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Windsurfing is a very fun sport. It is easy to learn with the proper equipment. And it can be performed in almost any condition and location. Whether it be a lake, a river, an ocean, high winds, or low winds, almost anywhere. Windsurfing is very adaptable for all conditions. Cant find water? Buy a mountian board.

No Wind Sucks

For all those windsurfers out there who have experienced a nice steady 25 mph wind, you know what I am talking about. Anyone who has really got moving at high speeds will never want anything less than planning speed. Well today was one of those dreaded days were there is not enough wind to plane with the gear I have, not to mention it was my first time out this season.

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Windsurfing Swap!

The Spring Swap this year had some great buys. I found quiet a few things. The only bad thing that happened this year was, the fact that it snowed, on the SPRING swap. Well it wasnt all that bad. I don't think it was a complete disaster 

What is "LTW?"

Well Learn to Windsurf or LTW, is a great program that SMWA and The St. Mary's College Windsurfing Club often do to help promote and teach people how to windsurf. What happens is when there is one, you simply go down to where they are having it and they will teach you how to windsurf. And its Free. So if you ever want to learn how to windsurf, just check out this web site for updates on the next LTW. 

Have a Favorite Windsurfing spot?

Do you have a favorite windsurfing spot? I do and I'm sure you do too. Well My favorite spot is St. Mary's College. Its a great place to windsurf when its windy of course. I love it down there simply because its a safe place to windsurf. Because of it's round shape, you dont have to worry about not being able to get back to land. You can swim in nearly every direction and hit land. So if your ever in trouble you dont have to worry much about drifting too far. Another reason St. Mary's is my favorite spot, is because everyone is soo nice and always happy to help you out down there. The windsurfing club down there is also quite fun to sail with if you havent found a buddy to sail with yet. Well if you would like to tell about your favorite spot just click here.

Spring Fever?

Well It is finally spring. Spring fever has been going around for quit some time now. Well at least for the past month or so. Its funny how most of us get it, you know that first really warm day of the year?, everyone is out side. its sunny and the breeze is blowing. Well lately the water has been too cold for even wetsuits. but now it has come. It is finally warm enough for all of those people who own wetsuits. Spring fever is no longer a problem for most of us anymore. If you dont own a wetsuit, well i feel sorry for you.

Content Needed!

We are in desperate need of articles and photos, and anything else you can get your hands on the isnt copyright. If you could just right a article or two on windsurfing in your area, I would greatly appreciate it. Just email the article and anything else you would like posted on this site, to John@Cudd.Biz 

Staff Needed!

We are in need of the following. Or should I say, I am in need of the following. Theses jobs are not to be taken seriously and are only to be done in your free time.
Member Discription
Editor Simply reads through the web site checking for errors in spelling.
Writer Someone who loves to write. Would write articles
Photographer Someone who likes to take photos of windsurfing events.