News - Information:

             Best Times to Visit the Nature Park: 

             The nature park offers a pleasant nature experience all year round.

             However, there are special "seasons" where certain animals can be

             seen best:

                     Birds - April to July (mating and breeding season)

                     Butterflies - July to October 

                     Flowers and fruits of rare plants - May to August 



March 2009: 

A new species of mistletoe from the Maria Luisa Nature Park was scientifically identified:

The scientific name is: Amyema celebica (Tieghem) Danser

The species was identified by the authority on South-East Asian mistletoes, Dr Bryan Barlow.


February 2009: 

A species of firefly from the Maria Luisa Nature Park was scientifically identified:

The scientific name is:     Luciola infuscata Erichson

The species was identified by the authority on South-East Asian and Australian fireflies, Dr Lesley Ballantyne.

This firefly can be easily observed right after sunset. The females are also capable of flying. The larvae on the ground have also bioluminescence (glow worms).



Rare birds found in subdivision

(SunStar - Tuesday, July 15, 2008)