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My Buffyverse

As you can kinda tell, I'm obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Its been my fav TV show since I was ten, so its basically my bible.

Here, I'll post pics, websites, quizzes, anything and everything even loosely related to the Buffster and her gang.

FYI: My fav season is the second, so it kinda explains why most of my quotes and cool pics originate from that season.

My Buffy Pictures

My Buffy Quotes

"Things are about to get very interesting."
-Angelus, Innocence. Season 2, Episode 14

Cool Websites:

{Buffy Search Engines}

Sonia Marie's Links

Buffy News

{Buffy Show Info}

Buffy on UPN!

{Angel Show Info}

City Of Angel


100% SMG

The Pyre

Happy Meals With Legs!

{Fan Sites}

The Alyson Hannigan Appreciation Society



Cruel Obsessions

Starkitty's Adult Archive

Buffy: "Honey, we need to talk about the invitations. Now, do you want to be 'William the Bloody' or just 'Spike,' because either way it's gonna look majorly weird."
Spike: "Whereas the name 'Buffy' gives it that touch of classic elegance."
Buffy: "What's wrong with 'Buffy'?"
Giles: "Ah, such a good question."
-Something Blue, Season 4, Episode 9.

~Buffy Non-Fiction~

Bite Me! by Nikki Stafford
The Buffy Chronicles : The Unofficial Companion to Buffy the Vampire Slayer by N. E. Gence, Ngaire E. Genge (Seasons 1&2)
Immortal by Christopher Golden, Nancy Holder
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Watcher's Guide by by Christopher Golden, et al
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Watcher's Guide 2 by Nancy Holder, et al
The Monster Book by Christopher Golden, et al
Sunnydale High Yearbook by Christopher Golden, Nancy Holder

"We like to talk big, vampires do... The truth is, I like this world. We've got dog racing, Manchester United... and you've got people. Millions of people walking around like Happy Meals with legs."
- Spike, Becoming (Part 2), Season 2, Episode 22

Buddy Icons:

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Which member of the Buffy Scooby-Gang are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Yeah! This is the first quiz I've ever made! *Glares* Take it or die!

Who's your male Buffy soul mate?

brought to you by Quizilla

Omg, I was expecting Xander! Whatever . . .

What is your Buffy the Vampire Slayer Superpower?

brought to you by Quizilla

Damn, and I thought I was slayer material *snaps fingers* . . .

Which Angel character are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Damnit, I wanted something different! It was the clothes question, right?

How Big of a Buffy Fan Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

What're you talking about? Hell yeah, I know more about the show than its creator does!
