substain you no matter
what situation you find yourself in. Child, do not become angry at Me when
I allow you to face difficulties; do not refuse the peace and grace and joy
that I offer you in the midst of hardship. I will give these things to you
freely if only you will receive it from My hand, so that hardship does not
overwhelm you. I also desire to give you a confidence and a hope in Me,
a steadfast assurance that I am the God of restoration and I will restore
the good things in your life.

Child, when the time is come, both here in this life and in the life to
come, I will surround you with good things. I will restore that which you
have lost and I will cause My glory to come into your sitation. I am
faithful, child of Mine, so trust in Me. I am the God of restoration.

**Scripture reference: Mark 10:29-30a, Matthew 19:29

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


I Am Your Life

Child of Mine, I am your life and your hope and your future. When you
try to fill yourself with things that are not of Me, it is not going to
satisfy you. Too many of My own entertain themselves in lieu of spending
time with Me. That is not the way it should be. My little ones fill their
spare time with things like television, books, movies, music, the internet,
video games and the like, because they think this will relax them and help
them to unwind. These things do not bring rest to your spirit and they do
not bring peace to your innermost being. They are merely temporary escapes
from the frustrations of the day. They do not have the power to heal pain;
they merely numb you to it for a short while by distracting you so that you
don't think about it. These things may hold your attention for a season,
but they will not resolve anything and they will not bring healing or life
to you.

When you spend your time and energy on the things of this world, you do not
sow life into your spirit. These things cannot bring life or peace or joy.
Only I can do that, for life and peace and joy come from Me.

When you draw close to Me and press into Me, I release the river of life from
My throne to wash over you. This is where I bring healing and victory and
transformation. I change My own from the inside out, that you may be whole
and complete, lacking nothing. I transform you so that you may be pure and
holy before Me, just as I am.

I am not a God that covers over your sins or problems or inadequacies or
wounds to try to hide them. No, I bring these things into the forefront,
I shine My light upon them, and then I separate them from you and heal you.
I am the God Who breathes life and Who changes the heart. I am the God Who
heals you. I do not put a bandaid on your wound so that it might infect and
fester. No, I clean it out; I scrape away the harm; I bind it up and then
I bring true and complete healing to it. I do not patch things over for a
season; I reach into your innermost being and I bring complete healing and

Child of Mine, do not resist Me in this and do not run from Me. Come before
My throne and allow Me to heal and transform you. Yes, I will expose some
things to you that you would like to keep hidden, for I am the God Who
searches the heart. I know your innermost motivations and thinking. I do
not bring these things to the light in order to condemn you for them, but to
remove them from your life and to break the power they have over you to
harm you.

Do not fill your mind with the entertainments and things of this world to
the exclusion of Me. Instead, make Me your highest priority. Do not give Me
the leftover time that only comes when there is nothing interesting for you
to do. Seek Me first, before you turn on the television (or the radio or
before you surf the net or before you pick up the phone to call a friend).
Seek Me -- give Me the firstfruits of your time, make Me your top priority.
If you do this, you shall surely find Me; you will enter into My very
presence. I will manifest Myself to you and I will infuse you with My life.
I will place My anointing on you, and I will give you the victory.

Seek Me first and make Me your top priority. There will still be time for
some of these other things. They are not evil in and of themselves, and I
will permit you time for entertainment and time for relaxation. But these
things become an idol to you when you prefer them over Me. Do not make Me
jealous of them, or I may take them away from you all together. Show Me
that you love and value Me by giving Me top priority of your leisure time.
Press into Me and pursue Me. Then you shall call upon My name and I will
answer you and show you great and mighty things that will astonish you.
Then I will bring healing to your soul and transformation to your mind.
Then I will fill you with My Spirit and shine My face upon you and give
you an abundant measure of peace and love and joy.

Seek Me, child of Mine, with all of your heart and soul and being. I do
not want to be an after-thought and a low priority in your life. I want
to be that which you value and pursue above all else. Seek Me fervently,
child of Mine, for I am your life and I will give you peace and rest and
incomprehensible joy. I will breathe My life into you. I will heal your
physical body and I will heal the hurts of the past. I will hear and answer
your prayers.

Give Me top priority in your life, and I will give you a greater measure
of Myself. I will be with you in ways that will delight your spirit, I will
reveal more and more of Myself to you and I will give you an overflowingly
abundant life. Seek Me ferventy, child of Mine, for I am your life.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


Let Me Fill You

Child of Mine, there are going to be times when you feel empty or drained.
Think of those times as alerters that you need to draw near to Me, to linger
in My presence. You cannot fill yourself, little one, only I can fill you.
But you can facilitate the process by coming into My presence, by seeking
after Me, by worship, by filling yourself with My things instead of with the
things of the world.

Child, you are often in too much of a hurry, wanting to get recharged so
you can go back out there and do for Me instead of lingering with Me. Yes,
child, I have called you to be My servant and I have entrusted important
kingdom work into your hands, that you might be allowed to do it with Me.
That was never meant to be such a drain on your time that it would keep
you from spending time with Me. Just the opposite, the greater the task
that I have given you, the more you need to linger before Me and bask in
My presence and be filled afresh with My Spirit and anointing, that you
might get your direction and strength from Me.

Look to the example of My dear Son Jesus. None of you has been given a
more important kingdom task than I gave Him. He never tried to do it in
His own strength and He never put the tasks I had given Him above spending
time with Me in prayer and intimacy. If you check My word, you will see
that He often went away to be alone with Me, and it was not uncommon for
Him to pray all through the night. So you see it child? My own Son needed
to spend much time with Me in prayer and intimacy, and you must do likewise.

Our relationship together must be the most important thing and the highest
priority in your life. The things you do for Me are not as important to
Me as the relationship that you build with Me, for it is out of that
relationship that I will empower you to do My works with Me. The tasks I
give you must never be more important to you than spending time with the
One Who gave you those tasks. The ministry I place into your hands is not
as impmortant as the One you serve and minister for -- Me!

So draw near to Me in worship, in prayer and intimacy. Read My word. Spend
time with Me and linger in My presence and allow Me to fill you afresh.
Allow Me to revive you and to invigorate you, for it is out of the place of
prayer and intimacy with Me that the power and the anointing comes.

Child, it gives Me great joy and great pleasure to place My power upon you
and to work thorugh you to accomplish kingdom things that are important to
Me. I delight in having you work with Me just as an earthly father delights
when his little toddler tries to help him with one of his chores. That
delight comes not because of the task that is being accomplished, but because
of the love that the father has for his child. The child's desire to
imitate its father is a source of great joy to that father. And Child, I
have a great love for you, and it blesses Me greatly when you want to
imitate Me, to be like Me, to do the things that I am doing.

But child, you cannot do them apart from Me. It does not please Me when
you try to accomplish them on your own and then bring them to Me to present
them to Me. No, the joy from Me comes when we do them together, you and
I working together in intimacy and in a love relationship. My own Son said
that He only did what He saw Me doing. It is My wish and My desire that
you would imitate His example, and do likewise. And how can you see what
I am doing unless you draw close to Me and spend time with Me and allow
Me to reveal Myself to you? How can you heed My instructions if you do not
stop to listen to My voice and allow Me to speak to you? How can you do
the impossible with Me if you not allow Me to fill you with My Sprit and
anointing and to place My power upon you?

Child of Mine, draw near to Me, linger before Me and allow Me to fill you
that I may empower you to do great and mighty things with Me. For I desire
to use you mightily in this earth to bring glory to My name and to advance
My kingdom. I love you dearly and that is why I desire that we might work
together, hand in hand, to do something that is important to Me. Come child,
draw near and be filled afresh. Let Me fill you.

This word is by Musa Opiyo (mopiyo@btinternet.com)


My Grace Is Sufficient

My grace supersedes all your shortcomings and your failures. Indeed many
of you have come under a spirit of condemnation that would point at your
weaknesses and faults and say that you have missed the mark and you cannot
live the life that I have called you to live.

No! Of yourself you cannot live and fulfill that which I have called you
to be and do -- But because of the blood of My son upon you, you are
washed, sanctified and called into My presence as My own. What the flesh
cannot do, My grace has accomplished. That is why I said My grace is
sufficient for you.

My grace is so sufficient that it gives you a chance to repent of your sin
and make things right with Me. However, My grace is not an excuse to fall
into that which I have delivered you from and called you out of. You are a
righteous generation of holy people whom I have called to shine forth My
light through your vessels. I AM your Justification. Do not let the accuser
of the brethren sidetrack you into a place of no return.

My grace allows for you to have a second chance, even a third, a fourth, a
fifth, as many times as you will come to Me. Like clay on a potters wheel,
so you are in My hand. I am working in and around you to shape you into My
image. I have tailor-made your situations to shape your future. I have begun
the work and therefore I will complete that transformation. As you look to
Me, you will see that transformation happen like the metamorphosis of a
caterpillar to a butterfly.

Be encouraged, little one. Raise high those hands that hang low. My strength
is made perfect in your weakness. You have and will overcome all that has
been sent to beset you because of My name and My seal upon you.

This word is by Patty Middleton (patmar77@sbcglobal.net)


Release The Offence

There are so many of My Family who are not free, and who are desperately
looking for the reason why. Your hurts have been many, and you have
spoken forgiveness to those who have hurt you, over and over, and still
you are bound. My children, the answer is so simple you have overlooked
it, and this day, I want to set you free.

Total forgiveness is two-fold. You have been obedient in forgiveness, but
one thing is lacking. You have not released the offender of their offenses.
I would have you this day, to verbally SPEAK that they are released of the
offense against you, no matter how evil it was. You don't have to try and
forget the offense. When you release the person, you will see that
gradually the offense just doesn't matter any longer and you will even
begin to forget it. This is when true freedom will come to you.

Try Me and see if I will not pour upon you this blessing of release and
freedom. I long to see all My children walking in the freedom that I
experienced on the Cross when I forgave and released My offenders.

The War is Real

Child of Mine, the war for souls is real, and your enemy the devil does
not fight fairly. It is his desire to keep the lost locked in darkness
and in their blindness and bondage, so that they do not turn to Me and
receive life from My hand. He will use any resource he can towards that
goal; even at times attacking or discrediting those who speak My words
of life.

Do not allow his tactics to make you afraid of being My witness. Yes, the
enemy of souls will resist you as you proclaim the message of life that I
have put in your mouth. But child, I am greater than he is, and I am with
you and I will never leave you nor abandon you. When you need the right
words, I will put them in your mouth. When you need My protection, I will
place My banner over you. My power is greater than all of the power of the
enemy and My love is greater and more effective than the full force of his

I have chosen you and I have commissioned you as My witness. I am sending
you out. Do not be afraid to go. Do not fear when you hear stories of how
the enemy is resisting this one or that one of My witnesses. His resistance
is going to increase greatly in the coming days in many places. There will
be lies and false accusations and misunderstandings, and the enemy will do
all that he can to discredit My witnesses. He will try to make you look bad.
He will magnify your past failures and throw them back at you. He will even
cause some of you to suffer persecution for My name's sake.

Don't fear and don't be surprised if this happens to you. It will not be
nearly as bad at it sounds, for I will be with you in it and I will work My
glory in each of your situations. My Spirit is within you to give you a
peace that surpasses your circumstances. I will fill you with My joy even
when the situations you are in are sad or sobering. My presence with you
and My peace and comfort upon you will be a great and powerful testimony of
the reality of the gospel.

There are times when I will deliver you supernaturally and give you a great
and powerful testimony. My arm is not shortened and My hand is still mighty
to deliver those who are called by My name. I have given you authority to
tread on snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the devil. That
authority is very real. You will heal the sick in My name, for I will
empower you to do that just as I empowered My dear Son when He ministered
on this earth. There will be times when I will work signs and wonders and
miracles through you, that I might glorify My name. There will be times
when I will bring such a mighty deliverance on your behalf that the
testimony and fame of it will spread through the media even to other lands,
in order that My name might be lifted up and that men might believe on Me.

There are also going to be times when I will allow you to suffer for My
name's sake, just as My servant Paul suffered persecution for proclaiming
the gospel to the nations. Do not fear if that happens to you, for I will
make a provision for you both in this life and in the one to come. I will
never abandon you in those times, I will strengthen you and cause you to
walk in peace and joy in the midst of the attack. I will draw you into
greater depths of intimacy with Me. I will and hold you in the hollow of
My hand in these times and I will manifest Myself to you and overflow you
with My love and strength. When people observe you walking in My joy and
peace and love in the midst of persecution, it will be a powerful testimony
to My name -- a testimony that will cause many to come into the kingdom
because they see My reality in the midst of your difficulty. Do not fear
if I call you to suffer briefly for My name's sake, for I will substain
your spirit in this life and I will reward you greatly in the life to come.
Child, do not be afraid to suffer for My name's sake.

Know that I am the God of power and deliverance for many of My own. I send
My own out as My witness and I protect them as they go, that they might
proclaim My name and go forth in My power. Those who plan and strategize
against them to silence their testimony will not be able to touch them,
for My protective covering will overshadow My own. Child, do not fear to
be My witness. I will be with you to demonstrate the reality of the good
news that I have given you to proclaim. I will be your mighty deliverer
and your very real help in the time of trouble and I will provide for all
of your needs. I will glorifly My name through you, for you are My witness.
I am sending you out to testify of Me and I will back up that testimony
with signs and wonders and great power so that the lost may be won to Me.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


You Are A Mighty Warrior

Rise up, child of Mine, for I have made you a mighty warrior. I have placed
My strength and My authority within you, that you might overcome all of the
opposition of the enemy. I have girded you up in My presence that you might
stand firm in Me, that you might know with assuredness and certainty that I
am with you and that I have called you and that I have chosen you. I have
set you in place and I will give you complete victory.

Do not allow yourself to be defined by the lies of the enemy, for he desires
that you see yourself as weak and defeated so that you won't rise up and
fight. Be defined by My reality, for I have caused you to be an overcomer
and I have already given you the victory. All you have to do is to grasp it
in your hand, to receive it from Me. I am calling you to fight and to war --
and because I have already defeated your enemy on Calvary, you are assured
of victory. If you will obey Me and rise up and fight, you cannot lose, for
My power is so much greater than the power of the devil.

Remember, you fight not in your own strength or in your own power, but in
Mine. I am mighty and I will make you mighty as well. I have placed My
Spirit within you to strengthen you. I will lead you, and I will guide you
and I will show you the battle strategy. I will thrust you into victory,
and I will make you a mighty warrior in Me. I still pour My presence and
My strength and My authority into you. I will teach you to war effectively,
that you will not be overcome by the evil one, but will trample on him and
push him back and defeat his strategies against you.

I enable you to do great and mighty feats in battle, for I am with you and
My plans for you are good. I am able to accomplish these good plans in
your life, for I am the God of all power. But child, I do not leave you
out of the process as a passive observer. No, I involve you in the process.
I teach your hands to war and I strengthen you as you fight and I cause you
to overcome and to walk in My authority and to fight in My power. I teach
you how to battle and I train your hands for war, for I have made you a
mighty warrior in Me.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godpeak.org)


Allow Me To Encourage You

Child of Mine, do not give way to discouragement, for the enemy of your
souls desires greatly to discourage you. He is afraid of what I plan to
do through your life to bring glory to My name and to advance My kingdom.
So he tries to discourage you by setting obstacles and hindrances in your
path to slow you down. He did this with My Son, Jesus, when He walked on
this earth. It should not be a surprise to you when he does the same
with you -- for as the Master is treated, so will His servants be treated.

The devil wants you to feel discouraged so that you will begin to
disqualify yourself from the things that I have ordained you to do. Your
enemy wants you to give up, to quit, to stop doing what I am doing, to
stop advancing My kingdom and bringing glory to My name. He does this
by trying to make you doubt that My plans for you are good, and by making
you doubt that I am both willing and able to accomplish these good plans
in your life. He brings disappointments along, hoping you will choose
to wallow in self pity instead of walking in obedience.

He wants to get your eyes off of Me and onto the problem, that he might
make you feel overwhelmed by the size of it. He knows that the more you
look at the problem, the larger the problem will begin to look, until it
appears insurmountable. That is why he tries to direct your attention
from Me to the problem.

The best way to resist his plans of discouragement against you is to keep
your focus on Me and allow Me to encourage you. For when you keep looking
to Me and keep your attention on Me, you will see how big and strong and
able and capable and mighty I am. You will see that all power and
authority belong to Me and that I am able to work My glory in every
situation. You will see that I am the God of all glory, that nothing is
too hard for Me, that no force on this earth is able to overcome or defeat
Me, or force Me to do something I don't want to do, or prevent Me from
doing something that I choose to do. You will see that I am mighty and
that I am still in control. And this truth will bring peace to your heart,
comfort to your soul, and joy to your innermost being.

Child, My peace does not come from placing you in peaceful circumstances;
My peace comes from My presence with you and My care of you. Likewise,
My joy does not come from My placing you in joyful circumstances; it is
independent of circumstances. It comes from My Spirit living within you,
working the fruit of His presence in your life. You are not dependent
on your circumstances for peace and joy; you are dependent on Me and I
do not fail you when an obstacle is thrown in your path. I will help you
overcome that obstacle in a manner that will cause My glory to shine
forth and give you a powerful testimony of My faithfulness. I will do
it in a manner that will bring you even more joy than if you had simply
walked on the path that had no obstacle at all.

I am the God of all encouragement, child, and I know how to work My glory
in every one of your circumstances. There is no difficulty that you can
face that I don't know how to turn it around for good. There is no trial
that can come against you that will catch Me unprepared. There is nothing
the enemy can do to you that I do not permit, and I will not permit that
which I will not use to My glory and to your ultimate joy and peace.

So do not focus your attention on your problems. They are not the One Who
has power over your life. Look to Me. Yes, look expectantly to Me and
allow Me to encourage you. Allow Me to breathe My life into you, allow Me
to give you vision and understanding, allow Me to strengthen you and to
give you the victory. Child, I will do all these things for you if you
will just look to Me and allow Me to encourage you.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godpeak.org)


Do You Really Trust Me?

Child, you say you trust Me, but do you really? If you trust Me, then
why do you fear for your future? Why do you become anxious when things
go wrong around you? Why do you feel discouraged when a disappointment
comes your way? It is because you don't really believe, deep down, that
I am able and I am willing to take care of you. I have promised in My
word that I will work in all things to bring My glory into them.

Child, the greatest miracles that I performed arose out of the greatest
needs. There was great desperation and urgency among My people when I
led them out of Egypt and Pharaoh began to chase them with his army.
There was no place for them to flee, for the Red Sea blocked their escape
route. If I had not come through for My people, there would not have been
a people left for Me to come through for. Child, that was a desperate
situation. And it was out of that desperate situation that I worked such
a mighty miracle: the parting of the Red Sea. I do not allow My children
into difficult situations just to torment them, but that I might work a
miracle on their behalf and show forth My glory in their situation.

When Hezekiah and the city were surrounded by a hostile army, that was
another desperate situation. But again, in that that situation, I worked
My miraculous deliverance in a way that brought much glory to My name.
When the widow and her son were almost out of food and expecting to
starve to death, their situation was also desperate. But I sent My prophet
Elijah to them, and at his word the oil and the flour did not run out;
and they were fed until the day that I once again sent rain to end the

Do you see it, child? The big miracles come from the midst of seemingly
desperate situations. I did not multiply bread and feed the multitudes
every time people came to hear My Son teach. No, I only did that when the
need was urgent, when the people had chosen to go without in order that
they could hear My words. Yes, as time passed and they got hungry, some
did slip away to go eat. But many were captivated with My message of life
and hope, so they chose to ignore their hunger to stay and listen to My
words of life. When My Son had finished speaking, these ones did not have
the energy to return safely home; they would have fainted along the way if
I did not feed them. Again the need was great, and out of the great need
came the great miracle.

This same pattern continues today. I am with My own. At times I do protect
them from difficult situations, putting a hedge of protection around them
that no harm might come near their dwelling. At other times, I allow the
dificult situation to come because I am planning to meet My own in it and
show them My glory through it. Be aware that I know all things and I know
your needs. And when you are in a seemingly difficult or desperate
situation, I have already planned a miracle to work on your behalf.
I am faithful and I do take care of My own.

So do not worry and do not fret. Look expectantly to Me in faith for your
miracle and your deliverance, for I am faithful. Do not fret when the
finances run low. Look to Me and ask Me what miracle I have prepared for
you. Do not fret when sickness comes nigh your dwelling. Remember that
I am the Master Physician, the Great Healer, and I am able to work My glory
in your situation. Do not fret when you are falsely accused or misjudged,
but look to Me to bring My light and My truth and My glory into the
situation. For I do take care of My own.

But know also that there are times that I call My own to lay down their
possessions or even their lives for My kingdom. A great award awaits them
on the other side. They will cast their crowns before My throne and
worship Me, and say "It is well with My soul" once they have entered into
that reward. But in that situation, I bring My glory into it so that their
end state is much joy and peace. Child, you may eventually be one who I
call to be spent for My kingdom. If that happens, then you will not see
My deliverance on this side of eternity. But I promise you that you will
see My glory on the other side. And you will rejoice and be filled with
understanding of My kingdom purposes. For when I call for this type of
sacrifice, I do reward it greatly. And those called to lay down their
lives for Me will be counted as the privileged and honored ones in Heaven.
So even if I call you to be one of these, you can still trust Me that I am
working on your behalf for your good.

Child, I am able and I am capable and I am willing to take good care of
you. Learn to trust Me. Do not fret when you enter into difficulties,
and do not let your hearts be troubled by them. Look to Me, look
expectantly to Me expecting to receive, and you will see My glory come
into your situation. I do not allow hardship because I want to torment
you. I allow it that I might glorify My name in your midst. So do not
question My love for you. I allow My loved ones to enter into difficulties
in order that I might do the mighty miracles on their behalf. When trials
surround you, do not think that I have abandoned you, for I never abandon
My own. Do not fear, little one, for I am with you and I can truly be
trusted. I am trustworthy, so learn to put your faith in Me.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


For Those Who Feel Far Away

Child, why are you running from Me? Haven't I proved Myself to be good and
loving towards you in the past? Haven't I welcomed you with arms wide open
any time you strayed and then ran back to Me? Haven't I held you close and
showered you with My love when you turned back to Me? Haven't you found Me
to be a safe haven and a place of comfort and rest when trials assail you on
every side?

So why do you think this time would be any different? Why do you hesitate
in running back to Me? Are you afraid that I am disappointed because you
strayed away? Yes, child, I am disappointed, but that should not keep you
from running back to Me. I am just like the father in the parable of the
prodigal son. I will not force you to return home, but when you do humble
yourself and return, I will receive you again with joy. And I will restore
you to the place of son-ship where you belong in Me. And I will embrace
you and hold you close, and reveal more of Myself to you. I long for you
to be back in that place of intimacy with Me once again.

And yes, I will even kill the fatten calf for your sake when you return.
Do you not realize that I have a calf I have been fattening just for you?
I have the resources that you need from Me and I am looking for the
opportunity to give them to you. I have more than you can want or desire,
more than you believe you deserve. I have good things for you, things that
I only give from that place of intimacy and closeness. Child, I know what
you need and yes, I will take good care of you.

So do not fear to run back to Me when you stray away. Know that My arms
are open wide to receive you and know that I desire earnestly for you to
come back to Me. Know that I will restore you to that place of intimacy
and I will not hold your straying away against you when you return to Me
with all of your heart.

But also know this; when you return to Me, you must return to Me as Lord
and Master. For I am willing to receive you only when you come on those
terns. You cannot come to Me if you not intend to obey Me and to honor Me
and to love Me -- for I am God almighty and I demand these things from
My children. Just as an earthly father is to be treated with respect, so
am I to be treated with respect. Even My Son Jesus respected and obeyed
Me when He walked on this earth, and I expect the same from you. You
must be committed to do My will when you come back to Me. But when you
come on these terms, know for a certainly that I will receive you and I
will restore you and I will pour out many blessings on your head.

So child, do not run from Me, but run to Me. Yes, run to Me on My terms
and you will find satisfaction for you soul within My loving embrace. Do
not stay away, do not wander in the desert or in distant lands. Run back
to Me, and you will be received and restored. Run back to Me child, for
My arms are open wide to embrace you. I will wash away the shame of your
failures and I will cover you in My love and in My glory. Run to Me,
child, run to Me!

This word is submitted by Jane Larsen (jlarsen65@hotmail.com)


Returning (what is yours)

I have told you that I will return all that the locust has stolen -- the
small and the large locust, the little and the big -- all that they have
stolen: the time they have eaten from you, the things they have taken from
you. All. I have said all. There is not one thing that I shall overlook,
for I travel the earth as you sleep and I watch as you weep and I know all

I have told you to ask in My name and you will receive. You ask in tears,
you ask in praise, you ask from the silence of your room. I tell you that
wherever you are, there I am too, listening to that which you bring before
Me, working on your behalf. I do not think as man. I do not work as man,
for My hand is mighty and My forgiveness is great. I can bring you out of
the desert, I can bring you from the depths of the valley, clapping your
hands and shouting for joy as you praise Me. There is no thing I cannot
deliver you from and no situation that I will turn My back from.

Come and listen to Me. Hear My words and let them set you free. Turn from
what you can see with your eyes, and focus on what is yet unseen but is
happening in the heavenlies. You know My name; you know My love. Rest in
the assurance that I am the One who will deliver you from the pestilence,
from the hands of man, from the large and small situations, because I have
covered you in My blood and nothing can harm you. No, nothing can take
from Me what is Mine.

Walk each step knowing I hold your hand and bring you from here to great
joy. A season is turning; a change is upon you. I will not break a bruised
reed. I will not let you go, but I will bring you up.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godpeak.org)


Shine For Me

Child of Mine, do not hide the light that I have put within you. I
called you to shine brightly in dark places. But how can you shine
brightly if you stay only in very light places? The brightness of the
sunlight dims the brightness of a lamp. Likewise, the brightness of
My presence dims the light that I have put within you. I have not
you to socialize and fellowship only with believers. When you do that,
you hide the light that I have placed within you. I have called you to
be My light in the world, and to do that, you must get in the world.
You cannot shine for Me in darkness if you only fellowship with other
believers and only participate in church activities. Where is the
witness in that?

Child, you may not have noticed this, but the unsaved do not flock to
church services that they might hear the truth and enter into My life.
No, their minds are not spiritual and they have not been renewed. So
they flock to things that their natural minds feel are of interest and
value to them. Some of the places they flock to are inappropriate for
My people, such as bars and nightclubs. I send specially prepared and
equipped witnesses into those places who have been taught to reach
currently in darkness and depravity. I do not call you to those
unless I specially gift you for them.

But child, most of the world does not spend most of their time in
depravity. Most of the unsaved would consider themselves good and
people who love and raise their children, do their jobs with integrity,
and participate in generally wholesome activities. You will find the
unsaved at the parks, in the skating rinks, in art classes, in dog
training classes, at school events, at music halls, at the gyms and in
various types of recreational sports and activities for themselves or
for for their children.

Child, I have placed some of those same interests in you, that you
be where the lost are in order that you mith be My light to them. And
My children tend to segregate themselves. Instead of mixing with the
lost, that they might be lights, they form their own Christian special
interest groups. In doing that, My children tend to hide their light
under a bushel. They tend to ignore My commission to be My witness,
this is not pleasing to Me.

Child, I am not sending you into the world that you might be
by the world and moulded into its image. Rather I am sending you into
the world so that you might transform the world into the image of My
Son. I am empowering you to be an agent of change and an agent of life
by being My light in dark places. I am asking you to begin penetrating
areas that the church has abandoned, areas that I want back under My
lordship and filled with My glory. Bring My light into your leisure
activities, bring My light into your hobbies, bring My light into your
sports and athletics, bring My light into your music and entertainment.

Do not run from the world. Do not run to it in order to embrace its
ways; but rather run to it to be My witness and My light and My life in
these places. Make friends with unbelievers and show them My love.
Remain strong in Me and the lost will not transform you into their
worldly ways. Instead you will become that agent of change that will
cause them to believe, that will bring them to life through My Son.
in doing that, you will be a light that shines brightly in the darkness
and you will be an effective witness for Me.

I have called you to be the light of the world, so shine brightly for
Me. Shine in the darkness and let the lost know about the good things
that I desire to give them: life and liberty and freedom from
and victory and healing and joy and peace. Do not segregate
only with other believers. Get out among the lost and build
with them, that they might come to know My light.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godpeak.org)


Draw Closer

Draw close to Me, child, for I desire to reveal more of Myself to you. I
am calling you to a place of intimacy with Me, where you might linger in
My presence and be transformed by it. My hand is upon you for good and
I am ever with you, even in those times where you are too busy to linger
before Me. But child, I want you to make it a priority to spend some
additional time with Me these next few weeks, for I desire to bring you
into a closer walk with Me. I desire to show you a bit more of what I am
like, that you might know Me more accurately. I want you to know Me for
Who I am; I want you to experience My goodness and to see My glory. This
can only happen as you spend time with Me and stay before Me.

Child, this will be a transformation experience for you. It is not possible
to linger in My presence, to spend time before My throne, and not to be
changed by this. For as you see more of Me, it affects more of you. My
nature begins to permeate your nature and I work My image and My character
in you. I make you to be more like Me as you spend time in My presence.
Even your very desires will begin to change, so that they better line up
with Mine.

Linger before My throne, child. Not only will you be transformed, you
will also be anointed and more thoroughly equipped for what I have called
you to do. In past times, My children have looked to Me for this anointing
or for that spiritual gift. But I say to you, that time is past and I
am doing a new thing. Instead of giving you anointings for this or that,
I am asking you to carry My presence more strongly with you by being in a
place of deep intimacy with Me. And My presence will anoint for whatever
task is before you or whatever needs to be done.

You will not be limited to only a few areas, as with the previous anointing.
Rather you will be a carrier of My presence and you will be fully equipped
for all things. You will not need this spiritual gift or that mantle or
some particular anointing. Instead you will have Me with you, My presence
radiating from you. That will be so much more than any single gifting or
anointing. For you will indeed be able to do all things through Me.
Nothing will be off-limits to you as you see what I am doing and begin to
do it with Me.

A greater power than you can possibly imagine will be released to you
from that place of intimacy. You will not need a healing anointing to lay
hands on the sick and see them recover, for I will be with you and My
very nature is to heal. You will not need a prophetic gifting to speak
My words of life, for you shall hear My voice clearly and I will whisper
in your ear all that I want you to say.

The gifts were given with love, child. And I still give them to My body
today. But now I am doing an even better thing -- I am calling you into
My presence and I am revealing Myself to My own in greater measure that
they might be carriers of My glory. I am not just giving good gifts to
My body, I am giving more of Myself and more of My presence. And when
you have Me, you also have everything that I carry and all that I give
to My body, the church. You are fully equipped and you are fully enabled
for all that I call you to do. So come into My presence, child, and
linger before Me.

Come to know Me as I desire to reveal Myself more fully to you. Experience
My nearness and be filled afresh with My spirit. Draw near, press close,
look to Me eagerly, for I desire to give you good things. And what better
thing could I give you than Myself? That is what I am doing in this
season. I am pouring out more of Myself, revealing more of Myself, and
allowing My ones to more tangibly carry My presence with them. But this
only comes from a place of intimacy, child. The only way you can tap into
this new thing that I am doing is to draw close to Me. Come know and be
known. Come before Me and press into deeper intimacy with Me.

This word is by Claudia Mondesire (CMondesire@aol.com)


I Am Looking For A People

I am looking for a people that will trust Me, a people that will stand.
I am looking for a people that will lean not to their own understanding.
I will cause you to shout in the midst of the battle and the enemy will

I give you a courage and energy that is supernatural. So, rejoice with
those who rejoice and weep with those who weep -- but keep your focus on
Me. Don't let your emotions cause you to drift from My purpose. Don't
drift from My course, for I have a glorious work for you to do and I need
your undivided attention. The world is dying and I need your commitment
to preach the gospel in season and out of season.

My power rests heavily upon you, and I have taken you into a place of
responsibility. Allow My joy be your strength. I am the God of signs
wonders and miracles. Let Me take you into a place of preparation, into
a place of joy and healing.

You are going to see My glory revealed in a new way


This word is by Paul Toh (searchvantage@yahoo.com.sg)


Leave The Wilderness Now!

Many of My people have believed a lie. You are convinced that I want
you to remain in the wilderness for extended periods of time; years and
years. Time again and again, you suffer sicknesses, lack in finances,
rejections, failures, pain. And it has made you weary, with no strength
left. So, you just watch the world go by.

There is another group of My people who are contented with Christian
life; you walk round and round the same old routine, the same surroundings,
the same manna, the same meat -- you don't want to try the land and the
challenge that I have for you. You want the same manna and meat day in
and day out.

Listen, the 40 years the Israelites spent in the desert was written so
that you would not follow in their example. You don't have to die in
the wilderness. I bring you to the wilderness not to kill you, but to
kill the world in you! But My people think I want to kill them -- that
is a lie from the enemy. I am a loving Father; My Son has already died
for you.

You have become so used to the wilderness that you feel 'comfortable.'
Take heed; this is very dangerous, My children. For when you remain in
the wilderness long enough, you die. But I say this day to you: Live,
get life and live! Leave the wilderness now; step into the Promised Land!


This word is by Heidi Noelle Broekhuizen (ilylacs@yahoo.com)


The Covering

Child be still. There the battle rages around you. The storm is strong
and the wind is blowing. Lighting flashes and thunder wakes you up at
night. But you, My child, are in the eye. Stand firm and pray. You are
in My covering, so stand firm and fight. You are there in the peace, in
the eye of the storm in the fortress. Do not step out of My covering or
you will be pummeled with arrows of the enemy.

Dress in My armor and pick up your shield. I will protect you if you
remain in My covering. Pick up the sword of the spirit. Know My word.
It is the only weapon you need. Pray on all occasions for all things and
be My warrior.

Even when you can't feel me, I am there. My spirit surrounds you and dwells
in you. Rest in it. Rely on Me alone, for I am your source. I am allowing
trials to strengthen you. Do not despair, for I am with you in every season.
I am weeding out complacency. I am weeding out deceitfulness. I am weeding
out pride and anything in you that does not belong there. I am replacing it
with My righteousness. Stay under My covering and you will not be harmed,
only pruned. I will discipline you because I love you and I don't want you
to be hurt or cause harm to my other children. Join together in unity.
Stop squabbling. Do not think you are better than anyone else. Be blameless
before Me.

Stay in My covering. I am there and I will cover all your faults. I will
shape you. I will prepare you for the battle. Stand firm and fight. The
battle rages around you, but you will come out stronger if you remain in Me.

"Be strong and courageous and do the work. Don't be afraid or
discouraged by the size of the task, for the Lord God, my God is
with you. He will not fail you or forsake you." 1 Chronicles 28:20

This word is by Ray Puen (raypuen@sbcglobal.net)


Use What You Have

Do not envy the one who preaches powerful, moving sermons or sings songs
that touch the heart. Applaud them for what they do with what they have
to glorify God. But don't say, "I don't have what they have, and what
little I have isn't worth cultivating." Stop. Isn't that burying your

Neither say, "It doesn't seem fair." Do not compare what you have with what
others have for I have distributed to each one as I will and according to
each person's ability. To each, what they receive is in the fullness of
their ability to manage and My provision of grace.

I know your desire to glorify Me and your abilities as a steward. And so
I have equipped you with the right amount and mix of gifts and talents
that, when properly used, will bring glory to Me. They are uniquely yours.
When used, they will bless others and glorify Me. So cheerfully use them.

Matt. 25:15:
And to one he gave five talents, and to another two, and
to another one, to each according to his own ability.

 This word is by Priscilla Cupp (priscilla@klefcu.com)

You Are Not Ordinary

For too long My Child, you have thought of yourself as ordinary,
but when I molded you out of the clay, I made you to be "different!"

There is no one else quite like you.
Your heart has its own beat.
Your smile has its own shape.
Your mind processes information in its own unique way.

You must start to envision yourself the way I see you.
I do not look at the ordinary or commonplace when I look at you.

You are designed not to just "fit in," but to "stand apart."
Yes, you are to join your brothers and sisters in unity,
but at the same time, you are to have your own unique identity.

Start to see yourself as an individual.
See that it is okay to have your own unique feelings and needs.
See that it is all right to want more and to hope for more.
Stop accepting life for what you have been.
There is truly much more to your living.

You do not need to be "of the world" to be "alive" in the world.
There is a difference.

Be free to be yourself.
I did not design you to conform to man's image.
You are not to be a copy of another human being.
You are to be delighted to be yourself and enjoy living as you are
while hoping for more promises and blessings along the way.

Keep your focus and trust in Me.
I will surely keep My focus and trust in you!
I know you have had many obstacles and difficulties to overcome,
but I know your heart and your true intentions and I AM pleased
with your progress.

You are unique...So enjoy your uniqueness, your differences, your abilities,
and your laughter instead of wondering so much about everyone else and
whether or not you fit in or are accepted. I didn't make you to fall into a
crack and stay there. I made you as a "Star" that shines so bright, it
stands out in the crowd!

I love you for who you are ... so be yourself.


This word is by Karen Lundquist (reverendkaren@volcano.net)



[Today we can begin to forget and we can be healed from the
wounds we inflicted upon others, and the wounds that were
inflicted upon us. We can be healed from the wounds of our

These things in your life that you see as failures will be used as weapons
against the enemy. You will use them strategically, balanced by My Spirit;
strategically placed in order by My Spirit.

I will use your failures as weapons to tear down strongholds, principalities
and powers of darkness. Your wounds are the tools I will use to set a
people free. I will set them free from the fears and injustices inflicted
upon them. They too will be healed and delivered, and their wounds will be
tools to set a people free as well.

I will never hold your failures against you, but I will turn all things
around for My glory, and for your furtherance in Me, through My precious
Son. You are a people of purpose and destiny. You carry My glory, My
strengths and My character. So walk in My will and fulfill My purpose in
the earth.

I am the Lord who forgets and never remembers your sin again. So, be
healed and carry on My work. You are My bride, destined for greatness.
You carry a message of My love, deliverance, hope and faith throughout the
world. I am calling a people unto Myself, I desire to set them free, so I
send you with My message. Time is short and there is much work to be done,
so labor in love. Labor with a passion and labor by My spirit.

Move carefully, move quickly, don't limit Me. I do have a plan, and I will
use a willing people to accomplish this plan! Move forward; don't allow your
failures to stop you, to hinder the calling I have place upon you.

You are precious to Me, My chosen one, and I love you

This word is by Joyce De Pauw (joyced@napervillecc.org)



Focus, focus. Take your eyes off your lack and remember My bountiful
gifts. My love and provision are priceless. Stir up your faith and rev
up your "expector." Do not fear disappointment. Fear regret over not
having believed -- not having hoped -- not having been blessed and

Look for Me. I am here at your side, upholding you, ordering your steps.
I am not surprised to find you in these circumstances. I have arranged
them. Know, My beloved, that you are well loved and tenderly cared for.
I will not abandon you. I will not refuse or deny you. Stand firm.

But you must focus. As I become clearer in the foreground, your other
concerns and cares become distant and vague. Intensify your focus on
Me. Allow My light to disperse your darkness. Draw ever closer, lean
ever nearer, and I will whisper My longings, My desires to you. You are
to be trusted. You have proven yourself. Now just focus!

This word by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


I Have Given You The Victory

I have given you the victory, but you must choose to walk in it. Likewise,
I have given you My authority, but you must exercise it, or it does you
no good whatsoever.

The enemy of your soul wants nothing more than for you to be powerless
and ineffective, so that he can trample you underfoot. However, I
have destined you to smash his head with your heel, not the other way
around. The enemy of your soul wants you to be afraid to rise up
and fight, for a soldier who will not enter the battle is not a threat
to him.

But I have called and ordained you to be more than a conqueror in Me.
I have fully equipped you. I have given you spiritual armor, and it
will protect you if you will but put it on. I have placed My Spirit
within you and I have placed My authority upon you. What more do you

Child, do you see the pattern here? There is one battle that must be
fought and won before you set foot into the main battlefield. That
battle is in who you listen to and who you will believe. Your enemy,
the devil, will do all that he can to prevent you from rising up in the
authority that I have given you. He will do all that he can to get you
to disqualify yourself so that you do not step up to the battle and
begin to war. For he knows that when you war in Me, you will win. And
he does not want to be defeated, so he does not want you to fight. And
he does all he can to convince you to shy away from the battle and
he does all he can to scare you out of using the authority that I have
already given to you. Will you listen to him or will you listen to Me?

Child, I have already called you into My army and I have armed you in
My power, My anointing, My authority. Do not shy away from the battles
that I led you into, for child, you cannot win if you do not fight.
You cannot gain the victory that I have ordained for you if you run
away from the battle. Fear not. Trust Me and know that I have already
given you the victory.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


I Loved You Unto Life

I have given of Myself for you, that you might have life and that you
might enjoy friendship with your God and that you might be adopted into
My family. I have defeated the evil one for your sake and I have given
you My victory and My authority, as well as My peace and My joy. This
all came at great cost for Me, but I love and value you so much that I
was willing to pay that price.

Yet child, at times you take what I have given you for granted and you
act as if you do not understand the great price that was paid for your
freedom. Don't you understand that because I have given Myself for
I want you to give yourself to Me? I want to use your life to bring
glory to My Father and to advance His kingdom. I want you to be My
hands and arms and legs and feet to perform My Father's will now, just
as I performed it when I walked on this earth.

I have laid down My life for you because I have loved you with an
everlasting love. I endured hardship and pain and suffering for you so
that you would not have to endure it. I allowed Myself to carry your
sin on the cross that you might be made righteous in Me. I have known
and loved you before you knew to love Me. But now that you do know
Me, I want you to respond to My love.

Have I not said in My word that if you love Me, you will obey Me and
keep My sayings? I have loved you to life and now I desire that you
demonstrate your love to Me. Obey Me and serve Me and honor Me. Make
Me the Lord of every area of your life and yield control to Me. Look
to Me and see what I am doing. For I do only what My Father is doing
and I desire you to do it with Me.

Child, I long to hear you tell Me that your life is no longer your own,
but you give it to Me in exchange for the life that I laid down for
I desire that you serve Me with your whole heart, that you are fully
and totally committed to obey Me and that you desire My will above your

The depth of love between us grows stronger when you make that type of
commitment to Me. It is not because I will love you more, for I already
love you fully and completely; and I demonstrated that by laying down
life for you. No, the reason that the depth of love between us
is because you begin to respond to My love and then My Spirit within
will transform you and cause your love of Me to grow even more. Your
capacity to love Me and to respond to My love will increase. The more
you yield to Me, the greater your love for Me will grow.

And as that happens, I will reveal more of Myself to you and I will
cause you to walk in greater levels of My power and authority. I will
cause you to know greater depths of joy and peace than you have ever
know before, and you will see My glory break into more and more areas
of your life.

Child, I have loved you unto life and now I want you to respond to that
love by giving your life back to Me and committing fully to love and
honor and obey Me with every fiber of your being.

Do you feel that is too much to ask of you? What will your response to
Me be this day?

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


Seek Me

Child of Mine, I am calling you to new depths in your relationship
with Me. I want you to stop being content at where you are and to
press more deeply into Me -- seek Me and pursue Me and you shall
find Me.

Child, I am an infinite God. No matter how well you know Me, there
is still much more of Me than you can possibly know. And I desire to
reveal more and more of Myself to you. I want to show you more of My
glory and I want to show you more of My love. I want to show you
more of My vastness and more of My might. I also want to show you
more of My creativity and more of My rich sense of humor and more of
My grace and more of the depths of Who I am. Child, press into Me
and seek Me, for I have much more to show you than you have already

Child, I desire to speak to you in greater measure. There is so much
that I want to tell you, but I need you to be still before Me and to
listen to Me. Come to Me, wait on Me, worship Me. Do not allow your
busy schedule to keep you away from Me. For it is in the place of
intimacy that I breathe My life into you and it is in the place of
intimacy that I fill you with My very presence, that you may be a
carrier of My anointing.

Child, it is true that you are My servant, for I have called you and I
have chosen you and I have anointed you. But I am not looking for
only a servant, I am also looking for a friend. Will you be a friend
to Me?

I want you to be like David, who was a man after My own heart. And how
is it that your heart can be transformed to be like Mine? It is through
sitting in My presence and sharing fellowship and intimacy with Me.

I also desire you to be like Moses, who I called a friend and with whom
I spoke face to face. Yes, he served Me well and he accomplished My
will and he moved in My power. But that was not what made him great
in My sight. This is what made him so special to Me: Moses had a heart
after Me and he dwelt in My presence and he was My friend.

And child, I am inviting you to be My friend, just like Moses was My
friend. I am calling you into a deeper place of intimacy with Me. Will
you lay aside the things that beset you and the things that distract
you? Will you give Me the top priority in your life and on your leisure
time? Child, come to Me. Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you.
Come to Me, spend time with Me and become My friend. I do not want you
as only My servant, I also want you as My friend.

So accept My invitation: press into Me, draw close and allow Me to
manifest Myself to you. Seek Me now, child of Mine, and you will surely
find Me.

This word is by Fred Kelly (kmiph@yahoo.com)


The Lord Has Won The Battle

Come unto Me, for as you come to Me I will restore what the enemy has
stolen from My people. I call a people to go forward in the battle to
carry the banner I have given to you. Go in the authority I have given
unto you as I have said in My Word:

Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and
scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing
shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19 NKJV)

I have called you to a spiritual war, so come to the battle wearing My

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the
flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty
in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and
every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,
bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ
(2 Cor 10:3-5 NKJV)

You shall deliver those who are oppressed and those that are sick shall
be healed, for My Word said you shall do this. I also said that you shall
do greater things in My Son's name. So be as the one who had the Word
sown on good ground -- accept it as truth and bear much fruit. The
victory is won.

Final Generation

By Maria Magruder

For I have been injecting faith into the final generation that will do great exploits in My name, says the Lord of the Armies of Heaven and earth. I have been injecting great faith by the ministry gifts that I have set in place on this earth over the last decade, and you are about to see the fruit of this injection manifest in every part of the earth. There will be no place left unturned by My army, by My mighty hand.

For I am now pouring out My power to those who have received (and not rejected) My Words into their spirits and their minds. For I am freely injecting to those who are hungry with great wisdom and understanding of My ways of the supernatural and great faith.

Many of you have not seen what you desire to see, you have heard, but have not seen. Your eyes will now be opened unto the heavenlies, you will see into the heavens, you will see into My heart and My Spirit will release upon you the life of the everlasting, eternal power from the inside of your spirit, that will cause an explosion on the outside around you, that will cause the world to see Me.

You will walk in the authority on this earth, as I have created you to do so since the beginning of this world. For you are the final generation to take My Word to all the earth in great power, as heaven has enabled you. You will find victory in every opposition and challenge that comes your way, because My power is greater than any devil, and worldly circumstance that will attempt to stop you. For as you stay plugged into My power, My anointing, My Spirit, nothing will stop you, nor will anything harm you.

Come up to the level of great faith, Believer. No longer will you just speak faith, but you will now work your faith with great manifestation of power.

James 2:18 But someone will say, you have faith, and I have works. Show me your faith without your works and I will show you my faith by my works.”

For faith is a mighty force that I have given measure to every Believer. Every believer has a measure of force and power. You will now not just “have: faith, but you will show your faith with force by your works of power, because you are the violent who will take it by faith, take it by force. For in My faith is the fruit of patience, those who have let patience have its perfect way and who have been diligently waiting and seeking me will see this force manifest as a great impact of an explosion in their life. As you are destined to walk in power, you are destined to be witnesses unto Me unto all the earth, you are destined to be evidence providers of who I am, says the Lord.


For you are the final generation that will rise up in power, as a one great un-stoppable army. For everywhere you turn you will find a place to minister My power and truth unto, and you will not be an army on the defense, but you will be a strong army on the offense, pushing back the every foul devil, every darkness, setting the captive free from bondage, as I co-labor with you and IN you.
Be at peace My sons and daughters for your season and your time of manifestation of power has come.

Email: mariam@lifelineoutreach.com

(for contact only, no lists please)

Website: www.womanofthelasthour.com


Maria travels, conducting Woman of the Last Hour conferences, and miracle crusades equipping the saints for the work of the ministry, as well as conducts large outreaches to the lost. Her passion is not only for the harvest, but to see believers walking in the power of God and victory in their every day life.

Interested in having Maria Magruder come to your area? Please email:


This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)

I Correct Those Whom I Love

Child of Mine, I have loved you with an everlasting love. You don't
fully realize what that means. One of the things it means is that
My opinion of you is not going to change when you have a bad day or
a bad week. You do not need to fear that I will reject you or throw
you away during your difficult times. I will not cast you aside and
I will not reject you. And I will not stop loving you during
those times when I have to correct you.

I will not allow you to remain in a bad place because I love you so
much. Child we both know that there will be times when you begin to
embrace things that will draw you away from Me. I cannot look the other
way and ignore it, nor will I turn My back on you or turn My face away
from you. Instead, I will begin to convict you so that I might bring a
change in your behavior. If you yield to Me quickly, I will be gentle.
But if you resist, I will apply as much pressure as necessary to effect
the change in your life.

Child, I do this because I love you so dearly and you are so precious to
Me and I cannot bear to have you separated from Me. Have I not said in
My word that I chastise those whom I love? What I mean by that is
simply -- Child I love you too much to allow you to wander into things
where you harm yourself or to embrace things that separate you from Me.
So when you begin to misstep, I will begin to bring correction. That
correction is not intended to punish, it is to set you back on the right
course, that you might walk fully in My path and follow in My way.

My correction is not to be feared, for I will be gentle when you are
responsive to Me. I am only firm when you resist and rebel. My desire is
never to punish you or to cause you pain. It is always to draw you back
to where you belong in relationship with Me.

And child, when you respond to Me and turn to Me, I will meet you with
My embrace. I will strengthen you as you walk in My ways and I will
encourage you and give you peace and joy. It is My desire to bless
you, little one. And as you yield and submit to Me, I will draw you
closer than you have ever been before and I will shower My blessings
upon you.

My plans for you are good and My desires for you are good and it is My
will that your joy be full. And just as a father corrects his little
ones in love, so I correct My little ones when they begin to wander
off course. So, child, do not dismay when you fall under My hand of
correction. The reason that I correct you is because I love you so
dearly and I do not want you to wander into error. Take heart and know
that as you run to Me, My arms will be open wide to receive you. I will
not reject you and I will not push you away. Instead I will draw you
close and I will shower you in My love and grace and blessings.

So come to Me, child of Mine, with no fear or hesitancy. Come and
experience the great love that I have for you. It is My heart to bless
you, but I can only release My blessings on you when you are in the
center of My will. So allow Me to draw you back to that place, and then
choose to remain there with Me. Child, you are precious to Me and I
love you.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


I Will Cause You To Be Successful

Child of Mine, take My hand and allow Me to strengthen you. I am
you to place more and more areas of your life under My Lordship and
My control. But as you yield to Me in these areas, I will empower you
be successful in them.

Child, you are not your own, you have been purchased with a very great
price. So present yourself to Me as a living sacrifice. Give Me
over every aspect of your life and existence. Submit to Me in the area
of how you take care of yourself, for I do want you to take proper
of your bodies. The life that I have given to you is a present from
and I want you to enjoy it! Yes, I want your joy to be full!

But that fullness of joy is not found in unhealthy eating or exercise
habits. It is not found in the indulgence of the flesh. It is not
found in denying yourself sleep and the rest that your body needs. It
is not found in smoking or drinking nor in the intelligence of the
world that harm your body. Do not treat this gift of life that I have
given you with contempt. Do not harm yourself needlessly, for I do
desire that you walk in health. But if you do not take proper care of
the physical tent in which you reside, your health will fail. Look to
Me in this. Do not make an idol of food and drink.

Likewise, do not make an idol of fitness, diet or of the ideal body
shape. I have not called you for the purpose of maintaining your looks
and appearance to the exclusion of things of the Spirit. I have called
you to be My servant to and do My will here on earth.

Either extreme is out of balance. It is not good. It is not good to be
overly consumed with your body and it's appearance. Nor is it good to
be so unconcerned with your health and bodies that you do not take
care of them to pursue the pleasures of the flesh. In either case, you
are putting yourself first and leaving Me out of the process. That is
not good and that is not fitting and it does not please Me.

Focus yourself on Me and on My will. Look to Me for direction and then
obey what I tell you to do. Involve Me actively in your eating and
exercise and your grooming and your daily maintenance of My temple.
to Me. Make Me Lord in this area of your life. Then I will help you
I will strengthen you an I will cause you to be successful in doing My
will. I will bring My glory into your physical body and I will cause
name to be honored through your life and I will give you real kingdom
to do with Me.

So make Me Lord of this area of your life and health, and obey Me in
I ask of you. Child, if you ask Me for wisdom in this area, I will
to you clearly and I will show you what I want. And if you invite My
lordship in it, then I will empower you to do what I show you to do.
Child, I want you to be successful in taking proper care of your body,
My temple. So take My hand and allow Me to strengthen you in this.

This word is by Elanie Meyer (elaniem@shandonbiz.com)


Draw from Me

I love you child. I have chosen you and you are awesome in My sight.
There are those who would say hurtful things to you. They do not know
what they are saying because the light of truth has not yet shone in
their hearts. It is foolishness that speaks through them -- do not be
distracted by that, for it cannot harm you. I am protecting you from
all sides.

I love you, child, I love your coming in and your going out. I love
ups and your downs -- in fact I love everything about you because I am
love with you. Draw from My love that I freely offer to you. You do
need the love of others. My grace is sufficient for you. They cannot
love like I do. They cannot support like I do. They are not Me.

But I can and I will. I am your support and your strength. I am your
strong tower of defences. You don't need the approval and the love of
others, for you have Mine unconditionally. I approve of you, child.
are beautiful to Me. You are amazing in My sight. You are wanted,
acknowledged and approved.

I am here, right here by your side to love and comfort and strengthen
Draw from Me.


This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@GodSpeak.org)


Use It!

Do not be afraid to use that which I have given you, for I put My
treasure in earthen vessels. You will never feel worthy enough or
qualified enough to carry that treasure -- because it has never
been about glorifying you or lifting you up. I release My gifts
into My body that I might glorify My name through My people.

Your adversary the devil is quick to tell you how unqualified and
unworthy you are to move in the giftings and anointings that I have
placed within your life. In one sense he speaks truth, but it is a
distorted truth. It is true that you can never be worthy in your
own merit -- for any work of man apart from the blood of My Son is
like filthy rags to Me.

But you are not under your own merit, you are under the blood of My
Son. He has purchased your cleansing and your justification. You
are of great value because of the great price that He has paid, and
you are of great value because of the great love that your God holds
for you. My Son has made you accepted in the beloved. He has made
you worthy, so you do not need to make yourself worthy.

You can never qualify yourself to move with Me in My glory -- but
that is okay because I have already qualified you. I have already
placed My Spirit within you and I have already placed My anointing
upon you. I have already called you and chosen you to be My witness.
I have already placed spiritual gifts within you and I am already at
work in you to develop and mature you in all that I have given you
to do.

Do not be afraid to embrace what I have already placed within you.
Do not fight Me in these things, but cooperate with Me. Submit to Me
and allow Me to glorify My name through you.

Rejoice in the gifting and anointing that I have placed within you,
for it has given Me much joy and much satisfaction to put it in you.
Now make My joy even more full by using the things that I have given
you -- use them to glorify My name and to accomplish My purposes on
this earth.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


I Am Good

I love you, child of Mine, and I am good. I want you to learn to trust
in all things. There are areas of your life and heart where you trust
but there are areas where you do not. I am calling you to let go of
things that you are clinging onto and to trust Me with them.

And you must learn that trusting Me doesn't mean I will necessarily do
what you expect Me to do or what you hope I will do -- but trusting Me
means that I will do what is best for you in your given situation, that
My plans and purposes may be fulfilled in your life. And My plans for
are good because I am good.

Look at Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego. They did now know if I would
their life when they were about to be cast into the burning fiery
Despite that uncertainty, they were able to trust Me and enough to
choose a
terrible death over worshipping anyone other than Me. And I came
for them and spared their life in the midst of a blazing furnace. The
of fire was so hot that it consumed the soldiers who threw them in --
yet I
protected and spared My own. I did this because of their trust in Me.
child, there are times when I will likewise deliver you from your
difficulties with My supernatural power and give you a testimony of My

But look also at My servant Stephen. He trusted Me with the same trust
that Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego had. Yet, in His case, I called
home to Me instead of sparing his life. Do not think that Stephen made
mistake to trust Me because I did not spare his life. I did not fail
Rather, I allowed him to enter into the destiny that I had prepared for
from before he was born. Yes, I asked him to lay down his life for Me.
I stood beside him as he did it and I did not abandon him. Then I
him to Myself and this day he is seated with Me in the Heavenly realms
his joy is complete and he will never suffer again. Some may have
Me to deliver him and spare his life, but My perfect plan for him was
bring Him home to eternal glory and to give him rewards for a job well

I am a good God and all that I do for My children is good. And child,
My plans for you are indeed perfect. They don't always make sense to
because you are limited to only see in the natural. You see only the
and the present. But I see your future here on earth as if it has
happened. And I see not only this life, but I also see what I have in
store for you in the next one. My plans for you are for your good.
yes, even when they don't make sense to you, I still have your best
at heart. At times My best for you will be different from what you
it to be. But I am good and I know what I am doing. I have a plan and
destiny for you and I am able to work My glory in all things in your

So child, trust Me and know that I am good. Believe that I have your
interests at heart. Believe that I want your joy to be complete and
that I am able to accomplish that in your life. Know that I am a good
and put your full trust in. I will not fail you, child of Mine, you
trust Me.

This word is by Jim Clapper (jclapper@techteam.com)


Let Go Of This World

Do not hold onto the cares of this world. For I know how to care for
animals that live in the field, how much more worth are you to Me. If I
am able to care for the animals, am I not able to care for My people?

Many seek the comforts of this world and keep their focus on how to
obtain more. They lose sight of what I have for them when they lose
their dependence upon Me. The cares for the things of this world blind
them to the good things I would give unto them. Hear My voice My
trust in My ability to provide for your needs. I know what you have
of before you ask and I am able to Meet that need if you will turn to

Open your eyes to what I have for you. Take your eyes off the world and
focus on Me. Learn of Me, read My word, see how I have provided for My
people. Do not let your heart be troubled by the things that go on
around you in this world for I have overcome this world. You are in
world for a short time; use that time wisely to learn of Me. Focus on
what I have for you, not what you can get in this world. Let this world
take care of its own; you are of Me, let Me take care of you. Walk with
Me and let go of the things of this world for they will choke your love
for Me from you. My ways are not the world's ways.

I have a plan for each of you and know what you will need to fulfill
plan. Let Me meet your needs according to what I have for you. My gifts
are pure and do not rust or wither away, and cannot be stolen. Let your
treasures be found in Me, not in this world. I long to give the gifts I
have for you unto you. If you would come to Me, seek Me, ask of Me, I
bestow all that I have for you unto you. Let My Holy Spirit be your
not the desires for the things this world has to offer you, for those
things will not last but what I give you will last forever.

This word is by Gerdi Marais (gm@raphacareer.co.za)


Rest in Worship

My dear one, come to Me and see Me face to face. Don't you know that I
have created you and all around you and that I alone have the power to
transform your life & circumstances?

I alone have the power to mold, shape and change you by writing My laws
upon the tablets of your heart.

Come to Me. But in coming to Me, do not come striving. Come resting,
knowing that I love you and care for you. Come sit at My feet and let
empower you with everything you need for this hour.

The battle has been fierce and the enemy strong, but you are more than
an over comer through Me that loved you first. Don't you know? Don't you
know that I have loved you with an everlasting love that will never
change? Don't you know that no one can pull you out of My hand? Don't
you know that I'm an everlasting Father Who will never abandon My
children? Well dear one, know today that I am for you and not against
you. Come to Me and understand that My plans for you are good to give
you a future and a hope.

You can never earn My love -- I give it, without faultfinding and
reproach, for I am just. My Son died for the undeserving, displaying My
unconditional love and grace. Love never fails, and love will never
forsake you.

Embrace Me, embrace love, for "love embraced" will be your much needed
strength in this hour of need.

As you come into this place of worship -- resting in Me -- you will
that truly the battle belongs to the Lord! As you worship Me in this
restful manner - with a settled heart, believing in My love, embracing
grace - I will powerfully restore everything that the enemy has stolen
or tried to steal. I will bring to pass My every promise to you. I will
take a hold of it for you and bring it to you. I am the Author and
Finisher of your faith and I will perfect everything concerning you,
finishing and accomplishing what I started and spoke concerning your
life. Therefore, draw near, rest and do not be anxious about anything.
am the Restorer. Keep your eyes on Me and you will walk on water -- do
the impossible -- when your eyes are fixed on Me.

In this place of worship the victory is yours. In this waiting on Me
will your receive the strength, momentum, wisdom, glory & strategy to
win every battle and bring back spoils from the defeated enemy's camp.
Do not limit Me in this as I want to give you great blessing and
prosperity to establish My Kingdom & Kingdom purposes in the earth.

Look to Me. Rest in Me. I will enlarge your vision & stretch your
capacity to dream, see & do things in Me. You will hear & see & do My
will in My strength, not your own. Therefore, draw near & keep on
near. In this River, the imparted seed will be watered and great fruit
will come from your life in time. Stay in the flow; rest in Me.

My thoughts are higher than yours. My vision is bigger. My resources
never-ending. Therefore, come to Me, receive of Me the seed, the
impartation necessary to birth My purposes.

Come to Me & find true rest for your soul. Rest, I will impart. Rest, I
will guide. Rest, I will provide.

This word is by Judy Bauman


Your Father's Word to You

I have already given you everything that you need to fight the enemy
of your soul. You are My child, you are My soldier and you are My
Pray to Me as Jesus prayed. I Am His Father and I Am your Father.

You are more than a conqueror and you have already been given the
You are My righteous instrument ~ My instrument of choice. I have
you keys, I have given you My power and authority. I have chosen you
I will send you in My time.

You are My diamond and you are in the process of being polished. You
to trust Me and not your old man; don't trust the ways of old.
Give yourself wholly to Me and I will give you the desires of your

Trust Me, obey Me, follow Me, love Me; for I will never disappoint you.

In Great Famine, is Great Provision

By Maria Magruder

Email:  mariam@lifelineoutreach.com
(only use email for contact-no lists please)

Web:  www.womanofthelasthour.com


I heard the Lord say, “In great famine is great provision”.


The whole earth is literally now groaning for the sons of God to be made manifest and revealed to the world.  With these groanings that have caused major earth events and movements, will surely come famines, as it has been recorded in the Word.  Those in covenant with Jehovah, will surely walk through these great famines with His provision, satisfying your every need.


Psalms  37:19  And in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.


For not only has the earth been groaning for you, but you have been groaning within your spirit for My calling to manifest, for My giftings to be made complete in fullness, for the mantles and anointings to be active in fullness-for what has been pre-destined before time was, will now “be”. 


Where the world will be in hardship everywhere, the sons and daughters of God will be made manifest to the world by My mighty hand of power, signs, wonders and creative miracles. 


Psalms 33:18-19  Behold the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, On those who hope in His mercy, to deliver their soul from death and to keep them alive in famine.


Fear not the famine, but instead envelope yourself in faith in My Word says, the Lord.  For surely where there is faith, there is provision, for that’s where the substance is.  It is not in mans grasp, it is not in the wicked’s grasp, but the wealth of the heavens and universe is in My Word and My Word dwells within you My children.  Everything you need and desire, for it is My pleasure to shower you all of My goodness and mercy. 


As I sustained Elijah, Isaac, Abraham, and Joseph in severe famines, so will I sustain you.  These men were obedient to “the call”, and forsook all natural circumstances, and kept their faith in Me, stepping out to what appeared to be famine to them, was only famine to the world, and even though the world was in great famine in those different times, the world was blessed by these men.  A whole nation was blessed with provision due to Joseph’s obedience to follow through on the call of God, and so will nations be blessed by you, as you hold fast to all the promises that have been given to you.  For you are called to bless whole cities and whole nations, for the greatest provider and supplier lives within you.


Gen 12:3  “…And in your ALL the families of the earth shall be blessed.”


As it is THIS DAY, those who are separated unto Me, will I send the ravens with great blessing, as it is THIS DAY those who are in covenant with Me, will sow during famine and reap one-hundred fold, for those walking by faith and not by sight will be providers and lenders because of the Blessing they are in covenant with.  Do not under-estimate the covenant given to you My children.


Duet.  8:18  “And you shall remember the Lord your God for it is He who gives you power to get wealth that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers AS IT IS THIS DAY.”


While the world is in times of famine, My body will be in great Blessing.  For you are in this world, but not of it.  You are not subjected to its system, you aren’t a servant of the world, but you are a servant of the living God.  Wealth, provision and money are to serve you, not you to serve it.  You have been given authority to rule and reign over the world’s system, seated in heavenly places with Me.


Prepare yourselves to be “lenders” and “providers” in these times of famine, for the world will look many places to find great provision in a time of great famine. 


Duet. 15:6  “For the Lord your God will bless you just as He promised you, you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow; you shall reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over you.”


Many will come to the Church looking for help, looking for their needs to be met in desperate times.  For it will come to pass that even the government will turn to the Church, as the government will not be able to accomplish what the Church can, by My Spirit.  You will especially see a flood of the fatherless, the widow, and the orphan coming into My house.  They will not only be met with material provision, but they will be met with the power of My Spirit unto salvation, healing and deliverance.  For the world will begin to look to you My bride, for the greatest wealth that has ever existed dwells within you, for the greatest wells of sustenance, provision, healing, miracles, wisdom and truth have been deposited and implanted in you for such a time as this!  Glory!


Get ready, the ones who have come to know Me, trust Me, believe in Me, abide in Me, walking by faith and learning Kingdom principals will now walk fully into their destiny and into their full callings this very year of 2005.



Maria travels, ministering miracle gatherings by the Word of God, equipping the saints for the work of the ministry.  Her passion is not only for the harvest, but to see believers walking in the power of God and victory in their every day life.


 Interested in having Maria Magruder come to your area?  Please email:  mariam@lifelineoutreach.com




This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@GodSpeak.org)



Precious one, celebrate and rejoice in Me. Know that I am a good God
that I desire for your joy to be full. Put off the garments of
and sorrow and take upon yourself the garments of radiant praise, for
is the garment that I have given to you.

I am your Shepherd and I am good. Yes, it is true that there are times
when I lead you through the valley of the shadow of death. I take you
there because of things in your character that can only be molded in
valley. But I never intended to leave you there; My plan has always
to lead you through the valley and out of it. I will bring you back to
the mountaintop, for I do not desire that any of My dear ones reside
permanently in the shadow of death. I have indeed prepared a place for
you, and that dark valley is not the place that I have prepared.

The place that I have prepared for you is a place of victory and
overcoming and peace and joy and life. I have come that you might have
life and that it might be full and abundant.

Little one, trust Me to lead you through the valley and out the other
side. Do not fix your gaze on the shadows in the valley. Do not allow
your mind to dwell on the trials or difficulties you may face there,
they are but passing things and they will not rule in your life. I am
your deliverer and I will surely fight with you and give you the
in every battle you face. Do not focus your attention on your foe.
Instead, focus it on Me. For I have already placed the seed of joy and
hope in your heart, and it is also the seed of rejoicing and
That seed is not watered by looking at the shadows in the valley -- it
watered by looking to Me and looking to the good things that I will
accomplish in your life as I bring My glory into your situation.

Child, you do not have to wait until the victory is fully accomplished
before you can begin to celebrate and rejoice. For I am with you and
I am your victory as well as your substance. So do not wait until the
journey through the valley is completed. I walk with you in the
journey. I am with you right now, right this very moment. So celebrate
My presence and celebrate My nearness. Celebrate the glory that I have
already promised into your situation.

Rejoice! My plans for you are very good. I will not allow a single
thing that I have ordained for you to be withheld from you. All that
I have ordained for you will come to you, no matter how long it may
to tarry. For I am with you, and I will never leave you. I bring joy
and I bring peace. I have already won the victory and I have given
victory to you. You shall overcome in Me and you shall abide in My
presence and you shall behold My glory. Shout for joy at that prospect
celebrate and rejoice!

This word is by Claudia Mondesire (CMondesire@AOL.COM)


Come Closer

Come closer all ye that labor and are heavy laden.
Come closer and I will give you rest;
Rest from worry, rest from strife.
Come closer to Me and cast your cares on Me,
For I care for you.
My yoke is easy My burden is light.
Come closer to Me, I Am your heavenly Father.
I will comfort you.
Come closer and worship Me.
When you lay awake at night
with thoughts of defeat racing through your mind,
Worship Me and I will instantly be there to comfort you.
I Am waiting for you to call; I will supply your need for comfort.
Come closer My Beloved, Come closer,
I Am waiting for you.
I love you.
I love you.
You need not be afraid.
I will never leave you, nor forsake you.
I AM waiting to comfort you; come closer.


This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


For Those Who Feel Dirty

Child of Mine, do not be afraid to come to Me, for I am not one who
push you away. Do not let your failures or your inadequacies keep you
apart from Me -- do not hide yourself like Adam and Eve hid themselves
the garden. Do not be afraid when you hear the sound of My voice. Run
Me, no matter what state you are in.

Do not hide from Me in your sense of failure or inadequacy or shame.
Rather, come to Me and allow Me to wash and cleanse you, for there is
complete restoration and cleansing through the shed blood of My own
Son. Child I do not just apply this to others, it also avails for you.

When I deal with My own dear children, I am not the God of condemnation
I am the God of restoration. So allow Me to restore you. Do not pull
away from Me in your shame or failure. Do not allow your inadequacy to
push you astray. The shed blood of My son covers every sin and
that would make you dirty. I am here to wash and cleanse you and to
restore you.

Know that I am the God of truth but I am also the God of mercy. Come
to My light, do not hide from Me. I will purify you and set you in
white garments and cause My glory to come upon you as you run to Me.
Run to Me, Child, no matter what state you are in. Run to Me and
receive restoration -- for I am the restorer of your soul and I am
here to receive you. Do not be afraid to come to Me for I will
receive you.

Child of Mine, come to Me right now and allow Me to work My glory in
your life. For I am your loving Father and My grace will cover all of
your faults. I will transform you via My indwelling Holy Spirit and
I will work the nature of My Son in you. Let Me glorify My name
you...run to Me and make yourself available to Me. I will receive you
with open arms. I will transform you and I will set you on high --
you might lift My Son and bring glory to My name. Run to Me, child, I
will surely receive you. And as you make yourself available to Me, I
will make you a vessel of honor and I will glorify My name through your
life. So Run to Me child, and receive My loving embrace.

This word is by Dorothy Goodman (Dgdm9@aol.com)


I Have Set You Free

Does not My word say I come to set the captive free? Does not My word
say who the Son has set free is free indeed? If I have set you free,
are you bound? Why are you allowing the enemy to put chains upon you?
Why are you allowing the enemy to lie to you and tell you that you
be loose and free? Why are you not using what I have given you to let
Satan know he can no longer hold you hostage? Why?

I have given you liberty, and I have given you your freedom. When you
have liberty, there is strength. If you are not free, you cannot have
joy, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Did I not say to you,
"Behold I make all things new?" That goes for being free as well; that
goes for being loosed from the chains that bind you: the chains of
addiction, the chains of lying, the chains of sin -- I came and set you
free from all of that.

I am a holy God. I would not have told you to be holy as I am holy if
I were not able to keep you. The sin in your life holds you hostage.
Sin in your life will keep away the blessing I have for you. Sin in
your life will keep you in fear -- and I have not given you the spirit
of fear, I gave you the Spirit of love, power and a sound mind.

When you are bound and entangled with the things of the world, then you
have to keep looking over your shoulder. If you are not living a clean
life, you keep looking over your shoulder, for someone might see what
you are doing. It will catch up with you when you are not living what
you are confessing. But I have set you free from all of this.

Why do you continue to allow yourself to be in bondage? It is time to
let the enemy know you were brought with a price -- not with silver,
with gold, but with the precious blood of Jesus. And that is your
I was humiliated for your sakes, I was beaten, broken, stomped on. You
could not recognize My body because of how brutally I was beaten. That
was for you, for your life, so you could be free. I have set you free.

Return to your first love. It is time to put Satan under your feet. It
is time to let him know where you stand. I have given you your tools.
have given you the shield of faith, where you will be able to quench
the fiery darts of the wicked. I have given you the sword of the
I have given you the breastplate of righteousness, and shod your feet
with the preparation of the Gospel Of Peace. I have girded your loins
with the truth. I have given you the helmet of salvation.

You have no excuse to live in bondage, for I bought you your freedom.
Take it back in My name, EL SHADDAI, for I am all sufficient, I am the
God that is more than enough, and I have set you free. So why should
you be bound? Why should you die before your time? You are free, My
children, you are free. Take your liberty of My blood and remember
I love you.

This word is submitted by Jim Clapper (jclapper@techteam.com)


Open Yourselves To Me

Learn to walk in My ways, My children. I am a good Father who desires
give good things to you, but you must open yourselves to Me. I desire
work in your lives but I will not force Myself upon you. It is up to
you to open yourselves to Me and allow Me to do the work I desire to do
in you.

Do not keep your heart from Me, not even a part of it. I desire access
all of you. There are parts of your lives that I wish to touch, wounds
wish to heal but I cannot do this if you hold part of yourself from Me.
The parts you are holding back are the very areas I wish to work in.

Read My word, learn how I have given good things to those who have
Me. Learn of Me, take My yoke upon you for it is easy and My burden is
light. Let Me fill you with My Spirit, let Me touch those hidden areas
your heart and give the things I desire to give unto you. I long to
many things upon you if you would only let Me do so.

Open yourselves unto Me, invite Me into all of the areas of your life,
particularly those that you have kept from Me. Ask Me for the things I
have for you; I will be more than willing to give them unto you. Do not
keep any part of yourselves from Me and I will not keep back what I
for you from you. There are many things I desire to show you and share
with you if you will only let Me.

This word is by Jim Clapper (jclapper@techteam.com)


Spend Time With Me

I desire to communicate with My children. But in order to do this, I
need you to spend time with Me. Read My word, learn of Me and see how
I have communicated with My people in the past. I long to do the same
with you.

But you must take the time to listen to Me, in order for this to
I have many ways of speaking to My people, through My written word,
through the still small voice, through your experiences and many more.
For you to recognize My voice, you must learn more of Me and spend time
in My presence. Spend time reading My word, praying and worshiping Me.
Enter into My presence through worship, for I inhabit the worship of My
people. That is where I will meet you.

I long for you to hear My voice, but it is up to you to move toward Me.
I will not force Myself upon you. Instead I wait patiently for you to
come to Me and come into My presence, where I may communicate directly
with you. Seek Me and you will find Me. Listen, and you will hear My
voice. Come to Me, My children, for I desire to spend time with you, to
reveal and share Myself with you. I have many good things to tell you,
to give you and to show you. But in order to receive them, it is up to
you to come to Me and ask for them.

I ask that you take the time to come to Me. Spend time with Me and see
what I have for you.

This word is by Betty Heimbach (bettyjay@bellsouth.net)


Stop Long Enough To Hear

My Child,

I've been waiting for you to stop long enough to hear what I have to
I long to communicate with you at a deeper level than ever before. But
need to come to Me and sit in My presence to hear My voice. I speak
I will not shout for your attention. I will not compete with all the
noises. I am speaking to you.

First, My love for you is far greater than you realize. The enemy has
to keep you blinded to the depth and breadth and height of My great
love for
you. Believe My love for you. Believe that My Word is true. Come and
in My presence and allow Me to lovingly talk to you. I want a
chat with you. There are things I want to guide you into. There are
I want to correct. Listen closely to My voice and Mine alone.

Allow Me to guide in all things. Do not try to make things happen, no
matter how frustrated you feel over the seeming lack of any activity. I
working behind the scenes accomplishing what you could never
Trust Me as never before. Become flexible. Let Me guide you, be
be ready to move quickly without lengthy explanations.

A new wave is coming and you need to be in position to catch it and
the crest of the wave and go where it takes you. Be prepared. Don't be
left on the shore wondering what happened and longing for what you
Take your place. Take your position. You will hear My voice directing
as you maneuver into the place I have called you to take.

Listen for My voice as you sit in My presence. And know that as you
into and wait in My glorious presence that you will be changed. My
is light. And My light exposes everything. Just as standing before a
mirror when you undress for your bath you see yourself as you are,
in the Light of My presence you will see yourself as you really are.
stand before Me naked. Nothing is hidden. You will see whatever is not
of Me. You will see the smallest thing that needs to be laid down or
aside. Come into My presence and be cleansed, be changed, be prepared
the next wave. Listen, and look closely at what I am showing you.

This word is by Deborah Thomas (leadebithomas@hotmail.com)


Windows Of Heaven

The windows of heaven are open,
My blessings are raining down.
Lift up your hands to receive them,
I'll remove all your tears and your frown.

I'll give you a joy everlasting,
My mercies are new every morn.
Come to the River of Life, child,
Drink deeply of Me, for I've borne.

Every disease, every sickness,
I've removed every curse, and all shame.
I've provided all that you'll ever need,
Just call on My mighty Name.

I Am the Master, the Potter,
I Am your strength and your light.
I Am the Way in the darkness,
I Am your song in the night.

Enter My Presence, my loved one.
Fear not to make your abode
In the Holy of holies,
Where awaits you treasures untold.

Trust in My promises for you,
I have a plan for your life.
One with great hope and a purpose,
One with great joy, without strife,

For I will carry your burdens.
Give them to Me, every one;
What I've started in you, I'll complete.
The victory's already been won.


This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


Regarding The Dec 26 Tsunami

It was only 5 PM on Christmas Day where I live. It was 6:30 in the
the day after Christmas for the people in India. It was 7 or 8 in that
morning for most of the rest of the places that were effected by the
that devastated southern Asia. It took about 12 hours for the news of
terrible disaster to travel throughout the world. Over 22,000 people
reported dead and the death toll is expected to climb even higher than

And people are asking "Why did this happen?" Christians around the
cannot help but notice how near this disaster was to Christmas Day and
the people effected by this were mostly idol worshippers. And some
wondered if this was some type of judgment of God against idolatry. In
fact, that question ran briefly through my own mind as I got past the
initial shock of the terrible news. I found myself asking God -- "was
a judgment or was it an attack of the enemy or what?"

It took about an hour before I was able to hear God's answer to my
I think the delay was because this sad news hit me very hard, as I have
close ties to the area. I have flown in/out of Chennai (a.k.a. Madras)
many times. The state of Tamilnadu, where Madras is located, was one of
areas hardest hit in India. And I have ministered many times in the
of Andhra Predesh, and over 200 people are reported to have died from
Tsunami in that state. In fact, I had a guest from Andhra Predesh in
home at the exact instant the tsunami hit, and his wife was in India
visiting her family 15 miles from the coast. (We did not know about
Tsunami until after he had gone home that night.)

This is what God told me: This was NOT a judgment from God, it was an
attack of the enemy. The attack mirrors in the natural what God is
to do in the spirit, and it precedes an upcoming move of God in those
areas. God has been hard a work behind the scenes to prepare South
for revival. It is almost ripe and God is going to release a wave of
great revival there, a revival that will draw people to the truth and
sweep away the stronghold of idolatry and ancestor worship. The devil
is one who comes to comes to kill, steal and destroy. And he has
this tsunami to kill as many people as he can before the revival hits.
He is doing this because he does not want them to be saved in the
It is not God's heart or desire to destroy the people who live in great
darkness in this part of the world -- it is His desire to shine His
into their darkness and to save them.

The Lord showed me a princple that relates to enemy activity in the
The principle is that the enemy's "thing" is to kill and destroy, and
more of a hold he has on an area, the more of an ability he has to do
thing in that area. For instance, in India, the state of Tamilnadu was
one that was hardest hit by the Tsunami, and where most of the death
destruction occurred. This same state is one that had given the devil a
stronghold by passing a very strong anti-conversion law that could
imprison anyone who leads a person to the Lord. And because the devil
a stronghold on this area, he was able to bring more death/destruction
it than to other parts of India. (I am not saying that Tamilnadu is
only demonic stronghold in India. But the devil was able to destroy
there because it was one of his strongholds.) The good news is that
Tamilnadu is almost ripe for revival and that area will be filled with
God's light and presence."

We must remember that God's heart is for the lost and He wants to bring
them to Himself. The devil's heart is to kill, steal and destroy and
oppress and keep people in darkness. God's goal and the devil's goal
diametrically opposed to one another. That is why there is a war going
between the two sides. God has already won the war when Jesus rose
the dead, breaking the power of sin and death. But God values human
free-will; He wants people to worship Him of their own free choice.
And in
order to preserve our ability to choose (free will) God has not yet
the devil to Hell. The devil knows he is defeated, and like a trapped
animal he still lashes out against God's kingdom and engages in

The Tsunami was a great and heart-breaking tragedy. We need to ask
how God wants us to respond to this. I would like to share three
to that question.

First, He wants us to love them with the love of Christ. That love
does not
sit idly by and hope the people will get the help they need -- instead
love helps those who become destitute from this Tsunami -- it gives
financial and practical aid. We are not to limit our help to just
who are willing to convert. We are to follow God's example: God sends
rain on both the just and the unjust, so we should help all who are
not just those who agree with our viewpoint.

Second, we need to pray for God's will to be done in this area. God's
is to bring a wave of His revival -- to break the power of darkness, to
bring light and life and joy and peace and provision to these people.
It is
to bring them to the saving knowledge of Jesus so that they put away
idols and worship only Him. So we need to pray and intercede in
with God's will for a great revival to come to South Asia.

Third, we must participate with God in accomplishing His will in that
This means doing missions work in South Asia. It also means supporting
equipping the indigenious believers as they evangelize their nations.

Great darkness has come to this area in the form of this terrible
Now it is time for the body of Christ to bring great light to dispell
darkness. It is time for us to bring practical and tangible help, as
as to bring God's love and the good news of the gospel to this region.
is also time to demonstrate the reality and power of God's love by
the sick and doing the works that Jesus did.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (TS@godspeak.org)


Take Heart, For I Am With You

Child of Mine, I have good plans for you and you will walk in them.
at times the way looks doubtful and filled with perils. But guess
If you look at the lives of My saints of old, you will see their lives
are stories of how I empowered them to overcome their adversity and
in My victory. Many of them started in the midst of much difficulty

Jacob was a schemer who made so much trouble for himself that he had to
flee to the home of an even greater schemer, who tried over and over
again to cheat him. Yet, in the midst of all that, I prospered him. He
alienated his brother to the point where his brother wanted to kill
but I spared his life. Even though Jacob did all he could to "mess up"
his own life, I still turned it around for My glory and made him the
father of a great nation. I gave him many sons and great wealth. And
gave him a happy and fulfilled ending to his many days.

Joseph, from early youth, knew betrayal and injustice. He was first
into slavery by members of his own family. Later, he was falsely
and unjustly thrown into prison. His character and gifting were formed
in great adversity and hardship. But in due time, I drew him out of
dungeons and set him in place to rule a whole nation, second in
under the Pharaoh. I gave him a family of his own, and I even restored
his father and his brothers to him. He ended his days in much joy and

Moses was born a slave in captivity, and sentenced to death, but I
protected him and spared his life. Later, as an adult he became a
murderer and a fugitive and had to leave his native land as he ran for
his life. He spent many years in exile, convinced that he was a
and that his life would never amount to anything. But I met him where
had fled, and I put him in a position of leadership and caused him to
deliver My people out of bondage and I worked mighty signs and wonders
through him. I made him one of My greatest prophets and I taught him of
Myself. I even spoke to him face to face as a friend, and I granted
his greatest desire and showed him My glory.

King David spent many years as a fugitive, running and hiding from a
who unjustly wanted to take is life. Yet I brought him out of that
difficulty and made him the greatest of all kings. I gave him riches
comfort and all that his heart desired. I established a dynasty from
that will never end.

Do you not see the pattern, child of Mine? Adversity and hardship do
come upon My own, but it does not destroy them. I give them victory
it and I place My favor on them and I cause them to prosper. They may
face difficulties, but I make them into overcoming ones, and set them
places of great victory and joy. I cause them to walk in the fullness
their destiny and I shower them with My blessings and with My delight.

And child, I will do the same for you. I will give you My victory and
bring My abundance and My joy into your life. I have good plans for
and I will accomplish them in your life in due time. My desire for you
is for joy. Nothing will be able to overcome you or defeat you. You
will rise up in My power and in My anointing and you will live in your
promised land and enjoy the fruit of your labor.

So take heart, My child. Turn your attention and your focus from your
difficult circumstances and look to Me. I will encourage you and I
strengthen you. And in due time I will give you great victory and
you to experience the fullness of My good plans for you. Yes, My plans
for you are good and I will surely accomplish them in your life.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@GodSpeak.org)


Refiner's Fire

Do not be far from Me, oh My people! Do not allow unbelief to keep you
from entering into My courts with praise. Do not focus your eyes on
many difficult circumstances that surround you. Instead, look to Me
and know that I am with you and that I am faithful. Know that I am all
powerful and I hold your deliverance in My hand. Know that it is My
will and My good pleasure to rise up on your behalf.

Do not fear, do not fret. Trust in Me and look to Me. Know that I am
with you and that I will not abandon you in the midst of your present
day difficulties or circumstances. Know that I have the ability to
My glory in all of your circumstances, and know that I am willing to do
this for you. So do not allow the fears and worries of this present
to consume you. Do not allow them to push you away from Me.

For I have a plan and a future and a destiny for you. And it is good,
it will cause you much joy. But to enter into My plan and My destiny,
must lay aside your own plans and your own agendas and you must embrace
Mine. And for you to enter in to My plan and My destiny, you must
willing to obey Me in all things and to take your direction from Me.
it is My desire to pour out My spirit and My anointing upon you, that
might bring glory to My name and advance My kingdom.

Turn to Me and allow Me to turn your life around. Allow Me to glorify
name through you. Watch and see what I will do in you and through you
you draw near to Me and yield to My control.

This word is by Jane Larsen (jlarsen65@hotmail.com)


From the Storehouse

When you ask I do not give sparingly and I do not count all the
as if they are limited. My storehouse is full. Be still. Quiet your
soul and hear Me. My storehouse is full. It is full with all that you
need for your journey through life. It is full of all you will ever
to see you through. It is full and I am God who gives and all you need
to do is ask.

I know you have felt that you have asked until your breath is dry. I
know you feel that you have been on your knees forever. I know. I
that time has been slow, I know the season has been long, but I also
that you have held on, for you know that everything is in Me and you
at Me despite what you see around you. I know all things, I watch you
you sleep, I hold you as you weep, I carry you when you are weary.
Sometimes the wait is long because there is much to come. When there
a drought, does the heaven not open and pour water upon the dry and
thirsty land? Do not the dry rivers overflow and burst from their
Remember this. You were not taken into a desert time to remain there
forgotten, but to grow and to see what I would provide to those who ask
in My name.

Stand now, stand. Shake the dust from your garments, smooth the
Stand now. It is time to walk forward. There is much I am going to
from My full storehouses, more than you have asked for. Share. Share
and pass on to others what I am going to send to you. There are many
hearts that are heavy at this time. Share and stand, for the time to
walk forward is upon you and blessings are coming through.

I always hear you child. I always answer. Have no doubt, have no
Walk in faith. Receive.

This word is by Armando Morales (ib4gzus@academicplanet.com)


No Trespassing

The Lord laid this "vision" on my heart. I saw the Lord Jesus
walking in the cool of day over rich soil. This soil was fertile,
ready to receive new seeds for the coming seasons, but in the
distant horizon was another patch of land whose soil was dry and
deserted. The only thing that separated the Lord from entering
that land was a barrier, which was a long stretch of fence that
divided the two. As Jesus attempted to open the gate door, he
a sign on it that read "No Trespassing." He also found that it
locked, which broke His heart as His desire was to claim and
that land as well. Then the Lord spoke this word to me.....

The land I have cultivated represents your heart. You have allowed Me
cultivate it and deposit rich seeds of My kingdom which will yield much
fruit. But the land that is dry and barren you have kept locked away
Me. This is land that you have not allowed Me to enter, land that you
not allowed My blood to cover, land that you've grown accustomed to.
are you ashamed to let Me into this dry land? I desire to cultivate it
well and uproot all that has caused the dryness. I want to remove
roots of fear, shame, poverty, as well as every curse and lie the enemy
has planted in your land. But I will not force My way in My child.

Have I not declared in My word, 'And I will give you the keys of the
of Heaven. Whatever you lock on earth will be locked in heaven, and
whatever you open on earth will be opened in heaven.'

As the door of that dry land remains locked in your life, it will also
remain locked in heaven. And if the door of that dry land were to
it would also be opened in heaven. My child, you are the one who I
given the keys to. I have placed the keys of your soul, the keys of
heart and the keys of your spirit in your hand. Only you can unlock
door and give Me access to that land I so badly want to claim as Mine.
Will you give Me access to those areas you have kept locked away from
for so long?

May I enter?

Allow Me to claim that land and let My blood wash away every weed that
kept My living water from flowing into that land. I desire to heal, to
restore, and cleanse all that which is dry and in need of My touch. I
desire great things for you My child. To see the soil of your heart
an abundance of fruit for My kingdom.

The keys are in your hands. Will you let Me in?

Dear brothers and sisters,

This is a word I received for the US and the

I saw about 2 weeks a big stadium with thousands of
people sitting in it. And I saw the race track and I
saw 4 people racing. I recognized 2 faces, 1 of them
was John Kerry and the other was President George W.
Bush. Senator Kerry and President Bush were ahead and
the other 2 were just trying to keep up. And they came
at the last stretch, the final few yards before the
end of the race. I saw as the pass by President turn
back, heading the opposite direction, he grabbed a
white torch that was on fire and he turned back to run
towards the finish line. But every step he was taking
while running he was progressing about 10 steps. He
passed Senator John Kerry and President Bush won this
race by a few inches. And then I saw President Bush
take the torch and place it on America and America was
set on fire and the Lord spoke and said: "that I AM
going to set America back on fire. I am going to set
the Church in America back on fire. And this fire will
spread once again."
I saw then the sky burst open and I saw angels coming
from heaven to earth and the Lord told me that there
will be more visitations from the angelic in America
and on the earth. People will be having testimonies of
seeing angels save them, talk to them and many
testimonies of miraculous things happening that cannot
be explained.
I saw like a tall vase with millions of small iron
pebbles in it and this vase was placed on a map of the
world in the middle east. This vase broke and the
pebbles spread all over. The Lord spoke to me and said
that the Islam will fall and be shattered and a season
of peace will come in the middle east and the Gospel
will be preached like never before. Doors will be open
for many ministers to go the middle east like never
before seen.

God bless you richly.

Shariff Eddine
e-mail: rifo17@yahoo.com

This word is submitted Teresa Seputis (TS@godspeak.org)


A Thanksgiving Day Word

This may seem like an unusual prophetic word to release on the American
Thanksgiving Day holiday. This word is not just for the Americans, it
is for all of God's children, no matter what part of the world they

Before God gave me this word, I began to think about Thanksgiving and
people have corrupted so many of the days that were originally set
to honor God. Thanksgiving was originally instituted by the pilgrims
acknowledge and honor God. But the original meaning has been obscured.
Many now believe that Thanksgiving was founded as the day when the
thanked the Indians for helping them survive their first year in the
States. They don't realize that this day was intended as a harvest
and that it was patterned after the Bible's Harvest Feast, to thank God
for all He did to allow them to harvest their first crop. Thanksgiving
was originally intended as a day to thank God and also to seek God's
and blessings and prosperity on their future.

Likewise, the meaning of Christmas and Easter has also been obscured.
Christmas, the celebration of our Lord's birth, has become about giving
gifts to our loved ones. Many have forgotten about the great gift that
God gave us on the first Christmas. And the resurrection power has
taken out of Easter -- to many, it is about bunnies and egg hunts and

As I pondered this, I asked the Lord how He felt about it. "Lord, how
do you feel about the way man has perverted days originally set aside
honor You?"

His answer surprised me. Let me share it with you:

"I don't like it and I want to take those days back for Myself! My
church advocated days that were once set aside for Me. Then the
moved in and took them over and corrupted them for his evil purposes.

I want to take those days back as days where I am honored. But I
want to stop there.

There are many other things that My people have advocated that the
enemy has moved and taken possession of. He has corrupted them for
evil purposes. Now I want them back, and I want to transform and
them once again for My purposes.

I want to take the school system back for My glory, that children
be taught of Me and My ways from an early age. I want to take back
economies of the nations, that young children do not have to go to
hungry because there was not enough food for them. I want to take
the world's political systems, to restore integrity and godly
in those who would provide leadership in their governments. I also
to take the business and banking and financial systems back for My
as well, that businesses be run by godly principles and practices,
that the financial world would begin to tithe from their profits into
work. For as they are faithful to Me in their finances and
practices, I
will begin to prosper them. But should those businesses and
institutions violate My principles and standards of conduct, then I
oppose them and cause them to fail.

I don't want My people to hide in the corner and to let the enemy
more and more of My things to make them his own. Rather I want to
My people out to once again possess that which was lost, to take back
that which the enemy has stolen and transform it for My kingdom and
My glory. I want the nations to once again honor Me and My
that I might once again bless them and restore peace and prosperity.

In short, it is My desire that My people bring My glory into every
of their existence. It is My desire that they possess and transform
things that the enemy has stolen and corrupted. I am the God of
restoration, and I have not abdicated this world to the devil. I
it back for My glory. I have promised in My word to give back the
things the enemy has stolen from My people. And I have promised in My
word to restore the things that the canker worm has eaten. Likewise,
I will restore for Myself the things that have been stolen from Me
I will cause My glory to once again be manifest in them. Yes, I want
back that which is Mine that the devil has stolen. I am taking the
world systems back for My glory in these present days and times. And
want My Body, those called by My name, to take an active part in that

This word is by James Donovan (jdono78832@aol.com)


Don't Be Moved By Circumstances

These are the days to stand on My promises, so hearken to My voice in
these days. Resist every scheme and every lie of the enemy in these
days of trials and testings and storms. Yes, resist the enemy and draw
nigh to Me. In My presence there is liberty and freedom in My spirit.
Allow My spirit to flow through you and breathe life to many in these
days of adversity and turmoil in every nation, throughout the world.
Resist the spirit of division and disunity in My troops, but rally
together in these days.

Don't be moved by circumstances or by what you see or hear in the
Instead, press into Me and My word and spend time with Me. I have
you to arise and walk victorious in Me. Sound the battle cry, sound the
trumpet. Let it be known that I am bigger than every obstacle of the
enemy. In Me, you are more than conquerors; you are a victorious vessel
in Me. You are called of Me to soar like the eagles above every heavy
weight, to fly in freedom and liberty in Me. Declare My word in these
days of much opposition and adversity. Fight the fight of faith, press
into Me and walk in My boldness, My authority. So arise and fight.

I am the God that removes the obstacles in your way. I am the God that
parts the seas. I am alive and live today in you, My chosen vessels. So
arise and stand firm on My promises. Don't be moved by the
of this world, because in Me there is newness and life. I have come to
reign over this world with newness of life. So go speak to the
set the captives free. This is the time to raise up a standard and
firm in Me and walk in the destiny I called you to. And this is a year
of breakthrough, a time of newness of life as you flow in Me.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (TS@godspeak.org)



Your enemy, the devil, is a defeated foe. I won the victory over him
when I died on Calvary and rose from the dead. Before I rose I
descended into hell and I took from the devil the keys of power and
authority that he had long ago stolen. He was powerless to stop Me
then, and He is powerless to stop Me now.

I have given you, My Church, this authority that I won over the devil
in My death and resurrection. This authority cannot fail you because
it is not dependent on you -- it is dependent solely on what I have
already accomplished when I laid down My own will to obey the Father's

Nonetheless, this authority only prevails when you use it to
accomplish My purposes. If you do not use it, it will not prevail for
you. If you use it awry, it will not prevail for you. But when you
it in accordance with My will and to accomplish My Father's purposes,
you walk in the same authority that I walked in. You have been given
power to defeat the devil, to foil his plans, even to command demons.
You have been given My authority to break the power of torment, of
sickness and disease, of oppression and poverty that the demonic realm
would unleash on people. I have given you My authority to set captives
free and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.

Little one, are you using the authority that I have given to you? Are
you watching Me to see what I am doing, that you may do it with Me? Are
you listening to My voice and obeying My command? Are you doing what
Father is doing to advance His kingdom and to set people free from the
oppression of the enemy?

Or are you cowering in a corner, afraid of the one who I have already
defeated? Even though he is a defeated foe, he is still a foe and he
can still be dangerous. His greatest offensive weapons are lies and
deception. He will try to convince you that he has greater power than
you do. And if you do not exercise the authority that I have already
given you, then his power is effectively greater than yours -- for he
is using his against you and you are not using yours.

Child, I did not give you spiritual armor to polish and brag about and
to leave in your closet. I gave it to you to use, that you would have
defense against the fiery darts of the enemy, that his lies and
deception and attempts to cause fear would have no power over you.
The armor of God are your defensive weapons, and I fully expect you to
use them once I have given them to you.

Likewise, I did not give you My authority so that you could bury it
under a bush to keep it safe. I gave it to you to use. It is not
intended to be solely for your own protection, should the enemy devise
plans against you. No, I have given you defensive armor for that. The
authority that I have given you is intended as an offensive weapon to
accomplish My purposes. It is intended for you to go forth into battle
at My command to set the oppressed free and to advance My kingdom. It
is intended for you to break the power of sickness and death and
addiction and bondage off of the lives of the lost, so that they may
understand the good news and turn to Me. My authority is intended to
enable you to be My witnesses and to make the devil powerless to stop
you as you do what you see Me doing.

I have given you My authority and I have made you unstoppable. I have
given you all that you need to be My witness and advance My kingdom.
I have placed My Spirit in you to show you My will, so that you can
see and do what My Father is doing in this earth. I have given you
authority over all the power of the devil and I have placed My
anointing in your hand. Now listen to My voice, hear what I command
you and obey Me. Rise up and fear no more, for I will make you a
victorious and overcoming one.

Now go forth. Use the authority that I have given you to accomplish
My purposes.


This word is by Robert Lillington (Rlillingtons@aol.com)


Abide in My love

Dear child, do not be discouraged, neither be afraid. Trust in God and
not doubt the fullness I have promised. My promises are always "yes"
"amen" if you will just believe. The timing for each move of God in
life is critical. Now is the time of salvation, now is the time of
deliverance. The essence of the breakthrough is embodied in release of
love for one another. The great love which I have for you is shed
in your hearts by the Holy Ghost. The world is looking for authentic
Be known of this love. This love is My love, which is grown in you by
power of the Holy Ghost. This love casts out all fear. This love
promises. Your fragility is cast out by the empowerment of My love made
complete in you.

Do not be satisfied with a little love. Settle for nothing less than
extravagant love. Live and breathe and have your being in My love.
for nothing less than My fullness made whole in you. Remember I am

And so be not manipulators of My love and grace. I will not manipulate
you. And do not presume on My love and grace, but learn of Me with a
grateful heart. Learn of Me with a broken and contrite heart. Learn of
Me and I will raise up a standard of love in you that will baffle your

Godly power has always come this way. Be a vessel of love. And
the nearer you draw to Me in love, the lower you must bend. The strong
tree always bends in the wind, so learn to bend in the times to come.
Be sensitive to the wind of My Spirit. Be sensitive to the work of
redemption I am bringing across the nations. I plan for a flood of
genuine love within you so that it can flow out of you as living water.
Cultivate perfect love within you so that your joy may be full.

1 John 15:9-12.
As the Father hath loved Me, so have I loved you: continue ye
in My love. If ye keep My commandments, ye shall abide in My
love; even as I have kept My Father's commandments, and abide
in his love. These things have I spoken unto you, that My joy
might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. This is
My commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.

1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but complete and perfect love casteth
out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made
perfect in love.

This word is by Gertrude Jensen (gdjensen@peoplepc.com)



The battle rages and what appears as failure is just that, appearance!
Always remember appearance is deceiving, many things are not as they
seem. Never battle evil with evil, that only feeds it. Defeat it with
good and use My love, it never fails.

My call to you is faith. If you could see as I see, you would have no
need for faith. Trust Me as I part your own Red Sea. Good for evil is
My call for you. Set your sight on Me, immerse yourself in My Word,
walk in confidence for I am with you each step of the way. I shall
never leave you nor forsake you. I called you before you were born, I
have protected you and kept you safe at each turn. I have guided you
and kept you close; you are precious to Me.

I hear your cries and I will answer you. Be still and wait on My time,
for in My time no sorrow will be a part of your miracle, only My joy,
My peace, My rejoicing. I will increase My Holy Spirit in you, your
anointing will deepen and your love increase.

Walk without fear, evil has been defeated no matter how it appears. My
answer to you this day is faith. Rejoice in your wait, for each day you
are restored a little more and soon all that was taken shall be
in great measure.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (TS@godspeak.org)


Let Offence Take No Root In You

Child of Mine, I want to break the power of offense in your life, for
offense is the greatest enemy of unity and love. Offense prevents you
from truly loving one another, it makes My little ones unable to bear
one another up in My love.

Offense comes when you focus on yourself instead of focusing on Me. It
comes when you try to protect your own self-worth instead of receiving
your sense of value from Me. Child, you are of such great value to Me.
There is no need for you to become offended, no matter what man may say
to you. There is no need to be offended when someone treats you of
lesser value. Their words and their actions cannot change your value
in Me, it will remain great.

Take your example from My Son, Who did not speak in His defense when
falsely accused. He was not offended when publicans and sinners sought
Him out. He never acted in offense, even when people lied about Him and
spoke wrongly of Him and misquoted Him. That is because He know Who
He was in Me. He knew that another's words or opinion about Him had no
power to decrease His true worth. My Son did not allow Himself to be
defined by the words or actions of others, He was defined solely by
I had to say of Him. And because of this, He was not easily offended.

I want you to be like Him. I am asking you to lay down self and lay
down any rights to offense that you think you have. I am asking you to
stop perceiving your value based on how others treat you or based on
what they say about you. Instead take your value based on who I define
you to be. Then you will be secure in My love and you will not be
easily offended.

Never allow offense to cause division in your midst. Become the peace
maker and strive for unity in My body. Begin to treat others as though
you prefer them over yourself, show them that they are of value and
worth in My kingdom. When they say or do something that is hurtful or
annoying, do not allow offense to take root. Instead, commit the
into My hands and choose to love the offender.

I have commanded My children to love one another. It is so much easier
to do this when you do not allow offense to take root in your heart.
come to Me and ask me to break the power of offense off of your life.
will surely do this for you if you ask. And I will empower you to love
your brethren and to live in unity with them, that My name might be
glorified in your midst.

This word is by Carolyn Spears (cpryr@hotmail.com)


Time Restraints

My children, stand and listen for I would tell you a thing that you
yet to consider. Quiet yourselves and listen, for I desire that you
your thoughts and still your hearts. It is not My desire that you run
to and fro in anxious thoughts for I have told you that I have come to
give you life and life more abundantly. I have told you that My peace
have I given you, yet you do not walk in this peace.

Do you not understand that you cannot judge things according to your
sight? Nor can you judge according to your understanding. My children,
you say things like, "Why is God taking so long?" and "It will be too
late if something doesn't happen soon!" But I would tell you that it is
not so, for you have said in these statements that I am limited. Yet I
say, nothing is impossible to Me, and through Me all things are

Look and understand at what your words are saying My children, for in
you say that I am restrained and dictated by time, and again I say not
Do you not really know and understand that time is not something that
dictates to Me but is something that I dictate? I am the Eternal God,
One Who was and is and is to come, and time itself cannot hold all of
I Am. You know time as a restraint. Even in this I say you err, for
of you have been born into the generation that I have set for you to be
born, and this is but one step in an eternal life that you have in Me.
This life is not a restraint, but an opportunity to fulfill all that I
have purposed and destined.

My children look at your lives and see where you have been. See where
have come to and know that I am not restrained in where you can and
go if you will allow it. These restraints are not the boundaries that I
choose for you, they are of your own choosing and words. Look to Me,
to Who I Am and know that I stand outside of any and all restraints
circumstances and others may be trying to bind you to.

My children, I have said that I know the thoughts and plans that I have
for you, thoughts of good and not of evil, to give you a future and a
hope. Look at these restraints; do they testify of this? Or do they
contrary to this? If so, then they are not of Me and you must not
or embrace them. I am your creator and I alone know who you were made
be and all the potential and glorious destiny that I have for you.
your thoughts, still your hearts, look not at the circumstances nor at
time as a restraint to what I am doing.

Look to Me, My children. Look to the fact that even time must bow to My
purpose and is only a vessel in My hand to do all that I purpose. My
children, check your hearts and come to Me and ask for direction. Ask
for wisdom and understanding, for I desire for you to be free from this
limitation and restraint. Oh My children, I desire so much more for
you are created and you are destined for so much more. Lift up your
eyes to Me, the One who is your help, and see with new eyes and new
understanding. Do you see Me as the One who was and is and is to come?
Do you see Me as the Eternal God, the One who stands outside of time?
For in this view you will see and you will know that nothing is
with Me!

This word is by Teresa Seputis (TS@godspeak.org)


Trust Me

Child, I don't always explain My reasons when I ask you to do certain
things, but I always have very good reasons. I don't always tell you
My plans or strategies, but I always have excellent ones. I am God
Almighty and I do not explain and justify Myself to My children. When
I command you, I expect you to trust Me. Trust that I know what I am
doing, and that I will take care of you. Also, I expect you to obey Me
because you love Me, not because you understand and agree with My

There will be times when what I require of you will not make sense to
your natural mind. There will be times that I will tell you things
that seem to contradict your present circumstances. Remember that I
see things that you do not see and I work in ways that you may not
understand. My timing often is not your timing. You often want to rush
immediately to a solution that will bring you comfort. But I want to
orchestrate a solution that will glorify My name and advance My
and agenda.

Child, I have good plans for you and I have every intention to work My
glory into your situation. I am active on your behalf. So do not
question Me when you find yourself in a difficult situation and
that My approach to it is different than yours would be. Instead, look
to Me in faith.

Let Me show you the most excellent way, the road of faith and trust.
When you are on this road, you will seldom have all of the information
that you will desire. But, do not question Me to ask why I have
a certain thing that makes no sense to you. And when your senses
scream that I am not taking care of you, do not listen to them, for
lie. Trust Me and do not try to take matters into your own hands to
to find your own solution. Instead, commit the matter into My hands.

Be like My servant David, who wrote songs and psalms praising Me in the
midst of his trials and adversity, to tell Me how much he trusted Me.
And his trust was not in vein, for I did surely accomplish all of my
promises in his life, and I brought him into the fullness of his
Likewise, child, trust Me in the midst of your adversity, for I am at
work on your behalf. The more you can believe that and worship Me, the
greater joy it will bring to My heart.

I am looking for children who will obey Me even when they do not
I am looking for children who do not need to ask Me whether or not I
love them when trials or adversity come their way. They do not need to
because they know My nature and My character; they know that I am Love
and I cannot help but love My own.

Child, I will work My glory in your situations and I will be active on
your behalf. You can count on Me to do that for you. At times I will
you to go through difficult or uncomfortable situations. Don't fret
I allow this in your life. It is My fervent desire that you will trust
and obey Me in the midst of your situation. Child, know that I am with
you and I will deliver you and I will show you My glory. So, do not
your understanding; trust in Me.

Trust Me, child, and I will show you My glory. I will demonstrate My
faithfulness to you over and over again. Those who place their trust
Me will never be disappointed.

This word is by Elvi Glass (beglass@earthlink.net)


This word is for those who are looking for answers and seem not to
be able to hear God or question whether they are hearing God. Also
for those who are not sure as to whether they are in God's will or


I Will Be Found

My children you seek Me earnestly and I delight in this. Remember that
I am
not complicated nor am I hidden in unreachable places but I can be
easily. All you have to do is ask and I will answer. All you need to do
seek and I will be found.

Continue to yearn for My presence, continue pressing in and you will
that I am right next to you. You will find that the answer is right
you and not in some complicated riddle or difficult equation.

As I look at your heart I see your desire to walk in My will. I would
mislead you. I have placed My Spirit within you to open your eyes to My
truth. So trust that you are indeed able to hear My voice. Trust that
presence goes with you even if you do not feel it with your physical

I am now in the process of opening your spiritual eyes to a level you
never experienced before for I desire for My children to look at things
with spiritual eyes and to interpret things according to My wisdom,
knowledge and understanding. Don't be surprised if things don't make
sense to you from a physical perspective because I am beginning to
thrust you into situations where you have no choice but to look at
with your spiritual eyes. Therefore, ask that your spiritual eyes be
enlightened so that you may know Me better.

Desire the things that are of lasting, eternal value and know that I am

This word is by Teresa Seputis (TS@godspeak.org)


Pursue Me And You Will Find Me

Child of Mine, do not allow yourself to push away from Me by spending
all of your time on things that are of no value. Do not fill your
thoughts with things that will not last. Do not become so distracted
by these things that our relationship slips. Instead, pursue Me and
you will find Me!

Some of My children fill their attention with things to entertain, with
television or computer games or internet or books and the like -- to
point where they have no time left to spend with Me. Some skip reading
My word to read the newspaper or to leaf through a magazine. Some skip
worship and listen instead to secular music on the radio or on CD.
of those things (television, computer, books, radio) are inherently
But the enemy uses them for evil purposes in My children's lives when
they become a replacement for spending time with Me. So, do not allow
these things to interfere in our relationship or to pull you away from
spending intimacy time with Me. Instead, pursue Me and you will find

Child, I desire that we draw close. I am bigger and vaster than you
possibly imagine. I desire to reveal more and more of Myself to you as
we linger together in prayer and intimacy. I desire to flood your
with My nearness and My presence as you come before Me in worship. I
desire to speak to you as you linger before Me, I desire to tell you of
My plans and destiny for you. I desire to strengthen you, to flood you
with My peace and My joy. I want to form My character and My glory in
your life. I want us to spend time together that you might get to know
Me. I want you to become more and more like Me as I transform you in
presence. I desire to saturate you with My love and to hold you in My
arms. I want to brush off the last traces of rejection and failure and
inadequacy that hold you back. I want us to draw near to each other
and spend quality time together. There is so much I want to show you,
so much I want to tell you and so much I want to do in your life. I
so many good things I want to give to you, but I can only give them to
you when you begin to linger in My presence and spend time with Me.
pursue Me and you will find Me!

Child, I will not force you into intimacy with Me. You must come with
willing heart. I will not force you to worship before Me, for your
must be given to Me of your own free will, or else I take no pleasure
it. But if you will pursue Me in worship, you will find Me!

Draw near to Me, child, and I will draw near to you. The more you draw
near to Me in worship and intimacy, the more I will increase your
to experience My presence surrounding you. For as you give more of
yourself to Me, I reveal more of Myself to you. Along with that, I will
give you more of My power and anointing. In order to come into
with Me, you must give Me a high priority in your life. You must put
aside the distractions and press into Me. Pursue Me, child, pursue Me.
Set aside intimacy and worship time with Me each day, and guard it as a
thing of great value -- do not allow anything to crowd out our time
together. And when we are together, ask Me to reveal Myself to you
you might know Me better. Ask Me to teach you My ways and to empower
to walk in them -- for I delight to do that for My dear children when
they ask Me. So pursue Me actively, child of Mine, and you will surely
find Me!

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This word is by Robert Lillington (Rlillingtons@aol.com)


Renewing The Passion

First, My child, I must break your heart. Hearts that have become stony
with the cares of this world cannot receive My renewing passion for the
lost. Hardness of heart is the great sin of the western church. It has
become comfortable and successful in material things and there has
resulted a surface hardening, which causes grace to just bounce off.

Oh that I could flood My church with the grace of My heart. Oh that I
could speak into your hearts with the passion I have for the lost. Oh
that I could break your hearts and let compassion flow. In a broken and
contrite heart there is soil for the seed of faith to grow. Good soil
is broken soil, ploughed deep and furrowed for the seed. Allow My
to break the hardened soil of your hearts. Allow My plough to turn the
soil. Allow My soil breaker to work the clay, gouge out the stones,
boulders and the tree stumps. Good soil is ploughed soil. This is the
soil that produces 100 fold. This is the soil that takes the rain and
brings life to the seed.

I will only break your heart if you yield. Yield My child, for you
never dream of the purposes that I will bring about in you from a
and contrite heart. Such a heart commands My attention. A broken and a
contrite heart I will never ignore.

Psalm 51:15-17
O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall show forth Thy
praise. For Thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it:
Thou delightest not in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God
are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou
wilt not despise.

This word is submitted by Jane Larsen (jlarsen65@hotmail.com)


Standing Imperfect (Before The Lord)

You are not perfect. I do not expect you to be. Do you think that I
would be happier and it would be easier for you to come before Me if
you were perfect? What, in your eyes, is perfect? Think of these
things. Perhaps it is a statue that is carved by the hands of man and
has no flaws and no life? It cannot move so it can do nothing. It
cannot feel so it can cause no harm. Yet for its outward perfection,
it is but a lump of cold stone.

There is a battle on earth between good and evil and you are in the
of it. There is a way through, there is a way to victory, and it is
you keep your eyes on Me and do not listen to the lies of the enemy. I
have told you this, that he searches and seeks as a roaring animal,
seeking who he can devour with his lies, his words of guilt, his
When you listen to Me, when you hear My word, when you immerse yourself
in My word, you will know his lies and you will see clearly what he is
doing. Does anyone go to war unprepared? Do they not go forward after
great preparation? This is your time of preparation. Every day you
being prepared, you are learning more, you are accomplishing more, you
are standing taller, you are stronger. The arrows are being flung back
one by one. This is not a war that will end when you know it, always
prepared, always stand on your guard, always look to Me. I will bring
you through all of this. I will set you in a safe place. I will give
you the words to speak, the wisdom to walk on, the peace to continue.

I have watched you. You have stood in damaged places and wept. You
have been in the eye of a great battle. You have seen your families
damaged, health damaged, peace damaged. I tell you that from ruins I
can build a city. From the dust of the ground, I can create. From
whatever is left, I can bring times of refreshing and rejoicing and I
can restore a hundredfold all that has been damaged in this war. Do
look at the dust and the chaos anymore, but to Me, Who is the light,
Who makes a way through the desert and a path in the wilderness. Look
to Me, Who takes your hand and leads you through and will not let you
trip over a stone.

Look to Me, you who are the apple of My eye, whose very hairs on your
head are numbered and known by Me. I seek a loving and willing heart.
I do not turn away from your imperfections, I work in them. I do not
lock you out because of your sins, I wash them away in blood and leave
you clean. I set you free. Nothing can harm you for your Father is
ever with you.

I know the thoughts of your mind and the desires of your heart. I will
answer you before you finish speaking. I will restore what has been
damaged. I will keep you through the battle and deliver you from the
mouth of the enemy. In a while, a little while, a short time, I will
move you away from this to fields of restoration. Your eyes stay on Me
and Mine are focused on you. I am your safe place, your calm in the
storm. In Me you will find refuge.

This word is by Musa Opiyo (mopiyo@btinternet.com)


Take Back All The Enemy Has Stolen

Awake sons of God. The call has gone forth to war in the heavenlies
against the forces of your enemy. Your enemy is not the flesh and
but the principalities and powers and rulers of this dark age.
stand upon those walls and keep watch, for the enemy is advancing to
plunder the children of God, but I will not allow it says the Lord.

I say to turn the battle at the gates, and in reverse, YOU plunder the
enemy camp! Take back all the years the locust, the cankerworm and the
palmerworm have stolen from you.

This is the year to take back what the enemy has stolen. He has no more
power except that which you give him. Fear is one of the greatest
he has released in this hour to cripple My army and to render them
ineffective. Arise, for I have not given you a spirit of fear, but
love which casts out all fear and a sound mind. Do not retreat back
the children of Israel did for fear of the giants, but go even as
and Caleb were determined to take back the land that belongs to you,
it is your inheritance says the Lord.

This word is by Elvi Glass (beglass@earthlink.net)


The Father's Heart is for His Children

My children, when the waves of life seem to overwhelm you remember that
My banner over you is love. I desire to cover you with My love as one
covered with a blanket. As you allow Me to cover you and all your
circumstances, you will receive a peace and strength that can only come
from Me. Know that I am your only true source of comfort and peace.
is no other place that can give this kind of peace and comfort.
do not be afraid to run to Me for I am Your refuge and your strong

Many seasons have passed and many years have gone by during which you
have cried out to Me. I have heard every single one of your cries. I
counted every single one of your tears. None of them have passed by Me
without My noticing. And, "Yes," I do care. I am asking you to trust
None of the years you have spent with Me are lost for I am not a God
wastes anything but everything has meaning and purpose as long as you
remain in Me and follow My direction.

Know that I know the beginning, what is in the middle, and the ending
everything. I am the Alpha and the Omega. Even though My promises seem
to be delayed from your perspective, rest assured that My plans for you
are secure and your welfare is securely resting in My hands. You, and
purpose for you, are on My mind, and I am holding you in My hands for
are precious to Me. I guard you as the apple of My eye.

I have known you from the beginning of time and I have predestined you
for great things. None of My children are created by accident. I have
carefully planned events and things and even the right time and season
into which My children are born. So don't despair and know that you
born into the right time and right season. Your creation was not an

Allow Me to order your steps and even when you slip, I will be right
beside you helping you up once again. My desire is for you to be free,
for I have come to set the captives free and they are free indeed.
off the chains of condemnation and allow Me to bring you through the
process I have started for the purpose of your healing and deliverance
from past wounds and hang-ups and the removing of all hindrances.

When you call to Me I will answer you. My child, I delight in being
Father. Come to Me and I will give you rest. I am calling you higher
deeper into Me where you can see Me and experience My glory. Your life
is, and will be, a testimony of who I am and what is on My heart for My

As you allow Me to cover you with My blanket of love, remember that I
am for you and not against you. I have good plans for you, plans for
to prosper in everything you do.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (TS@godspeak.org)


The Master Carpenter

Little one, I know your pain. There are times when I must allow you to
go through something painful in order that your character might grow
and mature. At times, I must allow the hurts of the past to come to
surface in order that their power in your life may be broken. Yes,
will be times when you will struggle with thoughts or attitudes that
would be ashamed for others to know about. There will be times that
will feel frightened or anxious or immature in some area. There will
times when you will react poorly to certain situations because of the
pains of your past.

Do not be frightened when I allow this to surface in your life. I do
not allow these things to come up because I want to torment you.
Rather, I allow them that they may be completely dealt with, that their
power to torment you might be forever broken and disabled. When I
walked on this earth, did I come to set captives free and to heal those
who were afflicted by the enemy? My nature and My character and My
motivations have not changed just because I died, rose from the dead
and ascended to My rightful place in Heaven. I still set captives free
today and I desire to work My freedom and My wholeness in every area of
your heart and life.

So, do not be afraid to approach Me when you struggle in this area. Do
not fear that I will stop loving you because of your struggles. I will
not be disappointed in you and I will not push you away. Rather I will
meet you and I will help you in the midst of these struggles, for it is
My desire that you be whole in every way. I will not push you away.
I will hold you in My arms and pour My strength and My healing into

But, if you resist Me in this process, I will be relentless. I am
truth and I cannot allow you to live in a lie and to pretend you do not
struggle in this area. I do not want to cover up your weaknesses and
inadequacies and flaws. That is not My way. My way is to expose them
and remove them from your life, to break their power over you, to give
you victory over the things of the past that beset you.

I am truth and I am light. And if you come to Me, My light will expose
your darkness that I might dispel it. Therefore, I will force you to
look at lies and renounce them. I will force you to look at your
strongholds of bitterness and unforgiveness, then to dismantle them by
forgiving in the manner that I have commanded you to do. I will force
you to confront your walls and your defense mechanisms in order that
you might place them into My hand. I require you to turn over your
right to protect yourself from "being hurt again" so that I can be the
One to protect you -- I will do a better job protecting and healing
than you could ever do for yourself. I will force you to confront
your pain that I might take it out of your life and break its power
over you. I will confront whatever area of sorrow or pain or fear or
despair or failure that you are struggling with. Then I will work with
you to take it out of your life and replace it with My wholeness, for I
have come to give you peace and life and joy.

I am the Master Carpenter, and I am building a good work in your life.
As any carpenter does, I will examine the wood I work with. If I
find any bumps or gnarls in that wood, I will shave them down and
sand them off. I will, through My indwelling Holy Spirit, do a good
work in your life and I will craft you will excellence. This means
that from time to time I will spotlight your imperfections that I might
sand them down and polish them off, so that the work I do in you might
be perfect in Me.

Do not be afraid when I touch these hidden areas of your life and
confront you with them. Do not pull away from Me try to hide them.
together with Me to address them and to break their power over you that
you might be free of them. I am truth and I am light and I am life,
I will cause these things to manifest in your life that your joy might
be full and that you may be whole and perfect before Me. So, do not be
afraid or dismayed that I work on these areas in your life. Trust Me.
My plans for you are good and I will surely do a good work in your

This word is by Teresa Seputis (Teresa@godspeak.org)


Possess Your Promised Land

Rise up child of Mine. Do not accept defeat and despair any longer.
the enemy of your souls would torment you, he would kill and destroy
steal from you. But I would give you life and victory and peace and
One or the other must rule over you. Which do you choose?

If you choose life and victory, then you must rise up in obedience and
you must walk in faith. Yes, there are times that I go before you and
fight on your behalf. But most of the time I choose to involve you in
the process, just as I involved the Israelites in taking their promised
land. Most of the time I will ask you to fight for your promised land,
and I will be with you in the battle to support you and make you
victorious. That is why you must learn to depend on Me, that you might
experience My faithfulness, so that as you step out, I step out with
As you draw your sword in obedience to My command, I wield that sword
with you, to defeat the enemy of your soul and to push aside any
hindrances that keep you from walking in the destiny that I have
for you.

Do not be like the first generation of the children of Israel who I
led out of Egypt to the border of the promised land. For they were
not willing to obey Me to go fight for their promise, and they did not
receive it. They chose to allow fear and disobedience to rule over
And all that yielded them was useless wandering in the desert. They
without receiving their promise and they never walked in their destiny.
That was because of what they chose to rule over them.

Be like the second generation, who trusted Me enough to cross over the
Jordan and to enter into the promised land. They fought at My command
and they experienced My faithfulness, for I fought with them. I thrust
them into victory after victory and I gave them all that I promised
them, once they became involved in the process with Me. And child,
I will do the same in your life as you rise up and walk in faith and in
obedience to Me.

As you obey Me, you will possess the promises that I have made to you
but only as you obey. For the closed doors will remain closed until
walk right up to them and command, "Open in the name of the Lord." If
you hang back and watch at a distance, the doors will remain closed.
can pray and you can plead with Me, but I will not open those doors for
you until you obey what I have already commanded you. You walk right up
to those doors in faith.

I am faithful to keep My promise, but I expect you to rise up in
and act on what I have instructed you to do. You must do your part,
must obey Me and you must walk in faith. And then, as you step
I will step forward with you. And as you face any hindrance to My
command, I will knock it aside and enable you to keep on walking
For when you obey Me, then I empower you and nothing can hinder you or
prevent you from reaching the goal. Nothing can prevent My obedient
from possessing the promises that I had made to them, for I will surely
perform it on their behalf as they step forward in obedience.

So rise up, child of Mine. Hold back no longer. Go and possess your
promised land, for I will go with you and I will empower you.

This word is by Dorothy Goodman (Dgdm9@aol.com)



I AM that I AM. I AM the bright and morning star, I AM the lily of the
valley, I AM the bridge over troubled water, I AM the great I AM. I AM
the one that scooped up nothing and made something, I AM scooped the
from the earth and made man in My image, I AM did this. I AM placed
stars, moon and sun in the sky, man had nothing to do with any of this,
I AM divided the waters and separated them from the earth, I AM made
morning and darkness. I AM put your heart into your body, every bone,
every vessel, every thing in your body. I AM said I will go and redeem
man, I will take his place that he might LIVE. I AM was born of a
and came forth. I AM Jesus saith the Lord. I went on the cross and shed
My blood that you might have life everlasting. I AM is He that
victory, healing, restoration, renewal.

I AM laid the foundation for you, My children. I AM opens the door and
no man can shut. I AM closes the door and no man can open. I AM does
these things. I AM can see down the road, I AM can hear the cries of
children, I AM can also wipe those tears away. Just as I AM took
and made something, I AM can take something and make much saith the
I AM the judge that judges righteously, I AM the doctor that operates
and never leaves a scar. I AM the teacher that gives good grades to My
children. Even when they score little, I do not hold that against them,
for I know their hearts.

I AM that I AM, and I love you My children. I AM will never leave you
nor forsake you. I AM the secret place that you can run to and hide. I
AM the peace speaker, I AM El Shaddai, the God who is more than enough,
your all sufficient one. I AM that I AM, as I told Moses when he
"Who shall I say sent me." I told him to tell them that My name is I
I say to you I AM is here for you, I AM will fight your battles, I AM
will make the darkness light before you, I AM will take what is wrong
I'll make it right before you. I AM will fight all your battles before
you and the high places I will bring down. I AM the way, the truth and
the life. I AM Jesus. I AM loves you.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (Teresa@godspeak.org)


Draw Near

Child I desire to take you to a place of delight in Me, a place where
you draw close to Me and that I might reveal Myself to you. I desire
to encase you in My love and surround you with a tangible sense of My
nearness. I desire to show My nature and My character to you, and to
teach you My ways. I desire to speak to you about many things, and
even to tell you about some heavenly things. I want you to truly know
Me, and as you draw near to Me, I will show Myself to you.

But the world and your enemy the devil do not want you to do this. They
will do all they can to distract you, to keep you from coming to Me,
because they do not want you to grow in Me. The more you grow in faith
and in your knowledge of who I really am, the greater danger you become
to them.

So the world will try to distract you. It will keep you too busy to
spend intimacy time with Me. It will dangle things before your eyes
that appear appealing, things designed to draw your attention away
from Me. With some this is television shows. With others is it a good
book, or talking with a friend. With others it is an event that sounds
appealing, or chores that "need" to be done, or that extra task at
The world has many different types of distractions, and each is
to keep your attention on it instead of allowing you to place your
on Me and to draw close to Me. So you must deliberately choose to make
Me a priority in your life or you will fall into the trap of never
having enough time to draw aside into intimacy with Me.

The devil will try to distract you in many ways as well. He will try
to bring sin to separate you from Me. He wants you to feel too dirty
to come to Me and be cleansed. Or he may throw adversity at you, that
you will be too worried to trust in Me. Or he may cause distress in
an important relationship, so that you will be too consumed with
about that relationship to spend quality time in relationship with Me.
There are many different strategies that the devil will use to attempt
to keep you from coming to Me. He does not want you to spend time with
Me, for he knows that I will heal your wounds and make you strong. He
does not want you to spend time with Me because he knows that you will
grow in faith and confidence as you come to truly know Me. He does
not want you to grow mature in Me because he knows you will begin to
imitate Me, to see what I am doing and to do it with Me. He knows that
as you do this, I will anoint and empower you, and He knows that will
make you a formidable enemy. He does not want you to spend intimacy
time with Me because then you will not reach your full potential in Me,
and you will be less of a threat to him.

Child, press through the distractions of the world and spend time with
Me. Press through the diversions of the enemy and come into My
Wait upon Me, look to Me. Draw close to Me and allow Me to transform
you as you rest in My presence. Allow Me to breathe My life and My
refreshment and My strength and My confidence into you. Allow Me to
teach you My ways and to show you Who I really am. Spend time with Me
child, and come to know Me. You will find joy and you will find life
in doing this. The exhaustion and weariness will begin to melt away
as I give you My strength and as I refresh and revitalize you. In Me
you will find life and delight. So draw near to Me, child of Mine,
draw near.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (Teresa@godspeak.org)


My Glory

Child, I want to reveal Myself to you for who I really am. But you are
not yet able to receive this, because My unveiled glory would be too
overwhelming for you. I am a loving Father and I do not show you the
fullness of My glory because I know it would destroy you, and I will
not destroy My Own dear children.

I have given you some hints of My glory in My word. I have recorded
how I told Moses that no man can see My face and live, because of the
magnitude of My glory and the brightness of My radiance. Even when I
veil My glory, it is still overwhelming for My Own. Have you not read
how the children of Israel were terrified when I spoke to them from on
top of a mountain. I had veiled My glory with a cloud of thick smoke,
that I would not destroy My people, yet they were still terrified of
Me. Have you not read how even My greatest servants were terrified of
My angels, who reflect only a small portion of My glory? Daniel was
terrified and his strength left him and he fell on his face as if dead
when My angel Gabriel appeared before him. Yet Gabriel's glory is but
a dim reflection of My Own glory. Even Daniel could not have withstood
My unveiled glory; none of My servants can while they yet live and walk
this earth.

Child, you cry out to Me over and over again for Me to show you My
You do not understand what it is you ask, for you would be destroyed if
I answered that prayer. No living person can stand to see My glory.
even the holiest men who ever lived could stand before the terror of My
presence or the radiance of My glory. It is impossible for sinful
flesh to survive in the radiance of My presence or the holiness of My

Yet you cry out to Me for Me to show you My glory.

Here is what I will do for you, child of Mine. I will show you hints of
My glory and I will reveal portions of Who I am to you. The closer you
draw to Me, the more I will show you of Myself. And the more you seek
Me and wait before Me, the more of Myself I will reveal to you. For as
you rest in My presence, you are transformed before Me. And as you are
transformed, then you are able to see more of My glory and to
more of My presence.

But you must understand that as you draw near to me, your sin and your
darkness will be exposed. For when you enter into the brightness of
My light, dark things will be seen clearly, they cannot remain hidden.
And as I cause these things to be exposed in your life, you must be
willing to deal with them before Me. You must not try to hide them and
pretend they are not there. Rather you must throw yourself on My mercy
and allow Me to cleanse you of them. At times this will be a difficult
or a painful process, but you cannot enter into greater realms of My
glory if you are not willing to go through this process with Me. For I
am holy and I command you to be made holy as well through the
work of My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you.

You cannot enter into My presence and not have your sins and your
shortcomings exposed. You cannot remain in My presence if you are not
willing to allow Me to cleanse you from these things. Remember how it
was for My servant Isaiah at his commissioning? When he came into My
presence, he became aware of his own sin. The intensity of My presence
will do that to you, for I am holy and sin cannot stand before Me.
Isaiah was helpless to cleanse himself, so I cleansed him by sending an
angel to touch his lips with a burning coal from My altar. Do you think
that was painless? I say to you that it was not. For it will hurt as
the sin of your nature is seared out of you before My very presence.
But you must submit to that if you would be cleansed and if you desire
to remain before Me.

You do have a choice. You can allow Me to do My cleansing and
work within you as you come before Me. Or you can run from Me. But you
cannot come nor remain in My presence if you are not willing for Me to
change and cleanse you. You cannot behold My glory and still look
eagerly to sin. Darkness cannot exist in the midst of intensely bright
light, for light dispels darkness.

What do you desire, child? Do you truly desire to come into My
to begin to behold glimpses of My glory and of My nature? If you
this, this is a good thing. But it also has a cost, for you may not
to Me in this manner and remain unchanged.

This word is by Jane Larsen (jlarsen65@hotmail.com)



Why do you fear man and what he can do? Look at the sunlit hills and
the grass that covers the soil. Look at the rivers that run through
lands and the birds that fly above. Do you see them worry and toil?
you see them restless in the night with their worries? I have promised
you that you mean more to Me than all the wonders your eye can see, so
why do you worry? Do you still not know that I have good gifts for
That you are a tree planted by streams of living water?

You have a gift before you and it is not sealed, it is not chained and
hidden away. It is yours. I give freely; now receive. Receive all
that I have for you, for My storeroom is full to overflowing and
for you to take what I offer. Cast all your cares and worries upon Me
and remember them no more, for I am He who can carry them, who can
them, who can rearrange them and bring good out of the bad that you
Yes, I am He who is more than capable to give and to bless abundantly.

Take the gift I have offered you. Open your eyes to Me and take them
the cares of man, that kill and destroy. I have good things in store
you. I have good things, new seasons, times of changes, times of
times of healing, times of victory, times of abundance, they are all in
they are all for you. You cannot see when you are weighted down with
cares of this world. You cannot see if you do not look to Me. Give
all to Me, the small ones and the big ones, all the cares and the
and the pains that try to pull you down. You are not alone anymore.
have Me. We walk as one.

Remember this. When you walk the right way the enemy will come and try
tempt you. He will come and try to fool you. When this does not work,
will try to confuse you, then he will distract you. Do not listen, do
be deceived. You know My promises, you know that I am the one who owns
the cattle on a thousand hills, you know that I am the one who allows
sun to rise and the sun to set. You know I am the one that sends the
and you know that I provide all that you need for everything that comes
your way. I will give you strength when you are weak, I will give you
way out when you are tempted, I will heal when you are sick, I will
restore all that the enemy has stolen. You know that I am He. You
that My promises are yes and amen.

So do not worry about man and what he will do to you, for greater is He
that is in you than he that is in the world. Oh rejoice and worry no
more for there is a table laden before you with good gifts; there are
gifts waiting for you. Good things, pure and wonderful; all you need
do is accept them.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (Teresa@godspeak.org)



I am your loving Father. I am the Daddy that spends time with My
children and who loves it when they draw near to Me. I am the Daddy
who bounces My little ones on His knee and carries them on His
shoulders. I am the Daddy who has little presents hidden in My
just waiting for My dear ones to crowd around Me and ask, "Daddy, what
did you bring for Me?" For I delight to give good gifts to My children
when they ask Me for them. That is why My Son encouraged you to ask and
knock and seek, because I delight to give good things to you, My

So many of My children are afraid to draw near to Me. This saddens My
heart, because I am a good and loving Father and I long for My little
ones to run to Me. I am safe; I do not abuse My children and I do not
treat them harshly. In the natural, not every man makes a good and
loving father. Some are abusive, some are uncaring, some are hurtful,
some are neglectful. But child, I am not any of those things and I
not treat you in any of those ways.

I am the good Father who will take care of His own. I will comfort My
little ones when they hurt, and I will help them when things are not
going well for them. I am the loving Father who will forgive when they
fall short, who will protect and strengthen His own. I am the good
Father who delights to give good gifts to His little ones. So do not be
afraid of Me and to not be afraid to draw near to me. I will not harm
you, little one. Draw close to Me and allow Me to embrace you in My
arms. Let Me hold you close, let Me pour My love into you. Let Me
Myself to you, that you may know Me for Who I really am. I am your
loving Heavenly Father, so draw close to Me and come to know Me as your

This word is by Teresa Seputis (Teresa@godspeak.org)


Good Plans

Child of Mine, know that I have good plans for you, and that I am
well able to accomplish them in your life. Do not be dismayed when
circumstances do not seem to go your way, for I am able to bring My
glory into any circumstance that besets you.

Look to My word to see how I have dealt with My own through the ages.
I determined to save Noah and his family from the destruction that must
come upon a very fallen and decadent mankind. So I gave him
to build an ark and to collect animals on it that the animals might
be preserved to repopulate the earth with their species. Do you know
I chose to do it that way? It is because I wanted to involve Noah and
his family in their own deliverance, to give them a purpose and
to obey, that their lives might be richer through the experience. I
could have simply swooped them up in the palm of My hand and placed
in a refuge for the flood. But if I did it that way, they would not
been able to participate with Me in this. And also they would not have
been given the choice to obey Me. As it was, they had to choose to
the ark in faith, not knowing what rain was but only knowing that I
had commanded them. If they had not obeyed Me, they would have
in the flood and human history would have been over. I value obedience
very much, and at times I will allow crucial things to be influenced by
whether or not My own will obey Me.

At times that is how I choose to work in My children's lives in your
present day. I prepare a plan of deliverance for them, but I require
them to participate with Me in it. If they choose not to participate
and do their part, they do not see their deliverance.

At other times, I control their circumstances and require only that
stand firm in faith and trust and honor Me. Look at my servant Joseph.
He did not choose to be sold into bondage. But once this befell him,
chose to honor Me and act in integrity, because he knew I was a God of
integrity. And because of that I honored him in the midst of his
captivity, causing all that he did to prosper until he was prompted to
be head of all of Potiphar's household. Even then, adversity befell
and he was falsely accused and thrown into prison. But even there I
with him as he continued to honor Me. His spirit was in torment and he
did not understand why I allowed all of these difficult circumstances
befall him, but he clung to Me in faith until I rewarded him. I molded
and formed his character in the heat of the affliction of prison,
redeeming his circumstances. Then in due time, I caused him to be
out of jail and set into the place of authority that I had prepared for
him even before he was born. Joseph stood firm in faith until he
his destiny. No difficult or unfair circumstance could keep him from it
because I was with him, working behind the scenes on his behalf.

Likewise today, I sometimes require that My children stand firm in
faith in the midst of infirmity and affliction and unfair treatment,
trusting Me to rise up on their behalf and not losing faith. And even
though My deliverance is not always instant, it is always sure. And I
will come and rescue them from their difficult circumstances and place
them into the fullness of the destiny that I have been preparing them

At other times, I require My own to fight to possess their inheritance.
I have given it to them, just as I gave the promised land to Joshua and
the children of Israel. But they did not possess it until they went
in, by faith, and took what was theirs. And I was with them in the
battle, and I empowered them and no enemy could stand before them. And
as they obeyed me and fought to take that which I had given them, it
became reality in their lives. They received their promise from Me
and inherited their land. But it did not come without a fight.

At times, children of Mine, you must also fight for that which I have
given to you. It is yours but others are trying to keep it from you,
and you must take it. Even though you are small and weak, I will be
with you as you go to take and possess your promises. And I am strong
and mighty and none can defeat Me. Child, I will not hand it to you
on a silver platter; you must work for it. But as you work, I will help
you. And I will teach you of My faithfulness as you step out in Me,
that your faith might grow through seeing me work with you as you
begin to possess that which I have given to you. I will make you
a victor because of My might and because of My power and because of
My faithfulness.

I have good things for you, and if you are willing and obedient, you
shall surely possess them. How do you know when to act, when to stand
in faith and when to fight in My might? You know what to do because you
look to Me for direction, and I will tell you. I will show you what to
do, for I am faithful and I am at work on your behalf. As you look to
Me for wisdom and direction, I will give it to you. And as you lean on
Me in trust and obedience and as you choose to honor Me, I will thrust
you into the place of victory and you will surely possess the fullness
of the destiny that I have prepared for you. Look up and rejoice, for
your redemption draws near.

This word is by Robert Lillington (Rlillingtons@aol.com)



The spirit of grace and truth is He that dwells among you. You have
been given all that you need to pertain to godliness and holiness. The
Holy One of God lives in you as you live in Him. He lives in you.

I have given all your needs according to My riches in glory. Simply
My rich gifts. You have the choice -- either to struggle with the
talents you have, or My eternal talents. If you struggle with your own
talents, you are destined to fail, for your natural gifts can never
eternal purposes.

It is only eternal skills that can form eternal purposes.

My grace transcends the natural realm that you presently exist in. It
broadens and widens, it elevates and transcends the natural life that
you now live. Live under My grace, for it is a supernatural life -- a
life filled with grace and truth. The grace that I give you has an
earthly purpose, and that is to equip you for warfare - a warfare that
you will win as you abide in Me.

There is no way forward except by the way of grace, for you can achieve
nothing apart from Me. If there ever was a time that you achieved
anything that was eternal, I was in it first to achieve it. Your life
and breath I gave you at birth, and I sustain it all the days of your
life. You never achieved anything of value except that I laid out the
path before you. You now reside in a place of splendor and favor as you
rest in My grace.

Do not be enslaved again into bondage by denying My working grace. For
many days you struggled with the load of problems and decisions before
you. You wrestled day and night trying to wrench them from My hands. I
would not let you go, so we struggled together. As you begin to let go
can pour my unmerited favor of peace and joy into your soul.

The love I have for you is as great as the sands of the ocean, of the
in the clouds, of the stars in the sky. You cannot comprehend My love
for you; you will never understand it -- you can only accept it. There
are millions in this world who simply cannot accept My love. Their
will denies my grace and so I send troubles so that they may reach out
accept my grace. It makes no sense to leave them in their sin.
suffering in this world is bad, the suffering in the next life is
infinitely more. I long to rescue My creation from self-will and
of the truth. I can only do this if they freely accept Me.

There never was a time when I did not love each one of My creation. I
have planned from time's beginning to have a family of freely and
willingly loving friends. I could not demand or force anyone to be My
brothers. The greatest gift I have given to creation is free will --
it is in this sense the mark of My godliness upon them. I admit that
free will has led many to misery, but it is also a means for grace.

There is grace in you -- believe it, receive it, allow it to flow out
to My other children. There are many hungry and hurt people in this
world in desperate need of My grace. There are nations in turmoil,
sickness and pain, and My grace is held out to them. Often they deny
the truth that will set them free and so I must wait until they run out
of excuses so that the balm of grace may be freely given.

There is a sense in which grace is costly and free at the same time.
You must give up the things that are dear to you to receive it, yet
when given, it is free. It has no demands; it does not require rules
or obedience to it -- it is free to strengthen and encourage you into
My family.

The family of God operates on the line of friends, of willing servants
to each other, to support and nurture each other in the light of grace
and truth. No lies may rest hidden from grace -- they must all be
brought out into the light for examination. No deceit, no blasphemy
ever coexist alongside grace. Grace will swallow them up, or depart.

There is always room for anyone who comes to Me in grace. "My grace is
sufficient for thee."

Grace however is practical -- it requires an outworking of it in your
daily life -- of not focusing upon the problems in your brothers eye
but firstly on the ones in your own. The practical exercise of faith
is by grace -- for faith operates by grace. No grace means no faith,
and without faith it is impossible to please Me.

There never was, nor will there ever be a time when My unmerited favor
will be taken away from you. Whether you are deep in the ocean, or
high above the clouds, My grace will follow you, encompass you,
sustain you, nurture you, comfort you, equip you, strengthen you and
lead you onward to that holy goal of the life of Christ Jesus in you
which is the hope of glory.

This word is  by Musa Opiyo (mopiyo@msn.com)


I Came That You May Have Life

I came and died that you might have life and have it more abundantly. I
have given you authority to not only tread on the enemy but to command
release of a hundredfold of what was stolen; pressed down, shaken
and running over. I desire that you, My people, live an abundant life.
Abundant life may mean doing well financially as well as good living,
spiritually speaking, the abundance of My presence and My power flowing
through your lives. Many in My body have come into conflict with the
prosperity message. I am an abundant God and I do not withhold things
from those who ask. Yet I provide with the reason for you to provide
your brethren who are in need.

I have called you to minister unto the needy. How can you do so if you
broke and barely able to survive? I have not called you to survive and
by, but I have called you to live in My abundance so that you shall be
indeed the salt and the light that I have called you to be. I have
you to further My Kingdom of hearts through your giving. You have said
you can say. You have prophesied all you can prophesy. But if My Word
not applied practically, what good is that?

My Spirit longs that you are free from the chains of bondage to sin,
sickness, discouragement and all that is contrary to My Word. There is
need for a revolution of your mind. Who do you see yourself as? When
look in the mirror, do you see yourself as I see you, or are you
to a mindset that is still bound to the law?

It is time for My church to step out in faith and reach this earth for
It is time to shine with the abundance of My authority and grace unto a
hurting people. This is My heart. I will no longer allow squabbles and
unchanged mindsets to ground the work that I am doing to a halt. I am
raising up Josephs in this hour who will bring forth a Godly
and government to My Body; those who know My heart and those who have
after Me with their all. Creative power and miracles shall proceed from
words they shall speak, for they shall be My Words, says the Lord.

Come To Me

 By Susan Cummings

Listen to Me, My Child. There is much for you to do, and you cannot do it still holding on to your life and your situation. There is no preservation of self in My House. All who have given themselves to Me, have done so without any reservation and without with-holding anything back. There is nothing that you can do, but to come to Me.

This word is by Musa Opiyo (mopiyo@msn.com)


My Acceptance Of You

I have accepted you as you are because I created you as you are. I had
special blueprint for your life that was unique to you and no one else.
You were and still are to accomplish My will for your life as you lean
Me for your life support. But somewhere along the line, the deceiver
wedged his way into your life and began to fill your ears with lies
yourself. The more you listened, the more you believed that he was
and you then began to question whether you were who I said you are.

I Am the I Am. I created all things. The earth and the sea are Mine.
Me, for as surely as I Am, I do not make failures. In you I see the
potential to be great warriors, men and women of valor who will bombard
the kingdom of darkness. In you I see the potential to be great
dealing with the arts.

You know what talents and gifts I have given you for the glory of My
Yet you have forgotten that you are a threat to the forces of hell, for
hell itself trembles as My mighty ones, strong in Me, advance to storm
gates. Satan knows he cannot stop the power and the anointing that
proceeds from you, and so he knows that the only way to bring you down
by undermining your self-worth and sowing seeds of discontentment.

Do not give him credence in your life. I have given you My word and the
authority of My name. Go forth, knowing that no weapon formed against
shall prosper, knowing that if I am for you, who can be against you.
unto Me therefore, and experience My rest. I stand at the door of your
heart and knock. Let Me sup with you.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


I Will Be Your Strength

Child of Mine, do not become weary of well doing. Look to Me, lean on
Me, for I will be your strength and I will sustain you.

There are times when the path that I lead you on will be difficult.
I understand, and that is why I walk beside you. I have a hold of your
hand and I will not let go of you. I will sustain you and I will cause
you to walk through the difficulties and lead you on to a better place.
Yes, there are times when I lead you through the valley of the shadow
of death. But do not fear, little one, for I will not leave you there
in that valley. I will lead you out to the mountaintop of My victory.

I will not give you over to the shadows that beset you, when in that
Instead I will shine My light round about you to expose any darkness
would attack you, and My light will make the darkness flee from you. I
will teach you to walk in My light. I will cause you to radiate with
light, so that darkness will never be able to overcome you. Child,
that I will not leave you alone in the dark places, and you will not
to stay there very long. I lead you into them so that I might teach
to overcome them and enter into a place of victory.

There are times when you will be hot and weary, when it will be hard to
place one foot in front of the other and to keep going along the path I
have chosen for you. But if you will look to Me in your weariness, I
sustain you and I will refresh you. I will cause the fresh breeze of My
Spirit to blow across you when you are in a dry and barren place. I
comfort you, I will encourage you and I will build you up. I will
strengthen you and I will cover you with My wings as We walk together
through the difficult portions of My path for you.

Child, life is not always easy and there will be disappointments. When
receive a disappointment, run to Me with it and let Me comfort you.
that I am able to bring My glory in all situations and that I will work
on your behalf to turn the circumstances for your favor. Learn to
Me and you will begin to experience My faithfulness, for I will
it to you over and over again. Trust Me even when circumstances seem to
work against you, and you will not be disappointed. I will never leave
and I will never forsake you. And if your heart is set after Me to
and obey Me, then I will never disqualify you.

I have good plans for you and I will bring them to pass in your life.
that there will be times of refinement, times of disappointment and
of difficulty as we walk together down the path I have chosen for you.
also know that I am with you in this, that I have both the desire and
ability to work good things on your behalf. Know that I love you and
never leave you. Do not focus your attention on your present
but look past them to see My face. Look past the valley to see the
mountain top and know that I will bring you there. For I am with you
My plans for you are good. I will sustain you in the difficult times
I will be your strength.

This word is by Elizabeth Kriese


Renew Your Mind

The word of God is alive that reveals things in due season. I will
mysteries from above heaven that will remind you that My ways are not
ways, for Mine go beyond your thoughts. Be a doer of My word, for My
will revive your thoughts and will renew your mind. For I give new
to My children. I tell you, you must be born again to enter to My
for in My Kingdom My children are holy and pure without a spot of sin.
Renew your mind constantly with My word, refresh your mind with My
revive your mind with My word. For My word is the food for your mind,
spirit and body. It will reveal to you My Spirit and truth; everything
due season, My children. Meditate My word and discover that I am the
I Am, the creator of your salvation. Purify your mind with My word, for
word will prepare your mind to receive My mysteries that will reveal My
inner supernatural thoughts. For your mind must be holy and pure in
to enable your spirit to understand My Spirit and truth.

This word is by Robert Lillington (Rlillingtons@aol.com)


The Point Of No Return

There are many areas of life which come eventually to this point, where
you are unable to go forward and there is definitely no way back. This
is such a time and I have committed you into such a purpose. This is a
time when your forward path is outwardly impossible in any other way
the way of faith. This is the climate when miracles happen, for when
entirely run out of your own resources, you may step into the resources
I possess. This may seem only a distant dream, but be assured that My
resources are more real than you could possibly dream or imagine. The
heavenly resources I speak of are older than time itself and yet newer
that your future hopes and dreams.

The ability to step over into the miraculous is not something that you
can do without My anointing, for power comes from on high. This is the
way and all who walk forward may walk no other way. There is no way
forward any more until you reach that point of no return. When you cast
all your hopes and dreams and even your very will to live into My hands
you enter this place.

Do not look for outward signs, or physical manifestations to signal
arrival, for you have my assurance that the very power of God resides
the stillest place. In quietness, confidence and trust you shall arise
with new strength that shall challenge a storm. In the place of
and confidence you connect to the very dynamo of heaven. From that
place, walking in My strength you shall challenge all things that
presently consume your time. You shall laugh at the storm and consider
the storm that rages so strongly against you saying, "Is that all you
do, is that all, is that everything you can muster?" and you shall see
enemy crushed.

And so My dearly loved and treasured one, lift your eyes a little
Raise your eyes above the storm and consider power from on high.
the strength I have to give, and draw in your every breath from above.
Breathe in My Spirit in ever increasing draughts. Breathe in My
in ever increasing breaths for your victory and strength are assured
through the finished work of the Cross. The passion that I am giving
flow through My Spirit in you and cause you to move on with great power
from the place of no return.

Straight From The Father's Heart

Yolanda Ballard

Apr 12, 2004 Once again I draw you near and explain to you that it isn't what you say that is important and powerful, but the faith behind it that is powerful. Words are just empty if it doesn't carry the power or the "dunamus" that brings the thing said to pass. That is only in certain situations though. Because on the other hand if you speak in the negative of My promises, then the enemy automatically adds his power to your spoken words and brings them to effect. So I say to you this day to watch your spoken words!

This word is by Ravikumar Srinivasan


Do Not Worry About Tomorrow

I heard the Lord saying:

Do not worry about tomorrow and miss out on My blessings that I have in
store for you today! Do not worry about tomorrow and miss out on the
that I give you today. Do not worry about tomorrow and miss out on the
healing I give you today. Do not worry about tomorrow and miss out to
live out the "today."

It hurts to see that many of you are so concerned about tomorrow that
are missing out on the blessings, joy, provision, healing, etc., that I
have in store for you.

So, don't worry about things you can change and don't worry about
you can't change. Remember that I am in control. If you ask Me, I'll
give you that peace that passes all understanding -- its My living Word
that can change your life if you submit to Me; it's a whole new way of

Choose Joy! Choose to live your today and give up worrying about

Matthew 6:28-34
"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the
grow. They do not labour or spin. Yet I tell you that not even
in all his splendour was dressed like one of these. If that is how
clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is
thrown into the fire, will He not much more clothe you, O you of
faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall
drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these
things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek
first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will
given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for
tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of

This word is by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


Rise Up

Rise up, child of Mine, and do not accept defeat any more. I have
you with all you need to be successful in Me, with all you need to
overcome. But you must choose to use the things I have equipped you
with, for they will do you no good unless you use them. I have given
armour to protect you in battle, but you must put it on or it will do
no good. I have prepared a path before you, but you must choose to
on it, for you will not reach your destination if you do not set out on
the journey that I have prepared for you.

So many of My children are confused about My ways. They cry out to Me
to help them but they do not understand My help and they do not
it or respond to it when it comes.

They are like the Children of Israel who expected to be given their
promised land without a battle. They were not willing to enter into
their inheritance because it did not look the way they expected. They
thought I would clear the land before them and they would simply walk
to possess it. They did not understand that I fully intended to involve
them in the process and that through them I would clear the land of the
giants that were in it. They were afraid to battle for their
because they looked at things through the eyes of the natural instead
with the eyes of faith. I always intended to be with them in battle
to make them victorious over comers, ones who would possess the land I
promised to them. But they looked instead at their natural abilities
at their natural resources. They chose not to fight and as a result
they did not enter into their destiny. They died in the wilderness and
their children inherited and possessed the land I had promised to them.

Do not be like them.

If you look at the history of My dealings with My people, you will
understand My ways. I call them to a destiny, but I require them to
persevere and to press forth in faith and obedience to possess it. I do
not hand it to them in a life of ease that requires no effort on their
part. I do not want My children to be listless and fat and lazy, that
not the type of people I am raising up. I am raising up warriors,
and trained for battle. I am raising up men and women of faith who can
face mountains of impossible circumstances and stand firm in the face
impossible odds. For you cannot have a great victory without a great
battle, and you cannot win a great battle if you will not rise up to

Abraham, the father of a great nation, was childless until he was well
past the age of childbearing, until his body was no longer fertile.
I commanded him to believe me for a son from his own loins. And I did
not fulfill that promise until his wife Sarah was well past her child-
bearing years. Why? because I required him to persevere in faith in the
face of impossible circumstances. And I came through for him at that
time, when he knew it had to be a miracle by My hand, when there was no
possible natural explanation for this. This is how I do things, so
that I might receive the glory for My deeds.

Joseph was called to be a senior official, one who governed a nation
with wisdom and discernment, so that he might provide for My chosen
people in the face of a terrible famine. I showed him his destiny when
he was young in dreams and visions. But he did not walk effortlessly
it. First he was betrayed and sold into slavery. Then he was betrayed
and cast into prison. But even in prison I was with him. And even in
prison he persevered; he continued to use what I had given him and he
continued to operate in the gifts I had placed within him. And in the
midst of his faithful perseverance, I turned his circumstances and I
thrust him into the fullness of his destiny.

Do you think I will do it differently for you? Do you really expect
My deliverance to be easy and effortless on your part? When you cry
out to me for My deliverance, do you really think that I will preserve
your comfort as My highest priority? I will answer your cries and come
through for you. But do you really think that I will come through for
you in a way that does not require any effort or action on your part?

I anointed David as king when he was but a youth. But there was much
resistance and he did not fully enter into his destiny until many years
later. Before that he had to flee for his life, he had to fight many
battles and he had to learn of My faithfulness in the midst of very
difficult circumstances. He did not sit around in a palace, having his
every need catered to. He learned to war and he learned to fight and
to stand in faith. He had to hide among his enemies, to pretend to be
insane, to hide in caves, to fight many battles. In short he had to
persevere and stand in faith. And in the place of difficulty, I met
and I showed Myself to him. He came to know Me as the Faithful One, as
his sword and his shield. He came to know me intimately and to be
with My Spirit. He learned to worship me in the eyes of difficult
circumstances and he became a man of great faith. And it was after
these things that I thrust him into the fullness of his destiny and
he officially became the king.

My path is not an easy path. You must learn to know Me as the faithful
one, and the One who will see you through adversity. You cannot
experience My deliverance if you do not first experience a difficult
situation that you need to be delivered from. You cannot possess your
promised land if you do not go in and fight for it. You cannot learn
to stand in faith unless you face impossible circumstances and see Me
come through for you in them.

So child, when you see difficulty or adverse circumstances standing
between you and your promise, do not fear. I am with you. It is My
desire to teach you to war, to make you victorious in battle and to
sit you in the place of an over comer. But in order for that to happen,
you must take up the things I have given you and you must use them.
You must put on My armour and you must enter into the battle. You
will possess your promised land only when you have chased out the
giants that challenge you. But do not fear, for I will be with you.
I will make your hands skilful in the battle. As you press forward
in faith, I will cause you to know My victory and to see My glory
come into your circumstances. For I will give you your promised land
and I will cause you to enter into the fullness of your destiny as
you stand firm in faith and trust in Me.

So, child of Mine, rise up with what I am giving you and do not accept
defeat any longer.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (teresa@godspeak.org)


Draw Close

My dear child, I am closer to you than you can imagine. There are
times where you do not feel or sense My nearness, but that does not
mean that I have left of abandoned you. It is not possible for Me to
do that to you, for My very spirit dwells within you.

I am the Faithful One, and My character and My nature do not change.
I will not disqualify you when you make a mistake. I will not cast
you out when you fall. Instead I will forgive and restore you. And
if you will allow Me to, I will transform you so that sin will not
hold any more power over you.

You are fully saved and I will not chase you away. Once you have
received My Son, your salvation is not dependent on your actions or on
your behavior; it is already purchased for you by what He accomplished
for you on the cross, in His death and resurrection. You are cleansed
by His blood, not by your behavior. There is nothing that can separate
you from My love for you. Once I have adopted you into My family, I
will not cast you out. I will not leave or abandon you. You remain My
child because of what My Son has done for you.

But child, you do have a choice in what our relationship looks like.
You can choose to draw close to Me, to come to know Me more fully.
Or you can choose to pull away from Me and remain at a distance.

I desire to have you walk very close to Me, that I might reveal Myself
to you, that I might teach you to know My voice clearly, that I might
lead and guide you and reveal more of Myself to you. I want you to get
to know Me better. But I do not force you into this place, for deep
intimacy is not something one is forced into, it is something one must
most desire and choose to do. I call to you and I invite you to
come closer to Me. You will find that I am good and that there is no
better place you can be than close to Me. Allow Me to pour My love
upon you, to shower you with Myself. Enter into that place of intimacy
with Me.

Do not be afraid to press into Me, for I am good and I am loving. You
will find that the more you give yourself to Me, the more I will give
Myself to you. The closer you draw to Me, the more you will be able to
hear My voice, the more you will be able to sense My nearness.

As you try to please Me, you will find that I will shower you with good
gifts, for My desire for you is good and I will work on your behalf.
I love you, child of Mine. As you learn to submit to My will, you
will discover that I have good plans for you. I created you the way
you are because of the destiny that I have prepared for you. In it
you will find fulfillment and joy, for you were custom made for what
I have called you to do. You do not need to fear what I have chosen
for you, for it is a good choice that will ultimately bring you much
joy and satisfaction. My plans for you are good plans.

So, draw near to Me and press into Me. I want to reveal more of Myself
to you and I want to teach you My ways. I want to draw you to a place
of deeper intimacy with Me. I want to envelop your senses with My
nearness and flood you with My goodness and shower you with My love.
I want to lead you and guide you and be with you in all things. So
draw close to Me, child, draw close.

This word is by Carolyn Spears (cpryr@hotmail.com)


Stand Still

My children, My beloved, arise and stand still before Me, for I would
you that I need you to stand still, stand tall, stand alone before Me.
of you must come before Me in this life as well as the next. The times
this world would have you going to and fro and focusing on everything
Me, and yet I say stand still and know that I am Lord! Stand still and
your eyes, your ears, your heart to all but Me. I am calling to you to
in on Me for I desire to reveal Myself to you in a way you have yet to
You have sought and you continue to seek in ways that will not find Me
for I
am desiring to reveal to you Myself one on one...I in you, you in
I am in the Father and the Father in Me...one in three, three in
too I in you and you in Me...a connection that nothing can come
Look with your heart...look with your spirit and not the natural for I
reveal to you in a way unexplainable to the natural senses or to those
the world. You think Me far off to be pursued with natural effort but I
you it is not flesh that will find Me but obedience unto My Spirit that
find Me. You will find that though you thought Me afar off, I am but a
away, a glance, a stillness of heart. Look up now for you will see that
face is turned towards you and My gaze has fallen upon you in a sweet
embrace and thought towards you that is not known to all...Know My
love, My
embrace, My joy, My peace, My overall protection and kingship...


This word is by Brenda Seth (bseth@pennswoods.net)


These Are The Days

I sense the Lord saying to us that these are times when we need to stay
close to Him, because gross darkness is covering the earth. These are
the days when lines are being drawn in the sand. And we must be close
Him. We must walk in His ways, because as the darkness gets darker, the
Light will shine much brighter. Those who know their God shall be
and do exploits.

These are not days to fear, but days to draw near and be full of His
We have been prepared for such a time as this. And I sense that the
is groaning for the world, for His compassion for them is great. And
day of grace is still here. He needs us to do exploits in these days,
that as many as will receive Him will become sons of God.

This word is by Jane Larsen (jlarsen65@hotmail.com)


Those You Touch

So you think that you have nothing and do nothing for My kingdom. You
count yourself as worthless because you do not do what you think you
should do. Do you know more than I? Are your thoughts even greater
than Mine that you should sit and think so?

Do you know that you touch lives? Do you know that your words and the
love you give, are a source of comfort to all that you pass? Your
goodness and kindness do more in the day than you know, because you
on by, but your love and care remain, to warm the hearts of those that
you have touched, that you have spared time for. No. This does not
for nothing; this counts for everything, for you leave the hearts open
Me to water the seeds you have laid with your gentle words and your
You have started what will produce a great crop. You do not know, for
when your job is done you walk on, but I am there, where you have been,
completing that which was started.

Sow your love and mercy and do not think that these are worthless
They are mighty. They are powerful and do more than many empty words
fall from the mouths of men. Your touch is everywhere, though you may
know it, and I am there with you, and I smile as you leave hearts open
receive Me. You do as the Father tells you. It is much in My sight as
work together, as we touch together, as we love as one.

In all that you do, continue to do it with love and thanksgiving for
is My will concerning you.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (teresa@godspeak.org)


Everlasting Love

Child of Mine, I have loved you with an everlasting love. And in My
love, you are secure. You do not have to earn My favor, I have already
poured it out upon you simply because you are Mine, simply because you
bear My Son's name.

I want you to love others as I have loved you. I am pouring My love
you that it might flow out of you, as a river springing forth from your
belly. This river is meant to refresh the weary, to give life to the
dying, to restore the wounded soul and to bring them to know My Son.
This river of My love is to flow out of you with authority and power,
that lives may be changed as My love operates through you. And just as
men lost in the desert will follow a stream to lead them out, so My
flowing out of you will lead the lost to Me. It will turn sinners to me
and it will transform their lives.

But if My love does not flow into you, it can not flow through you and
out to others. I have commanded you to love others as you love
And you must love yourself in order to obey that command, for you can
love yourself until you begin to receive My love for you.

Therefore, you must set aside the things that inhibit you from
My love. Set aside rejection and fear; they have no more place in you.
They only keep you from fully accepting My love for you, that you in
can not love others. Set aside condemnation and guilt, for they have
place in My beloved. Set aside the worry that I will disqualify you
that I am displeased with you. Those are remnants of condemnation and
there is no place for condemnation in the lives of My children.

The blood of My Son has cleansed you from all iniquity, it has taken
all your sin. So what is left to condemn or to disqualify? What has My
Son not taken care of on your behalf? He has not left anything undone.
There is nothing that can separate you from My love for you, if only
are willing to receive it from Me.

So child, receive My love. Let it flow into you, that it may saturate
your being and fill you to overflowing. Then it will begin to flow out
you and it will begin to affect others. This is how I desire to empower
you to obey My Son's command to love one another. I desire to saturate
you so much in My love and in My acceptance. Once you are fully secure
in My love for you, you will be truly free to love others. For my love
will overflow you and pour out of you and become a spring of life to
those who are around you.

So child of Mine, receive My love.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (teresa@godspeak.org)


Know My Joy

Child, I desire for you to know My joy. I delight in you and I have
prepared many delights for you. There are times when all goes well and
you rejoice and are exceedingly glad. And I desire to give you more of
those times. I love to bless you, child of Mine, and I delight to give
you good gifts.

But I also desire for you to know My joy even in the midst of
circumstances that some would call difficult or frightening. Child, My
joy is intended to be independent of your circumstances, not because of
them. My joy comes from an assurance that I am with you, that I have
all things under control and that My plans for you are good. There is
nothing that is too hard for Me and there is nothing that can prevent
from bringing My glory into your situation. There is no power in this
universe great enough to prevent Me from blessing you and accomplishing
My good pleasure in your life.

I am asking you to see beyond your circumstances to see My hand and My
glory in all that you experience. Be like Elisha, who was surrounded
by an army desiring to destroy him, but whose eyes were opened to
see My army of angels surrounding them.* The circumstances did not
make him afraid because he saw beyond them. He saw that the unseen
forces with him were much greater than the forces that surrounded him
in the natural. So he anticipated My victory with much joy. And he was
not disappointed, for I was with him and I was mighty on his behalf.
joy was not based on the reality of the circumstances that surrounded
him, it was based on the greater reality of My plans and purposes for

The children of Israel looked only in the natural when they saw an army
chasing them and the Red Sea blocking their escape. If they had the
ability to see in the Spirit, they would have been filled with joy
of with fear. They would have known I was about to do a great miracle
their behalf and they would have been singing and rejoicing even before
threw the horse and rider that pursued them into the sea.

Do not be like them, child of Mine. Do not let fear reign over you.
Instead be ruled by My joy. When you see an army of problems chasing
you and your path of escape appears to be blocked... rejoice greatly.
Know that I am about to part the Red Sea for you, just as I did for My
people when I led them out of Egypt. Know that you are about to see My
glory and My deliverance in a spectacular way. Rejoice greatly in what
I am about to do on your behalf. Know My joy and let it fill you to

Child of Mine, I desire that your joy be full in all things. When you
are surrounded by difficulties, you are to be full of joyful
at what I will do on your behalf. When you are surrounded by delights,
then rejoice and be grateful to Me for My loving provision. Rejoice in
Me always, and I will always give you cause to rejoice, for I love you
and My hand is upon you for your good. Look to Me, trust in Me and
that I will work My glory in all things in your life. Look not in the
natural, but see what I am doing in the Spirit and rejoice greatly. My
plans for you are good and My desire for you is joy and delight.
in me, for those who rejoice in Me will never be disappointed.

* 2 Kings 6:17

This word is by Jane Larsen (jlarsen65@hotmail.com)


Remember Faith

Remember. Remember when you walked with Me in faith and not fear. Let
Me take you back to the beginning, lest you forget the way it was, the
way it has been, the way that it will be. For in the beginning there
was darkness, and My Spirit hovered over the places of the deep and
spoke light. What is seen is not the end but the beginning of the

Remember. Remember I am He who sees a barren womb and speaks life.
Remember that I am He who sees sickness and speaks health. Remember
that I take what is not to make into nothing what is. There is no task
too great for Me, there is no task too small, too unimportant to Me who
always has time. Remember, I hold time in My hands. I am the creator
of all things.

I have told you to have no fear. Have no fear, for I have not given
you a Spirit of fear, but one of love, peace and sound mind. In all
things come to Me. In all things, bend your knee and pray and I hear
the prayers that you whisper, that you weep, that you sing. I hear,
I do hear. Now why have you let fear hold your hand and lead you into
these places of fatigue? Do you not remember Me? Do you not remember
the promises I made and that they are YES and AMEN? Have you forgotten
so soon and chosen to walk in fear instead of faith?

Lift your head and strengthen your heart. Fill yourself with My word
and meet with My people, who will strengthen and encourage you. Do not
look at what you fear but look at what will come from this. From
came light. From barrenness came life. From sickness came health.
death came life. All this at My hand. Share. Share in the glories of
kingdom, not the place of fear. What can it offer you that you go
that you walk alone there?

You have walked with Me and walked in faith; do not turn to the left or
right but walk the path that is narrow, the path that is true, the path
that brings life. I have promised to meet all your needs. All your
needs. Come to Me, weary and heavy laden as you are and find rest for
your soul, and leave fear behind now. Come to Me and ask. I will not
hold back. I will not refuse. I will not turn away but I will hold
and there you will find comfort.

This word is by Deborah Thomas (leadebithomas@primus.ca)


I Am

I am the Prince of Peace, and the Lord of all lords. I've conquered
death by My sacrifice at Calvary, and My glorious resurrection on the
third day. No thing is too hard for Me. Trust Me with your life, for I
know what is best for you. I created you, my child, and hold you in the
palm of My hand. I will lead you and guide you as you yield to Me each
day. My plans for you are perfect. I chose you and adopted you from the
foundation of the world. I never said you would not have trials and
tribulations, but I have promised to take you through them, teaching
you through them.

I am the All-Consuming Fire. I will burn away all that is of the flesh.
Abide in Me and you will bear much fruit. My anointing goes before you,
and you will see blind eyes open; the deaf will hear, the lame will
walk, the dead will be risen to life in My Name. Hold My promises close
to your heart. I am Faithful and True. Trust Me with your life. Take
your eyes off the cares of this world. My kingdom is not one of flesh
or darkness, but of light and spirit. I am the Light. Worship Me in
Spirit and Truth, and you will not fulfill the lusts of your flesh. I
am your Provider, your Refuge and Healer. Yield your life as a living
witness. I love you with a perfect and eternal love, My child. Rest in

This word is by Teresa Seputis (teresa@godspeak.org)


Possess Your Promised Land

Child of Mine, I am calling you to possess your promised land. Did you
think it would be easy and effortless? Did you expect you destiny to be
handed to you on a silver platter? I say to you, this is seldom the

Take notice of the children of Israel. I gave them the land that I
promised to them, but they had to fight to possess it. I was with them
in the battle and I caused them to be victorious. But I would not go
before them and fight in their stead -- I required them to enter into
the battle with Me, that they might possess their inheritance.

Take notice of My servant David. I anointed him as king and I gave
him the nation of Israel to rule. But the crown was not immediately
handed to him by a willing Saul. Rather, David faced many difficulties
and perils for a long time. Even though I had anointed him as king,
the kingdom did not come into his hands immediately. There were battles
to be fought. There were many hardships to endure. My chosen king of
Israel had to run for his life, he had to hide in the mountains. He
had to persevere for many years before he fully possessed the kingdom
that I had promised to him.

My destiny is certain, but My timing to accomplish it is not always
what you anticipate. My way is sure, but it is not as you expect it to
be. For I will cause you to be tested, and I will require that you
persevere and overcome. I cannot give you a victory if you do not enter
the battle, for you must fight before you can win. Know that I am with
you and that I have called you and that My promises are sure and
Yet know that I will often allow many struggles and discouragements
your path as you follow me. Joseph was destined to be a mighty ruler,
but he had to first be a slave and a prisoner. Abraham was destined to
be the father of a nation, but he remained childless for many years.

Child, I also have a destiny for you. But if you would possess your
promised land, you must be willing to fight for it. You must not give
up in the face of overwhelming odds. You must not quit when
comes your way. You must press into the vision I have given you even
when others cannot see it. For if you will step forward in faith,
I will walk with you. And if you will enter the battle, I will fight
with you. And if you persevere, I will cause you to overcome. For I
am with you and in Me you can do all things.

So do not give up when discouragement sets it. Press on. Keep going.
Keep fighting. Look to Me and follow Me. I promise you that there will
be difficulties and trials and hardships and seeming defeats as you
follow Me. Ignore them and press on. Look at Paul, who I sent to the
nations -- he was not always welcomed with open arms. There were riots
and there were stonings and there were times when he had to flee in
secrecy and there were times where many conspired to kill him. Yet I
with him and My kingdom advanced through Him. My way is not always
My way is not always convenient. But My way is sure and your victory is
assured if you will persist and obey and not lose heart.

Child of Mine, I have a destiny for you. Press on to it. Do not give
up, do not lose heart. Know that no difficulty can prevent you from
entering into all that I have for you. Know that no barrier can keep
you from what I have called you to be if you will press on and if you
will fight with Me to possess your promised land. Do not look at the
circumstances. Look to Me, and I will see you through to victory. For
I am able to accomplish all that I have ordained in your life and I
will bring you into My victory as you follow and obey Me. Know that
I am with you. Cross over your River Jordan and enter into your
promised land. Prepare to fight for the inheritance I have given you,
and in due time you shall surely possess it.

This word is by Teresa Seputis (teresa@godspeak.org)


My Encouragement To You

Comfort ye My people. Speak words of encouragement to them. Build them
up and strengthen them. Too many have been speaking harsh words,
condemning words, even words of judgments I have not pronounced upon
My own. When I walked on this earth, I did not break the bruised reed.
So why do some of My servants claim to speak for Me, then they heap hot
coals of condemnation upon the weak and weary? This is not My way.
Have I not proclaimed that there is no condemnation for those are in
Me, for those who walk in My ways? Yes, I have proclaimed this in
My written word. So why is condemnation being proclaimed in My name?

My words to My own are not words of condemnation but words of life.

Some of My own are weak and tormented. Some of My own are unable to
firm and they fear that I will come and snuff out their feeble wicks.
that is not My way. Just as I did not break the bruised reed when I
on this earth, neither will I break you. Come to Me, little one, do
run away from Me in fear. Instead, come to Me and I will strengthen
which is weak. I will build up that which is feeble. I will enhance
which is incapable. If you run to Me at this time, I will embrace you
I will help you. I will not be put off by your failures or by your
shortcomings. I will not reject you; I will help you. I will not
you. Instead, I will place My hand upon you and guide you into the
of My victory. I will strengthen you and I will teach you how to walk
My ways. I will make you an over comer. I will increase your ability
sense My presence and to hear My voice, and I will speak clearly to
I will tell you what way to walk in.

Do not assume that I have come to condemn you for your failures and
shortcomings. Rather, I have come to help you overcome them, providing
are willing to submit to Me and to do things My way. I have not come
criticize you, but to transform you. I have a great love for you and I
desire for you to succeed. Will you allow Me to help you?

One day all mankind will stand before My judgment throne and I will
rightly into each life. Even at that time, My shed blood will be a
protection and a shield for those who have fallen short; for My blood
covers an abundance of sins for the repentant heart. At that time, all
that is hidden will be revealed and all that falls short will be
known. At that time, there will also be rewards for those who have
Me faithfully, for those who have overcome and who have been

That is the time of your final judgment and evaluation. It is not a
judgment unto salvation, for you are already saved and sealed by My
and by My Spirit. But it is an evaluation that will determine your
eternal standing in Me. That day will surely come, but it is not today.

Do not wait until that day to allow Me to examine your heart and to
expose your shortcomings. Rather, come to know Me and know that I am
working with you to transform you. Know that you will not be caught
on that day. Work with Me and know that I will work in you to make you
an overcomer. I desire that you allow Me to expose and correct your
weaknesses, that you allow Me to strengthen you and build you up. As
submit these areas of weakness and failure to Me, you shall be
in them. You shall walk in My victory. The failures of the past will
no power over you. That is what I desire for you. I have not come to
condemn you, but to transform you, to strengthen you and to enable you
walk into the fullness of your destiny. So do not fear Me and do not
away from Me.

My words to you are not words of condemnation but words of life and of
Receive My words and speak My words to others. Comfort and strengthen
another, build one another up in Me. Submit your hearts to Me and watch
I will transform you into victors, into overcomers. Know that I am
you and My desire for you is that you succeed in Me.

This word is by Ravikumar Srinivasan


God's Favor

When we walk in God's favor, it will bring victories in our lives that
we cannot acquire in our own strength and in our own might. When the
Israelites couldn't take the land by their own might, by their own
strength, by their own intelligence or ability, God's favor came on
them. And they were able to possess the land God had promised them.

We can either war in our own might, or we can rest in the favor of God.
And when the favor of God goes before us, it will enable us to take
possession of what is rightfully ours.

The favor of God will help us win battles that we could never win in
our own strength.

Ps. 44:1-3 (Amplified version)

We have heard with our ears, O God, our fathers have told us,
what work You did in their days, in the days of old. You drove
out the nations with Your hand and it was Your power that gave
Israel a home by rooting out the heathen peoples but Israel You
spread out. For they got not the land in possession by their
own sword, neither did their own arm save them: but Your right
hand, and Your arm, and the light of Your countenance, because
You were favorable toward and did delight in them.

This word is by Pauletta Caylor (redcaylor@yahoo.com)


Drive Out the Enemy

Joshua 16

The promises are in your grasp. I am a faithful God. You have been
patient in receiving your inheritance. I hand it to you most eagerly.

But, I still see the thing you cling to. The thing that will come
back to haunt you. My children, you are failing to drive out the
ungodly occupants of the land. You are accepting your shortcomings
and weaknesses as fact. You and your territory are planned for a
"nothing less than perfect" destiny. For I know the plans I have
for you. My perfect will for you does not include settling for the
"good enough." You must desire the same excellence I have purposed
for all my children. Do not accept the road blocks. Do not accept
the thing that slows you down.

I have more than enough power and grace to help you defeat the enemy's
persistence. You must open your eyes and recognize the lie he has
embedded in your inheritance, your territory. Take the authority I
given you and drive the enemy out of your promise land.

This word is by Chelsea McCarthy


Choose Freedom

My Dear Children,
I sent my Son, Jesus, to die not only for your salvation, but that you
would experience true freedom and liberty through the power of my
Today, I declare unto you that your freedom has been bought at a price;
it cost My precious Son His life. I desire that you would live a life
liberty and victory, that you would be rulers and more than conquerors
in this life.

Just like Paul and Silas, when you praise Me and bring glory to My
your chains will fall off and you will enter into a new level of
in Me. The anointing of My Spirit will destroy the yoke of bondage and
release you from your captivity. You will no longer be unaware of the
enemy's schemes, but you will overcome them. You will trample on snakes
and scorpions, and nothing shall by any means harm you!

Today, I give you the choice to choose freedom. My children, I desire
that you would live the life which I have promised you -- a life of
triumph, power and abundance. A life where my glory would be evident
all to see. I desire to see you set free and living a victorious life.
desire that you would rule in the heavenly places with Me.

So today, choose to live in the freedom, which I am offering unto you.
"It's not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit," declares the Lord.

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