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The Lair's Novelties

"From the moment I picked up your book until I laid it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it."
-Groucho Marx (1890 - 1977)

Since I'm obsessed with books, there seemed to be only one solution: make a page of your fav authors and the books they write. So, if you have a short attention span we'll get along fine because *gasps, holding hands to cheeks* so do I.

Laurell K. Hamilton is a cross genre author who writes about welll . . . the unusual. Vampires, werewolves, espionage, faeries -of the six-foot tall variety- you name it, this girl has plucked it from your brain, re-thought it out and written an entire novel on it. *taps temple* Not just a hat-rack. Anita Blake, her first series, consists of ten novels which get better with each page. Her second series is the Meredith Gentry series, also good, but I'm a little more attached to Anita. Anita's next adventure, including a deranged psychopath that's in love with her and one of the oldest vamps to walk the earth. It come's out April Fool's Day. Check it out!

Julia Quinn is, I must admit, a romance writer, though her work can only be described as wellll . . . hilarious, daring, hilarious, exciting, hilarious, passionate . . . did I mention HILARIOUS??? She's written eleven heart wrenching novels, all of which are amusing and move u to tears each and everytime you read them. Tears of joy or tears of sadness, her books are still number two on my list. Her most recent series is of the Bridgertons, a close-knit family of nine members and with each new addition, growing. Her newest book is like no other. And, let me tell you the laughter never stops. Her next book is an anthology entitled The Futher Observations of Lady Whistledown, off the basis of an intriguing character in her Bridgerton series. Do out Janurary 28. Definitely DEFINITELY recommended.

Charlaine Harris is mostly a mystery writer but now, has moved onto vampires and the occasional werebat. Her new series is about Sookie Stackhouse, a telepathic waitress living in Northern Louisiana. Vampires are now legally alive and don't happen to come around Bon Temps, Sookie's hometown, too often. Until one night. One of Sookie's customers is, apparently to her, dead. Bill -an uncommon name for a vampire, if you ask me- is not only different for his nightly blood drinking habits, but he's different, someone with whom Sookie would connect with. Who'da funk it?

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